
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Life after Football...

The Superbowl has been linked to the main reason why people give up on their New Years Resolution(s).

Whether they win or they lose doesn't matter, because this event brings out the worst in people.

It's also the third most popular day for people to relapse, just behind Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Superbowl parties, disgruntled family reunions, mass food varieties, drinking and drugging brings out the binge in people.

If the Team loses in the Superbowl, or the family member won't let go of the past drives these people to their worst habits.

The problem starts with the person thinking that this time it's going to be different, and when it isn't, they don't have a counter plan, so failure is imminent.

You can't rely on other people to change, you have to expect the worse, and plan for that, but don't go in eyes closed, keep them open and engage with them.

If you don't change the present you won't be able to change the past, which in turn is your relapse in the future.

That is why Anger is you best defense in these situations, anger clarifies and prepares you for the inevitable.

Being humble is not the correct emotion to go into hostile situations with, because it leaves you weak and vulnerable and unable to control your responses.

That anger can be good for getting things done around the house now that football isn't on Every Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

You know, the times that everyone gave you your space to do what you want and to act a fool and get drunk with your buddies.

Don't feel regret because your team lost the Superbowl or that your game isn't on that day, because this is the time to get something done around the house.

A happy wife is a happy life can be trickled down to any situation that you may have at your place, even if you live alone, you can improve your surroundings with the time you have now.

Paint a wall, clean out that crawl space, tear up that carpet and put down tile or wood, finish the bathroom, clean the garage or just clean your house :-P

It's winter time and with daylight savings doubles the somber moods people feel in Winter because the days are cold and gloomy.

Brightening up your domicile improves your health mind-body and soul and improves the value of your home.

For you people with Kids, this is their crunch time at school. It's the final stretch to continuation or graduation, so get involved with their studies or get them prepared for their prom.

By doing all these things speeds up the days and before you know it, it will be football time again and everybody will be excited to come to your place now that you have improved your home.

Suppressing your anger with drugs and alcohol will only compound your problems.

Stop listening to talk radio shows. These morons only bring you down day after day, reminding you of the lost game, or the bad weather, or idiotic topics that just makes you upset and dumberer.

Buy a Rosetta CD and learn a new language instead of listening to moronic topics like, what was the worst thing you did when you were a kid.

This is negative reminders of what you are feeling already and does nothing to improve your quality of life.

In America for Example the Primary Language is English, but people are coming here refusing to learn English.

The lunch room is filled with people speaking their own language that you don't understand and they don't want you to, because they like that you aren't a part of their group.

They make you feel more uncomfortable than you should because you can't engage, but by learning a language gives you the advantage because now you can speak Two Languages to their one.

In order to improve your surroundings you'll need to lead by example which puts you back in charge and improves your chances of bettering your position/career.

Employers like it when employees are bilingual/trilingual...Quadlingual :-D, you'll never be able to learn all the languages, so pace yourself.

Remember, it's all just a game, and whether you win or lose isn't as important as just being able to play and before you know it, you won't be angry anymore...and that's a fact!

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