
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dogs and Hugs...

We would like to weigh in on this conversation about Dogs and Hugs and if they are angst by a person hugging them...

This is not a new study, it's just been regenerationalized because like most new generations they aren't taught of the old ways, or most likely they just don't listen...

Just like people, not everyone likes a hug, so why would dogs or any other animal be different than humans...

The study was done on the German Shepherd many years ago and was the dominant K9 species some 71 thousand years ago, and was found to be disturbed by this physical emotion...

sidenote: We too have noticed this higher anxiety in German Shepherds...

Studies have been done on many breeds thereafter, but the tests are not conclusive that all dogs fear the hug, and we can attest to this study, because we have tested many dogs ourselves...

To test on just any dog you come up to is just one type of test, because if the dog doesn't know you the results could be skewed, but is a test just the same to challenge all different scenarios...

However, with all the dogs we have tested and if you knew us, you would know why we have had this privilege of testing many dogs, we have found that dogs that are most familiar with you appreciate hugs more than those that are not...

sidenote: A better "Generalization" of this study would be to compare pure breeds to mixed breeds...

Example: One of our personal Dogs not only loves hugs, but will also close their eyes, shift their head to the right and walk into the hug everytime and won't let go until the hug is done...

So right there your theory just got trumped that all dogs don't like hugs, mind blown we're sure...

To say that if everyone smoked Marijuana they'd be happier is an asinine comment, and is more of a generalization done by someone that smokes marijuana...

With all due respect, the person that re-announced this dogs and hugs study probably didn't like hugs themselves and was more than likeley an introvert...

Animals have a keener instinct than humans and can sense you in an instant and will skew your results if you're just some scientist going up to a dog to test hugging without sensible emotion ...

All dogs know how to do is love, so to say that they don't like being loved back is someone that doesn't like to be loved themselves...

Not everyone loves dogs and not all dogs love you, so if this is the case, get a cat...and that's a fact!

Webroot Update...

YEAH! A customer has provided us a version of their Webroot software to test YEAH!

So we removed MSE and loaded Webroot and right away we had a problem, and that was the Spybot Anti-Beacon software that we had loaded on our system...

We are testing with a very modest Windows 7 32 bit machine, 4gb or ram, NVIDIA GT 740, ASUS P5QL VM-DO board (when they were good) and an Intel E8400 3.0 6mb cache dual Core CPU, if you didn't know, and because of the high CPU issue caused by Spybot Anti-Beacon we uninstalled it...

When testing you have to remove items in order to make sure that they are truly the problem or if it's a conflict with another program causing that program to fail...

The High CPU usage did go down, but it hasn't been as smooth of an experience as we've had with MSE and DW together...

We have loved the Marriage between DW and MSE and other than the now past problem with DW and dllhost error, we have always maintained low CPU and Memory functions...

Spybot Anti-Beacon is more effective for Windows 10 in our opinion due to the incredible amount of tracking that Microsoft has incorporated into that Operating System, so Windows 7 won't miss it as much as 10 would...

Currently we're running a little higher than we've been before on the CPU around 20-30% while watching videos opposed to the 10% that we had with MSE and DW...

Memory is also a bit higher running around 1.36gb opposed to 1.2gb, but has spiked a few times to 2.5gb and caused explorer to stop responding, was recoverable without IE closure, but there was an interruption and a refresh was all that was needed to recover the video...

The system has become more stable after what we would think was an updating process that programs go through, so more than likely it was just the initial install, but again, MSE and DW never experienced that problem at all...

We're keeping an eye on it and will update if we have any failures or we decide to bring back Spybot to start disabling telemetry services to see if that was the issue with the incredible 100% spike we experienced...

Chrome still insists on being problematic for us regardless of Webroot being installed or not, and doesn't play well with others, IE and Chrome opened together caused lag in the tabbed browsing...

sidenote: Chrome doesn't have to be open in order to experience lag in Tabbed Browsing...

We would also like to note that we are leaning toward DW on the lagged Tabbed Browsing for two reasons:

1. We have never experienced lag in Tab Browsing with Webroot, regardless of our limited experience with it...

2. We have experienced lag in Tab Browsing with DW before, but was an earlier problem with DW, but with the two together seems to bring this to the forefront again...


Tab Browsing is back to normal after continued use w/or w/out Chrome open, CPU has decreased to 10% while watching video, but memory is still a bit higher and now running at 1.5gb-1.79gb, but IE is stable...

CPU can fluctuate from 10% and will return to 20-30% and sometimes 40%, but IE is still stable and video performance is unaffected, but memory still at 1.79gb regardless of CPU drop/raise...


Second Reboot and 4 hours later watching Video, memory has stabilized at 1.14gb; CPU fluctuates from 0 - 30 % in video mode and 24% - 60% during advertisements, but stabilizes when video returns to 0 - 30%, but average CPU frequency stays primarily 14% and under and Tab Problem is gone...

We'd say that DW and Webroot are compatible...Next Test is to bring back Spybot Anti-Beacon...


Browsing web pages has gotten extremely difficult with the two programs loaded, not that it's easy to browse webpages anymore with the amount of ads they put in their webpages, but it's definitely painfully that :-D...

The slowness is most notable in tabbed browsing...

We need time to troubleshoot, but in the meantime for 32 bit, you'll need to make a choice, either stay with the cheaper faster solution of MSE and DW and stay reactive, or go Webroot and be proactive...


Well we have found the problem between DW and Webroot and the crashing of Google Chrome. Chrome is still a pig of a Browser with Resources, but it no longer crashes and tabbed browsing is fixed...

Jason Mraz - It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday...


We found a response from Webroot regarding DefenseWall...
Answer from support: "WSA and DefenseWall are both doing what they're designed to be doing. DefenseWall blocks communication with Webroots DLL's, so there is not much that Webroot can do. There is also no way to stop this in DW's options, so if you want to use DW and WSA together, you can't use the Web Shield."

What is Webshield for Webroot: "Blocks known threats encountered on the Internet and displays a warning. The Web shield maintains information on more than 200 million URLs and IP addresses to comprise the most accurate and comprehensive data available for classifying content and detecting malicious sites."

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kaspersky Safe Money Update...

In January we had a problem with Kaspersky's Safe Money program not fully protecting you while you were in your banking site online...

What we were told to do then was to add some servers to hosts.hst file and that fixed the problem...

Now advance to today...and we have installed Kaspersky on two systems that both had a problem...

Oh, we loaded Kaspersky on an aggressive users machine and we loaded their second license on our Windows 10 test machine FYI...

...yes we are still going with Webroot, but some users need Kaspersky...

The support ticket second tier support gave us the run around again try this, try that, okay try this again and try that again arrgghhh...

We came to find out they have a fix online that we found by accident...

You need to enable virtualization in your Bios in order to get your bank browser protected for screen shot vulnerabilities...

Look up your unit and type how to enter bios in XYZ machine, once there look for Virtualization Technology and choose "enable" reboot...

You may still have to load the alternate servers they supplied us with, if this doesn't fix the issue ...

On the test machine Virtualization was disabled, as for the other machine we used alternative servers in the hosts.hst file to make it work...

This should fix the issue, but if not you've always got Kaspersky to help you...

Good Luck and happy computing :-)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Micrsosoft Failures Continue...

Windows 10 had two updates that are/may be blue screening computers right now and causing connection problems to the Microsoft store and several programs are not working...

The problems "MANDATORY" updates are KB3147461 and KB3147458...

...we say mandatory, because you don't have a choice of what updates you can install, drivers, critical and optional all lumped together in one download session...

By default you don't update windows this way, you always do critical first then optional and never the drivers...

However, we have a system that we are setting dormant until each month is over to wait to hear if windows rolled out a bad egg because we know windows rolls out bad eggs...

This way we can test the updates on a system that isn't in production first before we roll them out onto the Production systems...

As for our production Windows 10 systems we have Windows Updates turned off, like we have done for years because we don't want our users struggling...

Windows 10 is not like other windows operating systems due to them forcing ALL updates onto your computer so why they are hard pressed to continue with the Patch Tuesday detail seems a little aggressive in our opinion...

Apple and Linux don't have updates that come out like that, so why are you doing it Microsoft...

Microsoft it's Vista 64 bit all over again, you need to stop listening to the voices of users and test your product before you send out your updates...

There is no reason for you to be pushing out updates like you're doing, none whatsoever, relax MS, and test your software updates first...

On our test machine the only update we didn't see was KB3147461, so we're going to assume that this was the update that waxed peoples system...

We loaded KB3147458 and we didn't have a problem, test system is running smooth...

We'll be upgrading our production systems one at a time or grouped based upon the system similarities until all are done so as not to have an Armageddon on our hands, you should think about doing the same thing...

Satya, if you were a cook and put out that many raw chickens to patrons, not only would you lose your job, but your business would be closed down either by the Health Department or Word of mouth, either way, you'd be screwed blued and tattooed kid...and that's a fact!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

It's funny you mention Routers...

There is a new toy for your toy box if you travel and want added security when you connect to public Wi-Fi networks...

Anonabox is an innovative hardware company focused on providing internet security, privacy and freedom for all users. Utilizing the Tor Network and additional VPN services, our affordable devices help to conceal web browsing, emails, file sharing, and other digital entrails that typically follow web activity...

I’m not the sort of person who needs anonymity most of the time, but there are occasions, especially when traveling, when I wish for a bit more privacy, and Anonabox Pro makes this easy, at a moment’s notice... Roger A. Grimes — Columnist

What does Tor mean: We're not sure and it's not clearly stated, but if you go biblical with it Tor means the Third Order Regular; Catholicism ideals, but more of a monastic or monk style of living...

What does Tor do:
Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than seven thousand relays to conceal a user's location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis...Wiki

Adding a Router to your home/work modem...

As you know we hate the Comcast modems and have had to add a router to our modem to get better performance out of it and better connections...

We eventually went with the D-Link DCM-301 to compliment our 4500 and improved the performance and reliability from the Comcast Arris modem...

Some friends of ours were experiencing the same issue with their Comcast modem, but couldn't afford an Expensive Router or the Surfboard modem to replace the crappy Comcast Modem, so we had to make what they had work the best it could with the resources that were available to us...

There is not just one way set it up and done scenario here and after investigating this for a few months we found a few different ways to make your browsing experience better and more secure...

Okay, so there are a few ways that you should/could setup your modem/routers...

Bridging the Home or Work modem is the preferred method, the only difference is which will serve as the DHCP server...

Our DLINK has great security in it and is much better than the Cable Home/Work modem so using the DLINK as the DHCP/Firewall is preferred, but you still bridge at the Cable Modem...

If you use DHCP on your Router, you'll need to turn off DHCP on your Modem because you CANNOT have two DHCP servers running on the same network regardless if you have different subnets or not...

Work Modems are typically better than Home modems so if you have a cheap Linksys router it's best to use the DHCP on the Cable Modem...

You can use the Linksys as the DHCP server if you want on your home network, but it's better to use the Work modem as the DHCP modem because it's better than the home modem...

Using the Cheap Linksys router is best to set it up as an Access point only, but you have to use the same subnet as the Cable Modem. You also have to either reserve or remove the Static IP that is given to the Linksys from the Cable Modem DHCP...

The Linksys access point SSID should be named differently than the Cable modem. This way you can have your underlings use this router while your preferred users use the Cable Modem SSID...

You can also use a different password than the Cable modem to keep them off of the Cable modem, plus it shares the load for Wireless connections so you can host more users...

DO NOT give any information to the Guest users because your still on the main subnet and can see whatever is shared, so a security issue...

With the DLINK we had to change the subnet and use a 192.168.xx.xx and 10.0.xx.xx on the Cable Modem, which is standard...

We had mass errors using the Same Subnet as the Cable modem and it would also disconnect very often, but once we changed to 192.168.xx.xx it ran much better....

Our DLINK is preferred to use an alternate Subnet and is setup that way with DLINK as well like that...

If your router has Wireless and is used as the DHCP you will have to disable the Wireless on the Cable Modem...

This was a fun exercise and we hope that you get some use out of it...


Well four days ago the DLINK freaked out :-D, not sure why, so we are trying something else...

When we bridged the Modem with the Router and used the Same IP, we found ourselves having to reconnect quite frequently and was why we switched the IP to 192.xx on the DLINK...

So we know that we can't go back to this configuration, so we are trying something a bit different, but kind of the same as one of the other solutions in this study...

What we did now is disable the bridge on the Cable Modem, we used the same IP as the Cable modem, we enabled the WiFi connections on both the cable modem and the router to create a load balancing...

When enabling two Wireless devices in the same environment it's best to have them on different channels, so we made DLINK channel 1 and Cable Modem Channel 6...

We also needed to keep the same IP on the DLINK as the cable modem because we couldn't get it to stay stable with alternate IP's nor would it go above 1Mbps, probably because we removed bridging...

We have split the Wireless users to 5 on the DLINK and 5 on the Cable Modem, but there is no doubt that the DLINK is the faster connection and most stable compared to the POS Cable Modem...

The Cable modem has frozen a few users while on SKYPE, but the DLINK has not interrupted once and has stayed connected at 48Mbps now for the last two days...

Still testing...

Chrome's High CPU Usage while Watching Videos...

This has been a problem since we had to install Chrome to watch our Colbert and have noticed a High CPU usage happening that kept crashing chrome...

The CPU would constantly be at 100% which is not good for your CPU, but we didn't care, because we needed our Colbert :-D...

sidenote: The reason we loaded chrome was to remove Adobe Flash due to all the zero day exploits they were experiencing lately...

Well we got motivated and did some research on the issue and found some good links that didn't solve the Problem...

The first one we found was for YouTube videos that we found that referenced vp8/9, no this is not a Vape pen :-D...

The vp stands for Video Compression and is used to compress videos to prevent long buffer times and less data used to provide a higher quality for your video...

Chromium, Chrome, Firefox and Opera are the only browsers that support vp9 and soon to be released will be vp10...

From what we read people are having issues with 4k and not so much 1080p, but where it gets interesting is that Video Cards don't yet support vp9...

Ironically enough, Internet Explorer is much better at decoding videos than chrome and is much smoother and w/out a High CPU usage...

There is a workaround in Chrome if you add h264/5 plugin to your Chrome browser by opening extensions under more tools or just typing chrome://extensions/ in your URL, then type h264/5 in your search field and choose add to chrome, that's it...

However, this didn't fix our issue, we just thought you might so we added it just for S/G's...

The problem we had was a Flash issue that is built into Chrome by default called pepflashplayer.dll and is found under plugins, just type chrome://plugins in your URL...

Once there click on the + sign in the top right corner to expand the details view and scroll down to Shockwave Flash and choose disable...

Now we don't have video and Chrome wants to install Adobe Flash in order to run, so we loaded Adobe Flash which we uninstalled because of the vulnerabilities and found out that it didn't run any better...

So then we Disabled DirectWrite, Disabled accelerated 2D canvas, Disabled hardware-accelerated video decode under chrome://flags and it didn't run any better...

We then went to settings and unchecked User Hardware acceleration when available under advanced settings and that didn't work...

So then we reset all settings restored factory settings and that didn't improve the CPU usage and didn't fix our problem with High CPU usage in Chrome...

sidenote: Yes we disabled our Malware Programs as well...

So we thought...and had an ah-haa moment and found the solution to the High CPU problem in Chrome while watching videos...

What we did was reinstalled flash from Adobe opened up Internet Explorer 11 and watched our video and discovered that the problem was Chrome :-D CPU Usage in IE...10%, CPU Usage in Chrome 75-100%...

We discovered that Chrome Sucks while watching Videos from any source while IE was smooth and never crashed...

We still have Chrome loaded on our system for faster browsing on websites because Chrome does browse faster than IE on certain websites...

It's also nice to have two browsers when you use multiple screens for researching so at least Chrome has some use for us...

Remember, all players have to play nowadays regardless if they suck, because it's not whether you win or lose anymore, it's about participation and participation awards, so Google here is your participation award :-D


5hVnz Monthly Double...

We don't do this very often, but in light of this we are going to make an exception...

We have a second song of the month tribute to the Waffle House...

Sturgill Simpson, Stephen Colbert, Jon Batiste and stay human introduce their brand-new Waffle House song, "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Knuckleheads"...

We approve this song and look forward to hearing it in the Waffle House Juke Box selection...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Apple vs. Microsoft...

...or should we say, Microsoft vs. Apple...

Believe it or not, but Microsoft doesn't have the best reputation, due to their bleeding edge approach towards technology...

Microsoft "PAVED" the way for companies like Google, Linux, Apple, Samsung, ASUS etc. etc. etc., but the media continually killed them...

Microsoft has always been horrible at marketing themselves, they relied on others to do that for them, but if you've lived long enough you'll know that you really can't rely on others...

They say that any press is good press, whether it be bad or good doesn't matter, because it's the exposure you're after, but "exposure" is the key element in Microsoft's failure...

See, Microsoft was at the butt end of all jokes about Data Exposure, and other people's data was exposed which made it personal for others and that's when the exception to the rule of, any press is bad press...

The thing of it is, Apple exposed more data in One year than Microsoft had done in it's entire existence up until 2000, but the media didn't report Apple, just Microsoft...

The other problem is nobody really knows who Microsoft is and what they do, because companies like HP, Intel, ASUS, ACER and any company that provided their software were the only ones that were known...

A lot of people don't even know what operating system they have on their computers or devices for the most part, just that it's an HP or the like, nothing about Microsoft...

An example of this is Samsung's Galaxy phone, women don't know don't care who makes the phone, they just know it by Galaxy due to Samsung's gift of marketing and phone reliability...

Samsung phones are second to none in the industry and have the best reputation for reliability and features like waterproof phones...

Women have to be protected from themselves because everyone by now has seen the video of the woman walking into the fountain while looking at her phone while walking...

The woman was embarrassed to say the least, but adding insult to injury by not having a waterproof phone is key in Samsung's approach to technology...

Women don't care about security as much as men do and why should they, men are always there to open the door for them, stand up for them and Samsung has now laid the proverbial jacket across the water puddle for them with the waterproof phone...

example: Stacey Konwiser Zookeeper mauled to death by tiger broke zoo rules...

Plus the Apple phone with it's finger print scanner is getting bad press due to the mechanics and the grease they get on their hands...

Mechanics that work on engines get grease on their hands and when they try to use the finger print scanner they can't, because their fingers are all greasy, which is frustrating for a person and women hear that...

Women don't know or care about what operating system is on the phone, they just like the attention that Samsung is getting for their devices and they hear that...

However, remember that Women's pockets are smaller than Men's pockets, so the iPhone is still more appealing than the Galaxy because it doesn't stick out as much ;-)

Google with their eagerness to get market share from app developers have exposed their phone to more threats than any phone on the market, but again, WOMEN DON'T CARE, they just want what's trendy...

Plus Samsung doesn't have all the drama that Apple and Microsoft have hanging over their head because they know how to build a product and they have many of them...

Why Microsoft hasn't partnered up with Samsung for their phones is another failure of Microsoft's and regardless of Microsoft requiring proprietary hardware for their software is a moot point right now because Windows 10 doesn't require it just yet...


Satya Nadella is a left brained thinker that has his head stuck in the clouds and calls himself a CEO, but doesn't have the ability to see past his server room...

The cloud is just a server that stores your data remotely, which is good, but more of a glorified backup solution with a limited revenue stream...

They're putting so much money into their Azure product, but will never recover the value out of all the money and resources they are putting into it because they're not the first person to do it...

There are thousands of companies out there that offer cloud storage and they offer it with more data storage and for free and unfortunately that's all people are motivated by...

People have locks on their houses, they have alarms to protect their property, they have people watch their homes when they are away and we have a police force that protects them as well, but with data, they just willy nilly give it to the lowest bidder without giving it a second thought...

Most people have no idea what a cloud service is and what it does, but they don't care until they need it and that might never happen, and if it does, will you be able to retrieve it, will anyone be able to retrieve it, will anybody be there to retrieve it from...

After reading about and using Windows 10 we see that it's not that big of an advancement in technology for Microsoft, it's more of a cross platform Desktop than a marvel in technology...

It's still built on x86 technology which dates back to the 70's and their CPU partner Intel can't seem to compete with Qualcomm and are now laying off employees due to lost revenue...

We wanted Meg Whitman to succeed, but HPE stock is flatlining right now and we knew it would because all HP does is resell other people's product, they're a glorified reseller with a  Woman from Harvard that has no right being in the Technology world because she has no vision for it...

It's a Portable world now and Microsoft just doesn't get it and are trying to chain you to your desk again and hoping and praying on lightning striking twice for them, but it's not going too...

All Apple has to do is improve upon their Enterprise which they are doing right now and add touchscreen technology to their Macintosh software and that's it...

More women are getting into the business world, and women like Apple more than they do Microsoft, because more women own iPhone's than windows phones, because Microsoft only has two phones to choose from and Apple :-D a million of them...

Microsoft also gave Apple a leg up by giving them Microsoft Office, so now Apple is business ready and while Satya has his head in the clouds Apple is going to fly under the radar and soon enough will pop up on their screen and Microsoft will say, where did they come from...

Women are more artistic and more organized than most men and Apple is very organized and is designed for the artistic person, so what did you think Microsoft, did you think Apple was just gonna roll over and die...

clarification: Men and Women are not better or worse than one another they're just different and because of that difference are we able to compliment one another...

Apple blows Microsoft away when it comes to marketing and their product sells itself, all you have to do is set it on a table and people will start bidding instantly for it, but Microsoft products are confusing because they think it's either a cheap ass Dell or an Expensive ass Gaming machine and they don't want either one...

The gaming market is a Billion dollar industry, but they're only 10% of the market, the rest are business minded people that play in a Muti-Trillion Dollar Corporate industry and growing everyday...

Now Microsoft is dumping Xbox 360 which was their most popular gaming device because it rewarded people for playing it, but now Xbox One is just another box that has a dollar bill slot on it in order to play it...

Apple owns the Music industry, portable industry, graphics design and movie industry and the gaming industry...

It just makes more sense to go Apple then it would Microsoft for the future and as sad as it is for us to say that, it's a fact!


Microsoft lost nearly $30 billion in market value Friday after a shortfall in revenues...

Have you ever been so close to the problem that you just can't see the solution...well that is exactly where Microsoft is at right now...

You've gotta be outside looking in sometimes in order to fix what you can't see what's right in front of your face...and that's a fact!


Carl Icahn pulls out all his shares in Apple due to a drop in their quarterly!

We told you last year that we saw a decline in Phone sales with Apple, but it's not just Apple, it's everyone...

The Market is flooded with Cell Phones and sure it was fun for awhile to stay up with the Kardashians (Jones Evolved) purchasing envy, but like all devices, they come into their own and people are now starting to love their device again...

Carl Icahn is a bottom feeder, a drum fish if you will that aggregates the market with his rhetoric and creates controversy so he can buy low and sell high, he's an investor and that's what investors do, they feed off of misery, the Gordon Gecko of the Underworld type...

He doesn't create, he destroys and knows nothing of employee pride and Apple is all about pride, from it's employees and their followers...

Carl is still upset that Michael Dell and Silver Lake refused to kneel to him and take the company Public...

The time that we are in with computers is reflection and software integration, a calm before the storm if you will...

Microsoft and Apple are what companies looks like at Maturity and are long term Stocks now, so if it's a rush you're looking for, take a look at the startups for the fast grab cash getaways...

Google hasn't even hit puberty yet, but they'll offer you that rush you're looking for and/or a possible STD...

Do you know the difference between the 1% and the 99%...the 1% don't have anyone they can turn to...and that's a fact!


Like we were saying...

It is, however, good news for Apple, considering that the company now has a very large platform for iOS, with clear optimization for iPhone and iPad hardware. That has resulted in enthusiastic Enterprise adoption. In its last earnings call, Apple noted that "the latest data published by IDC indicates that iPad accounts for 72% of the U.S. commercial tablet market, comprising business, government, and education."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

5hVnz Conspiracy Theory...

Something came to us that was revealing and we thought could very easily be done, but doesn't mean it's being done, it's just a theory...

What if these online retailers like Amazon setup shell accounts to undersell their customers...

All they would have to do is warehouse products that are sold from their vendors in their own warehouses and shipped out under the shell accounts...

The retailers could monitor the best selling products with the most profit for example and then undersell them...

The 3rd party might see a drop in sales and may not even know or care why the sales dropped, just as long as they still see sales on their products...

Even if the company left the Online Retailer wouldn't matter and would be better for the online retailer because now they have the customer and they have removed competition, sort of speak...

We're not saying this is happening, but it was a revealing thought that came to us and we have learned not to ignore these visions we see...

The question is, how do you go about auditing the online retailer...

That's where your magic takes over, so have fun with it, if anything, it's just an application that produces transparency from the online retailer and removes all doubt for the 3rd party seller...

Remember, this is only a theory...

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Webroot Update...

Webroot Internet Security plus has one feature that the other two don't have, and that is the "Online Activity Monitoring" feature...

The Single user license Antivirus product for 39.99 is for the casual browser, but we argue that there is no such thing as a "Casual" browser anymore due to the "Browser Based Attack"...

Just clicking for a restaurant to go to can send you to a bad link, and if you aren't fully protected, the AV product will be inadequate...

It's understandable to be hesitant on buying 5 user licenses when you only need one and the other features of the 25gb data storage and the Quirky Toolbar are throw-ins to justify the higher price, but it's still a better value than the other two products...

sidenote: This software is Cross Platform, so one purchase of 5 licenses would be able to load on your Smartphone (Apple/Android/Microsoft) Macintosh, PC doesn't matter...

This takes us into the next concern about the product which is the renewal price...

Webroot has confirmed that they will honor the lower price of 59.99 for as long as you own the product as long as you "CONTACT THEM TO RENEW"...

If you don't, the product will Auto Renew at the higher price, but you can stop that by going to this link: or you could purchase in 1-2 or 3 year license at an even better value...

We also confirmed that if in case you didn't opt out of the Auto Renewal and renewed manually you wouldn't be double billed regardless if you renewed on, before or after the renewal date because your license will show that you have already renewed...

We HIGHLY recommend you buying the Internet Security Plus regardless of the two features that are not needed (25gb Data Storage or Toolbar) for the Online Activity Monitoring feature...

sidenote: Microsoft OneDrive provides 30gb for free, Google Drive provides 15gb for free and Apple iCloud provide 5gb for free...

You could gift the other licenses to friends or family, or you can group together 5 people to split the purchase, but only one person will be on the hook for the renewal for everyone every year which we told Webroot isn't the best solution for that user...

Economically speaking it's not in the best interest for Webroot to add the Online Activity monitoring feature to the AV product because it would take away sales from the ISC product, which in our opinion is the Corporate Greed Factor that all companies seem to be plagued with...

In the Big Picture it's still a far better value than Kaspersky or any other product that is on the market, but Kaspersky is still the #1 product on the market, so the decision comes to preference, but rest assured that Webroot is the best alternative to Kaspersky for Value and Protection...

Remember, if you are reckless on the internet it won't matter if you have the best software loaded on your computer/device...and that's a fact!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

DefenseWall Update...

Latest Beta Release for prevention of the 50% dllhost issue...

Latest Update:


 How to install:
  1. Download the patch and save to a folder named DW Patch #10
  2. Unzip File to same folder.
  3. Disable HIPS until restart.
  3. Copy and Paste unzipped dwall.sys file to C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder "copy and   replace"
  4. Restart

5hVnz Song of the Month...

The Drug Cartels destroyed America and created a racial divide worldwide...and that's a fact!

Tim Mcgraw - I miss Back When

The New Cartels...

FDA approves Movantik for opioid-induced constipation...

FDA approves new hand-held auto-injector to reverse opioid overdose...

FDA approves opioid analgesic to help cancer patients manage pain...

FDA’s Efforts to Address the Misuse and Abuse of Opioids...

The FDA learned from the Drug Cartels that if you get them hooked they'll keep coming back for more.

However, they've evolved and realized that you can't make any money off a dead person, so they created a rehab center...

sidenote: The Goal...Rehab, Relapse, Rehab, Relapse, Rehab, Relapse... ;-)

Seattle created a free needle exchange and a safe shoot up zone :-D, they're not the first to do this, and they won't be the last...

Population Control with a Profit 101...


Well by now we're sure you have heard about the passing of Prince Rogers Nelson internationally known just as "PRINCE"...

TMZ has reported and they are usually right, that Prince died of a Percocet overdose which was prescribed to him by a doctor for his pain from a Hip Replacement in 2010...

Percocet is the synthetic version of Opioids and are HIGHLY addictive and have been "approved" by the FDA...

"Prince scored dozens of top 40 hits throughout his career and sold more than 100 million records worldwide. Then there's the potential windfall from the famed "vault" of unreleased material housed at Paisley Park...

"There's tremendous value there," said Martin Neumann, an estate planning lawyer and partner at the Los Angeles firm Weinstock Manion...

Population Control with a Profit 101...

...the million dollar question here is how did he continue to get Percocet...

when doves cry...

Born: Jun 07, 1958 and will Live Forever...

Friday, April 8, 2016

Say it ain't so, say it ain't so...

Satya Nadella the CEO of Microsoft :-, has been quoted saying that they aren't working on a Surface phone right now, which is fine, but are you at least coming out with something better than what you have currently?

Are we stuck with an underrated microprocessor, poor battery life, lack luster camera, limited memory cell phone...


We're on the fence with this decision from MS? Satya? Bill? D. All the Above ;-) because we've seen what happens when Microsoft is rushed, "Millennium, 2000 Vista 64 bit and 8...

Take as long as you need MS, but you have got to step up your game a bit on the current...prototype :-D

Work out a deal with Intel and get away from is it ;-) and put in the Mmmmmm...

sidenote: If the Surface Phone is coming out next year, start the beta now...what'ya think Android is ;-)

COME ON Microsoft, everybody knows you lost the phone market, it's no secret shhh :-D, but you have to support your loyal users...

Throwing a bone to the dogs and putting them outside isn't the way you treat your customers, especially you Microsoft, because you owe the most...

There's two types of people, multitaskers and people that stop multitaskers from multitasking...

We see Satya as a stop multitaskers from multitasking kind of person, which would explain his inability to follow a negative with a positive...

example: YOU'RE LATE...but I like your shirt...

Remember, just because you do more than anyone else does, won't be enough, if you can't do what's asked of you...and that's a fact!


We love validation, and the Seattle Times has done just that...

High-profile companies like American Airlines, Chase Bank, and popular finance- tracking service Mint have pulled their applications from Windows smartphones...

Microsoft's Satya Nadella thinks that by tethering you to your computer will be the future of mobility as long as they provide a "Phone App"...

"A Windows 10 feature called Continuum converts a smartphone’s interface into a limited PC-style desktop view when plugged into a keyboard and monitor. The tool envisions the time when small, portable processors can handle all of the tasks people now associate with a desktop computer"

Microsoft's Vision of Mobility...

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Webroot Update...

We are moving forward with Webroot as our New Malware Solution...

Updating our networks and individuals with Webroot and DefenseWall only...

We're currently running MSE and DW but don't recommend anyone else do it, go to Webroot as soon as you can afford it...

DefenseWall is compatible with Webroot and is complimentary, but DW only works in 32 bit for now which a lot of people don't have...

64 bit is what's used primarily these days and DefenseWall 64 is still pending...

We are closer to solving the dllhost 50% error and current (beta) build is holding steady...

We'll upgrade to Webroot as soon as someone gives us a license, so for now we'll be reactive, but you can be proactive by upgrading to Webroot TODAY!!!

Webroot SecureAnywhere® Internet Security Complete...

sidenote: You need to uninstall your current malware program before installing Webroot. Do not enable the Webroot Toolbar NO TOOLBARS FOR IE EVER!!! We read it's just a password vault...

Encryption is something we're dabbling with, but nothing definitive yet for PC for us, we are currently testing VeraCrypt

Disk Cleanup and CCleaner are still approved for cleaning up your system, disk cleanup will remove your Windows 7 or 8 recovery option if you upgraded to Windows 10...

In other words if you run Disk Cleanup you'll remove your opportunity to go back to whatever you upgraded from if Windows 10 doesn't work out for you...

Do not use MSE with Webroot, they're not compatible with one another, as a matter of fact do not use MSE AT ALL!!!

sidenote: Goodbye MBAM, yes uninstall Malwarebytes. You need to contact in order to cancel the automatic payment on your Credit Card.

Learn how to secure your browsers because by design they are wide open, so find some instructional videos for the browser you use...

You should have a battery backup on your computer and should be left on 2 weeks at a time, and always clean your system before rebooting with CCleaner and or Disk Cleanup...

Happy Computing...