
Sunday, March 29, 2020

5hVnz Quote of the Day...

There's a quote going around the internet that's being used to describe the end of the world...

Lately there have been some historical events happening all conveniently together, one with the Locusts in Africa, Fires in Australia and of course the epidemic that's going around they're calling Covid19...

You can't be half pregnant just like you can't have a sort of prophecy, so the fires in Australia don't coincide with holding back the rain...

Holding back the rain implies to drought, with drought your crops won't grow which leaves people hungry, not on fire, so that takes the apocalypses out of equation...

We also get a kick out people that pick a verse out of the hat without any regard to the derivation of the sources...

We also get a kick out of people that leave out the part of the prophecy to emphasize a point they are trying to make...

The quote that is being passed around is:

People's Interpretation: "Whenever I hold back the rain or send locusts to eat up the crops or send an epidemic on my people" 

That's it, then they follow up with, we're living in our last days, like in less than a week we'll all perish from the earth, lol...

2 Chronicles 7:13-15 13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, all humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there."

Chronicles typically doesn't hold much merit due to the fact that it lacks any real depth or meaning and is focused on confusion and destruction...

We're quite aware that there are people out there that are hell bent on confusion and the destruction on and to others, but their numbers are few...

Even though their voice may seem loud, it shutters by comparison to the masses who's voices are louder and clearer...and that's a fact!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Making Money out of Thin Air...

The United States is putting out 2 Trillion dollars by printing out money from a printer thinking that money solves all problems...

This is the dumbest idea they could possibly do, just like giving money to a drug user, all they'll do is use it for drugs...

You're all being fooled by this so called "Pandemic" they call Covid19, and you're all falling for every trick hook line and sinker...

Let's look at a few things here...

Donald Trump said, he wants to weaken the American Dollar to help US Exporters, and what better way to do this then to dump 2 Trillion dollars in phony money into our economy...

Now, how do we create a reason to why we need to dump a bunch of monopoly money into the economy, hmmm, we need a disaster of epic proportions...

War is too dangerous and the outcomes are too unpredictable, but a Pandemic can be controlled...

Big Pharma, John Hopkins University and Bill Gates get together and create a mock up of what would happen in a Pandemic just two months before Covid19 hits...

Big Pharma puts out a this comment: "Private Pharmaceutical firms simply will not prioritize a vaccine or other countermeasure for a future public health emergency until it's profitability is assured" and a number is agreed upon...2 Trillion Dollars...

Just a little tip, the coronavirus has been around for centuries, if they haven't come up with a cure yet it doesn't look like they'll be coming up with one anytime soon, so you might as well put away your checkbook...

It's called a "Stress Test"  it's a way to test the stability of the network to determine where and when it's going to break...

They have created a Social Experiment on what would happen in the case of a "Real" Epidemic and society has failed miserably...

Now the Government as usual thinks by throwing enough money at a problem it will go away, but as you can see by the climbing numbers of homeless in our cities it doesn't work...

The Homeless population is by far the biggest threat for this social experiment due to the elements they subject "themselves" too...

The way to fixing this problem is by stopping all creditors from collecting on payments owed, stopping all debt payments, rent, car payments, electricity, water etc etc etc stopped until the smoke screen clears...

Now the next problem is that they haven't diagnosed the problem correctly, the only thing that is happening is the Hantavirus which has the same symptoms as the Covid19...

This makes more sense considering that the places that got hit first in the US were Ports...

You have to keep in mind these containers that come from China and other places are not cleaned properly if at all so when they dropped off these containers the Hantavirus was on everything...

Then in order to spread it further you put the infected boxes on trucks and have them shipped to different cities where people touch them and continue the infection...

Not everyone that comes in contact with a so called Covid19 person contracts the virus, which they determined is a mouth to mouth transmission...

The Hantavirus isn't transmitted by mouth to mouth which explains why they haven't all been infected...

Now the numbers they are creating saying that people are dying of Covid19 are another tactic of making it look worse then it is...

At this point to make their point they're just going to attach a Covid19 tag to you regardless of what you really died of just to make this look bigger than it really is...

Then let the media have it to put their spin on it and away it goes...

Hantavirus just like Covid19 doesn't have a vaccine to prevent it, you need care that you can't get from a hospital...

Believe it or not, we had the same problem in our town, people were getting sick and going to the hospital and only getting sicker because they were misdiagnosing the problem...

Finally after they couldn't convince the hospitals they were wrong with their prognosis the tribes got together and agreed that what they were getting sick from was the Hantavirus and they came up with their own homeopathic remedy and fixed it...

We say this because China just tested 23 people and instead of Covid19 like Big Pharma wants you to believe, it turned out to be Hantavirus, in China where the so called Covid19 epidemic started...

Now the clincher, this stimulus package that they are putting together includes a check for the public, a meager offering for the 1,000's of dollars many employees are losing...

This is just hush money for the public, and as soon as you cash the check, you'll be a co-conspirator and then they got ya, hook line and sinker...

What's really sad, is that businesses have only been shut down for a week and they're already fearful that this will destroy them...

Not only are employees living check to check, but most businesses are too and that tells you how fragile our economy is...

America is broke and not only that, they're 23 Trillion dollars in debt and they're going to write a hot check, their country can't cash...

Still error on the side of caution while you have the extra time on your hands to clean your, business, home or tent for that matter...

If anything, it will make people feel better if they think you're doing your part by cleaning up and social distancing yourself...

Stop panicking, stop buying tons of Toilet Paper, stop shoving everything down your toilet and start being a part of something bigger than yourself by helping one another, you'll feel better and before you know it, this too shall pass...and that's a fact!


BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Kourtney Kardashian has quit the KUWTK episodes, oh the humanity, it's quite possible a sign of the end of the world as we know it, whatever shall we do...

Thursday, March 19, 2020

5hVnz Song of the Month...

A Man who's name is introduction enough...

Elvis Presley - If I Can Dream...

We've been thinking about this particular post for sometime and as we sit here, we still can't put the thoughts we have into print without sounding hypocritical...

Look men, go out and discover who you are on your own and figure out how to do it, on your own...

Yesterday is history and tomorrow's a mystery, so all we got is today...

One Day at a Time, One Step at a Time, you owe it to yourself men, so go out and start living...

You've lost your way, but if you can still dream, you can redeem your soul and fly once again...and that's a fact!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

5hVnz Quote of the Day...

“The time to buy is when there’s blood in the Streets.”...Baron Abraham Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild

The time to buy into the Stock Market is when it's at it's lowest, the reason being is simple, it's cheap enough to buy in...

There are some really good stocks out there that have come available once again, don't waste any time and jump onto that stock before it goes back up...

Since we're on the subject we're sensing something in the market...

Windows 7 has come to an end, the hardware running it is not compatible with the software that's on the market today and the hardware is old and needs to be retired that's been running that Windows 7 OS...

We ourselves are in need of an upgrade, the old ASUS board is starting to show it's age after 11 or so years...

To be honest with you we can't believe it lasted this long, but it did, so thanks ASUS...

Give credit where credit is due is what we say, and we had some bad luck with ASUS with a few of their boards, but we had some good luck with their boards as well, so give credit where credit is due...

We're looking at two boards right now, ASUS and MSI, but we're only looking at ONE CPU...

Intel has the best Processor out right now for Gaming, but AMD has alot more CPU's out there that are better than the rest of the Intel CPU's they have out there and that's a change...

The RYZEN processor has come along way and that's what we got our eye on...

Gaming is becoming very popular again with the advent of 2-4k monitors, and now the game is
becoming better to look at while playing in real time...

People are being able to turn up all their settings with 240 frames per second moving towards 340 frames per second with 360hz...

ASUS ROG Swift...

We see something else right now also, and that is with the end of Window 7 the market is WIDE OPEN...

We're going to start playing with different distros of Linux, in fact we already started with Ubuntu, just to see how it worked on this current board, was just fine, with the exception of the Wireless Card of course...

11 Reasons to use Linux...

Ubuntu did not have a driver for our Wireless card, but we didn't care, we're just messing around right now so we'll cross that bridge when we get there...

We don't like Mozilla and not a big fan of Chrome, so that is the the main reason we don't want to go to Linux...

We've liked the Windows version of Edge for Windows 7 to be honest with you, it gave us what we were missing in Chrome and what we needed from IE...

Browsers for Linux...

We knew cloud computing would become the future of Computers, we fought it obviously because all their goal was to gain access to your data...

So now it's not about the OS, it's about security and marketing...

If you can make yourself sound secure, compatible with a tantalizing visual coupled with the right vocabulary, well as they say, you'll have something better than yoohoo...

It should be interesting considering where the market is today and the fact we're on the front end of a Pandemic, but that's life, nobody said it would be easy...and that's a fact!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Hand Sanitizer...

We've noticed that if there isn't a cancer causing component in either foods or products the FDA won't approve it...

The Hand Sanitizers that are on the market today have an active ingredient in it that causes problems with your Thyroid and is a risk of causing cancer...

The chemical is called Triclosan and is in most of the Hand Sanitizers that are on the market today and will weaken your immune system, which is exactly what the Coronavirus wants...

So while you're trying to be safe from Coronavirus, you'll just be trading one problem for another...

Not only that, but it will dry out your hands causing them to crack which will open up your skin making it vulnerable to attracting viruses just by touching surfaces, regardless of touching your face...

So that's the problem, but here is the solution:

Make your own Hand Sanitizer:

8oz Bottle of Aloe
1 Tbsp 70-90% Alcohol
1/2 tsp vegetable Glycerin or Vitamin E oil
10-20 drops Tea Tree Oil
10-20 drops cinnamon oil
Peppermint or spearmint oil - enough to eliminate the medicine/alcohol smell or if you prefer citrus you could use orange essential oil

sidenote: If you use citrus for your essential oils, you'll need to use glass. Citrus etches plastic...

For Smaller Batches
1 Tsp 70-90% Alcohol
3 Tbsp Aloe
1 tsp veggie glycerin or vita E oil
2 drops Tea Tree oil
3 drops cinnamon

sidenote: Only use Plastic Bottles. If you can't find isopropyl alcohol you'll be able to find Everclear (190 proof = 95% alcohol) 

There are other anti-microbial oils that you can use: Lavender, Thyme, Peppermint, Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Eucalyptus or Thieves blend (found in any health food store)

Like any hand sanitizer, if you continue to use this w/out washing hands every so often it will produce a build up and get kinda sticky.

Also remember, sanitizers are only to be used sporadically, trick to staying cleaner is to wash your hands as often as possible...

Old Saying time: "The Solution to Pollution is Dilution"

You'll also need to get some lotion to keep your hands from getting too dry...

Even washing your hands as often as you're going to be can dry out your hands so protect yourself...

Pay attention to the CDC warnings, don't freak out and you'll be just fine...and that's a fact!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

What Was That...

The New Lotus Eviya has put fans inside the Fender of their new car to help circulate the air...hmm where have we heard that before...oh yeah, right here:

Build chambers that have a bunch of little fans...

Although our idea was not exact it did touch on the some of the elements we did see for fan technology...

The placement of the fan was spot on, one of the needs was pointed out about forcing air into front of the car...

So some of the elements are there and who's to say, more won't come out of it...

Visions are hard to recognize sometimes the use they are for, and that is why it's important for you visionaries to surround yourself with people that can make practical sense of what you're seeing...

Honestly it's why we blog them out, because we know it's a good idea, we would just hate to see it go to waste...

The toughest thing a visionary endures, is not being believed, being believed that the idea is a good idea, and being believed that they saw the idea long before it became real...

As they say, don't give up on your dreams because one day they'll become a reality...and that's a fact!

How to Adjust to Time Change...

This post is for that ridiculous procedure we still do by changing time for Spring and for Fall, notoriously named Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time changes...

Daylight Savings time is done in the Spring on the Second Sunday in March and Standard Time change is done in the Fall on the First Sunday in November...

The only reason we do this still is for revenue, they know that it messes with peoples internal systems and know that people will make mistakes they normally wouldn't do...

Put it this way, if cars were fully autonomous today, there wouldn't be a need to change time, because it wouldn't matter if people fell asleep behind the wheel or not...

The good news is that 7 states have approved legislation to make daylight saving time permanent, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Nevada, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington...

Also, Alaska, California, Iowa, Massachusetts, Texas, Utah and Vermont have introduced legislation to make changes to how they observe Daylight Savings Time...

New England is proposing a workaround by using a year-round Atlantic Standard Time (AST) a time zone one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time if they succeed will not have to put it to a vote to congress...

Other states like Texas want permanent Standard Time instead of Daylight Savings Time...

Other states Delaware and Oregon for example would require other states to change with them or they won't change...

This is one of those conversations that get caught up in what if's, and the only thing that ever comes out of what if's, is what if...

Look whatever "Time Zone" you want, pick it and stick with it and call it a day already...

Now, how to adjust to the time change...

Your body clock is still on the old time, just because the time is an hour ahead of what it used to be the day before doesn't matter, you need to stay on that time, so go to bed 1 hour later than what the time says it is...

So if the clock says, 10:00, go to bed at 11:00...

Then on Monday go to bed one hour earlier than what the clock says, so if the clock says, 10:00 go to bed at 9:00...

Tuesday night go to bed at your regular time using the new time schedule, so if the clock says 10:00, go to bed guessed it, 10:00...

You'll wake up refreshed and ready to go on Wednesday and the rest of your week will be back to normal...

Now if we don't make time change a thing of the past in the Fall you'll need to reverse these steps...

If the clock says, 10:00 on the first night of the new change you'll go to bed at 9:00...

Monday you'll stay up one hour later, so if the clock says 10:00 you'll go to bed at 11:00...

Tuesday Night go to bed at your regular time using the new time schedule, yep you guessed it, 10:00 is 10:00 and Wednesday you'll wake up refreshed...

Adjusting your sleeping patterns will also help your pets get adjusted to the time change as well, because as we know they go through the same struggles as we do with the time adjustment...