
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th of July...

 Happy 243rd Birthday to the United States of America!
This day means something different to everyone although it doesn't have to be if you just pay attention to the facts...

Simply put, "The colonies were upset because they had no real representation in the House of Commons. The British government imposed taxes on tea, stamps etc. In addition, they imposed various taxes on trade. The northern colonies were manufacturers and seamen. The southern colonies had trade and it was with England. In addition, the British government tried to offset their cost from the French and Indian War on the backs of the colonies. But the main point was taxation without representation. No one wants to pay taxes without having a say."

Now that you know the facts why don't you get out there and have some fun, while you still can...

We'd also like to give a shout out to the Thirteen Colonies that stood up for us in our time of need and the sacrifices they endured...

This design of the flag got official status in the Flag Resolution of 1777. This resolution was passed by the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. The resolution stated: "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation." Hence, the flag design comprised thirteen alternating red and white stripes with a circle of thirteen stars representing the thirteen colonies on a bed of hemp, the material the first American flag was made out of. The circle of stars was borne on a blue canton.

Be it Betsy Ross or Francis Hopkinson, the legends and myths surrounding who designed the first American flag adds to the intrigue of the American history. This aspect of the first American flag history may be difficult to solve. Nevertheless, history and symbolism of the American flag highlights the fact that it represents the untiring spirit of a nation to stand for its rights and beliefs. represents the untiring spirit of a nation to stand for its rights and beliefs...

There are a handful of people that have come out against our American Flag and that is their God given right and the right of the 1st amendment that gives them that right...

However, the narrative they are creating is a history they choose to remember and not the history of what that flag represents...

A history of our nation may be good bad or indifferent as with the history of every nation in this World, but the fact remains, it's history and should never be forgotten or removed...

This is our American Flag and the same flag that gives you the right to speak your mind regardless of the content so be thankful for that...

It has evolved since then, but it still represents the tumultuous time that our nation and its people struggled against and will never be forgotten or removed from our History...and that's a fact!

Monday, July 1, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" is a song written by English singer Elton John and his lyricist Bernie Taupin. It was originally recorded in 1974 by Elton John for his studio album Caribou and was released as a single that peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and reached number 16 on the UK Singles Chart. The song found further success in 1991 in a live cover version recorded as a duet between John and George Michael, which reached number one in the UK and US.

The roots of the collaboration trace back to March 13, 1985, when John presented Michael with the songwriter of the year honor at the Ivor Novello Awards in London. They became fast friends and soon began contributing to each other's albums. In July of that year, they first performed "Sun" together at Live Aid.

Michael was born to a non-musical family in Bushley, Hertfordshire, England on June 25th, 1963. He wisely chose to change his name from Georgios Panayiotou to George Michael after his band Wham! started to gain popularity.

As you've noticed we have taken a personal interest in this particular individual and even bypassing our monthly song of the month...

A 1/3 of the way through the month we thought about putting up a song of the month, but it wouldn't be fair to George...

It wasn't until recently when we heard the song "Careless Whisper" on the radio is when our interest grew about George Michael...

It wasn't even the whole song that got our interest, it's towards the ending of the song where he lifts his voice on these lyrics:

Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say
We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But no one's gonna dance with me
Please stay

WOW, it's been so long since we've heard a voice like that and now it's gone...

It's also been a long time since we've heard lyrics that were this well thought out and written with such substance...

Then we heard "White Light" and realized that we had forgotten about George Michael, and that made us sad...

George Michael said that the only way to get noticed in America was to constantly promote yourself on TV and coincidentally enough was one of the reasons he left America...

Americans had forgotten about him, we had forgotten about him and for some reason feel that what we've done here this month was a way to catch up with the time we lost with him...

It wasn't until we noticed the Venue he filled with his shows in London that this statement resonated with us...he was loved, beloved, honored, respected and definitely remembered...

George Michael loved England and England Loved George Michael...

This also makes us sad, because on December 25th 2016 George Michael died of natural causes alone in his home...

To us this is the most tragic end to someone that was adored by so many to just die alone without any one there to hold his hand, or to know what he might have said before he died, or just knowing that someone out of all the millions was there to comfort him...

Fadi Fawaz you weren't there for him in his time of need and coincidentally enough George is not here for you in your time of need because he didn't leave you anything and what you're doing now is self-loathing in the guilt you have and in the process destroying a Man's legacy while causing further pain to his True Family...

You may feel loss, you may feel pain and the family recognizes this and is why they've agreed to pay you millions of dollars for you to just leave, so take the money and leave...

Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou aka George Michael, isn't yours Fadi Fawaz he's all of ours and it's time you allow him, us and his family to rest in peace by freeing him, let him go, but your memories as well as all of our memories of him are ours and that can't be taken from you...and that's a fact!

Elton John / George Michael - Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me (Live Aid 1985)...PURE...

                                                                YOU'RE FREE...