Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Educational Talk Cont...

Recently the Teachers have gone on strike because the Govt. is refusing to pay them, yet we find that hard to believe because "ALL" politicians "PROMISE" to fund education.

...yet they went on strike anyway, guess the politicians lied...again!

Instead of funding education they decided they wanted to play with their train set some more and want 15 billion dollars from the tax payers to pay for their little train set.

This is very confusing to us because we don't understand why they want to build more tracks and trains when jobs are going robotic.

Detroit robotized their workforce, the employees were laid off, small businesses failed because no one was working anymore and now you can buy a house for a dollar and no one can afford water.

Yet the children of Capital Hill want to play with their train set and are threatening to shut down the Govt. if they don't get their way...

Doesn't a child run to their room and shut the door and not let anyone in when they don't get their way? More than likely they are stomping their feet and refusing to eat their dinner as well ;-)

Meanwhile the ACLU is screaming and yelling at one of the most diverse schools in Washington and are complaining that the teachers are 75% white.

They are screaming and yelling at them that they can't teach students that are different colors other than white, and apparently all they have to do is yell at them :-P

Coincidentally enough the teachers are not only complaining that they aren't making any money, they are also complaining that they can't connect with their students because there are too many... China they have over 1,000 people in a classroom and most of them are getting A's why, simple, because the parents are taking an interest in their children's academics.

Now here is the conundrum, China speaks Chinese, America speaks Chinese, French, Mexican/Hispanic/Spanish/Cuban, English, Russian, get the point, America supports all ethnic groups and because of that there is "ABSOLUTELY" no way one teacher (OF ANY COLOR) is going to be able to connect with all students.

As a matter of fact if you have one student that speaks English and another Student that speaks a language the teacher doesn't speak or understand than even if you reduced the class size to Two Kids, you'll already have a disconnect before the first bell rings!

You have to robotize the education system by an interactive software solution that allows kids to connect in all languages.

Mainstream teaching is an outdated model anymore and teaching is becoming more specialized for special needs children.

Oh and as for the little train set the State of Washington wants doesn't make sense, because everyone is losing their jobs to robots.

So the question is, will the robots have to ride to work on the little train? Or can they just be shut down when the whistle blows at work and the doors automatically lock or maybe not...

Robots don't have to eat, smoke, sleep, so really the shop can run 24/7, no one has to come and go to work, no trains need to run because no one has jobs anymore...and that's a fact!

Stock Watch...

NOKIA...was the top phone tier and sold out to Microsoft and now they have their eyes on something else, which tells us that they have been looking because they see something...

NOK: Nokia Oyj (NYSE)
MSN Money · Data in USD


Friday, April 24, 2015

We're In Love...

...and her name is Debian, and we love her all the way to her core...

Now if that sounds dirty, you might want to cover your ears and close your eyes, because we're about to get...nastyyyyyyyy...

Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run...

We're about to go 70/30, with a Dual Boot OS, Win 7 30% and a Debian Linux Core 70%...

Now of course we are still going to be buying a new Windows 10 phone when they come out, regardless if Debian stepped up their game and came out with a phone themselves.

We owe it to Microsoft because they got us here, so we owe it them, but believe us when we say it...if you don't step up your game MS, we'll leave you like a bad habit...and that's a fact!

...see ya' on the other side...


When someone says the grass in greener on the other side of the fence will depend on their interpretation of the hue they see...

There are many reasons why Debian is better than Windows, and just a few reasons why Windows is better than Debian.

Windows is a loose term anymore where MS used to be the hierarchy in the cliché, but now a days it's all about the Windows you see or use.

The install went great, you load your MS Windows first on 30gb then load your Debian.

Debian will automatically configure the grub for you which is your boot menu.

The Boot menu is your options of Debian boot or MS Windows boot. You'll use them individually, so after awhile you'll have to choose one or the other...

Debian loads a full on Office Program completely compatible with MS Office, but MS Windows won't load an Office Program on install.

Debian installs all updates and software on Install, MS Windows does not and requires you to download about a 1gb of updates before you can use it. know, Important updates and...Optional Updates ;-)

Debian is Free, MS Windows is not, unless of course you bought 8.1 and are going to 10, then yes, it's free, but Debian is free.

As for Malware...this is the tricky part because there is no defense for a browser based attack, but there is software to prevent it going any further.

Apple users swore up and down they didn't need Malware protection and come to find out that they were hit harder in one year than MS Windows ever had, so we don't want to be an Apple.

We are not sure of what Malware protection to use, but for now we are using nothing like most people do.

There is a Firewall that you can install for free and some secure boot called UEFI Secure Boot is the boot path validation component of the UEFI specification (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)

We're not to sure about this and need some research on it, but we also hear it's a firmware update which could brick your computer, so we'll research ;-)

The one thing that didn't come over was our Wireless Card rtl8190 which of course was the one card that wasn't supported and apparently their is a blacklist driver download, but no success yet...

Otherwise we are pleased with the install and are glad we made the change.

We are still testing Softsphere on the Windows partition so that is why we decided to keep Windows, otherwise we would have went all in.

MS is supporting Linux Cloud solutions, which should be your first clue, "if you can't beat em' join em'...and that's a fact!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

5hVnz Daily Double...

 5hVnz Picture of the Day...

5hVnz Song of the Month... 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

HAPPY 4:21 DAY!!!

National Drug Testing Day if not International ;-)

...test em' if you got em'

Monday, April 20, 2015

Patch Monday the 20th...

See sometimes we go a whole week without updating, oh well :-P

It's funny when we hear people get all weird about updates and start pointing fingers at MS and complain about it, but we look at it differently...they're free!

Plus people that complain about the updates are MS haters and don't realize that their Apple software needs updating too.

...that's goes for Linux users as well and all are free...for now...

Microsoft and other companies will start charging subscription fees soon enough because it's too expensive to manage software at the level we are at now for the price of admission.

Check your optional "free" updates also, once you finish installing your Important updates.

, but how do I...

Go to the ORB/Start/All Programs/Windows Update:


Now we have MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) and that is an update that we will need to do because we only install these once a month. Normally it downloads automatically, but since we shut off our updates we do it this way.

Skype is the other program that is in your optional updates and if you don't want Skype like we don't then all you do is right click on it and say, "Hide Update" then you go back to important updates and as you see there are 14 to do and...ALL FREE THANK YOU MICROSOFT!!!

Good Luck!

HAPPY 4:20 DAY!!!

It's National Marijuana smoking day, maybe even International ;-)

...MJ smokers actually call it weed, but for the newbies we wouldn't want to confuse them and find out they were picking up weeds in the field and trying to smoke them :-D

Smoke em' if you got em' because if Christie becomes president, he's gonna crack down...become president...yeah that's gonna happen NOT!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

In The News...

Chris Christie vows to 'crack down' on marijuana as president...
---that's probably a good idea Christie---

It costs up to 7,000 dollars to arrest and convict a person of a minor drug offense, and up to 33,000 thousand dollars for a year of incarceration billed to the tax payers for just for a little weed...

Christie: Marijuana is a gateway drug. We have an enormous addiction problem in this country...

You're right, MJ is a Gateway know, some things are just too easy when a picture is worth a thousand words and says it all...and that's a fact!

21 Medical Facts just came out about Marijuana Christie, here's one that should hit home for you...

A study published in the American Journal Of Medicine on April 15 of 2013 suggested that pot smokers are skinnier than the average person and have healthier metabolism and reaction to sugars, even though they do end up eating more calories.

Read more:

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Smartwatch Update...

ASUS has come out with a better design for Smartwatches...

This is Alcatel OneTouch's first stab at making a smartwatch, and it's obvious the company's not drawing from a vast pool of experience. Despite the goal of delivering a polished, attractive smartwatch with a reasonable price tag, the Alcatel OneTouch Watch feels eagerly amateurish at best and just poorly thought out at worst...

Another Perfect Example...

of your government working for you.

Recently they have come up with this creative idea about composting your food and separating it from the everyday trash (whatever that is now)...

They were having difficulty separating the food waste from the everyday trash (whatever that is now) at their facility and thought of a smart idea that people should separate it for them.


So, they have a trash truck (whatever that is now) that comes around and picks up your trash (whatever that is now) just like they always have.

Then they get out of their trash truck (whatever that is now) and look at the two containers that are marked trash (whatever that is now) and compost.

They will then start to smile and clasp their hands together like the hands of Oral Roberts in Oklahoma and close their eyes and think happy happy joy joy thoughts about the work that you have done and blesses you for your efforts :-)

and then they will...


So apparently the garbage crew was upset that they weren't the person that got to mix the trash together and requested the Government make a law to allow "ONLY GARBAGE CREW GET TO MIX THE TRASH (whatever that is now) and Compost together.

Now make sure you separate the compost from the trash (whatever that is now) because you don't want to get fined and you don't want to get your garbage person upset with you for not allowing them to mix it together.

sidenote: Are they going to get Salad like mixers (spoon and fork) to mix the compost and trash (whatever that is now) together?

Your tax dollars hard at work with the Children on Capital Hill...and that's a fact!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Homelessness Cont...

"All told, under a 10-year plan put together a decade ago by a public-private partnership called the Committee to End Homelessness, roughly $1 billion has gone to the cause."

A certain radio host(s) likes to call out Marijuana users as losers and is a typical non-educated response to the situation.

They think that people that move to states that have approved marijuana laws classifies them as losers, but again...non-educated response to the situation.

People have moved to regions that have approved MJ because there is a better chance that MJ will become legal across the board.

Companies need to GROW UP and start realizing that MJ is less damaging then Cigarettes and yet they hire people that smoke cigarettes.

sidenote: Cigarettes are addictive, MJ is not!

Throwing money at this situation is like feeding paper into a shredder, because without solutions that resolve will only retain what is.

The Christians vowed an abstinence to sex instead of education and America became the highest in STD and Pregnancy rates in the World.

States have approved legalization of MJ, but companies are not abiding by the law and all that is happening is a High Rate of homelessness.

Have you ever noticed when you put a warranty on something you have less returns? We have, and the same goes for MJ.

How can you say that you are providing jobs when your homelessness rates continue to grow? Simple, they lie :-D

They calculate State and Federal assistance to measure job growth and all that is happening is that people's benefits are running out, but they are still homeless and just not counted anymore.

People that do MJ don't need education, it's the business owners that need the education on how beneficial and motivating MJ is for people.

When you allow something, like you did with providing a warranty, the need goes down.

It's simple human nature, when you want something and someone says you can't have it, makes that want grOW and only becomes a pursuit to get it.

Not everyone smokes MJ and that's fine, don't because more than likely it's not for you, but for some they would rather do that then get drunk.

Some people just get drunk because their job doesn't allow MJ and Alcohol is far more damaging for that individual than MJ will ever be.

Stop Testing for MJ and watch Homelessness reduce, don't and you'll be paying more in BS taxes to support the homelessness without any return on investment...and that's a fact!

Friday, April 10, 2015


The Apple Smartwatch is FUGLY! but that would be isolating just one brand, they're all FUGLY!

The current models are the First Generation and people are paying anywhere from 350-18,000 thousand dollars for a Status Symbol.

Sure we think they are cool because of what they have accomplished, but that's because we love technology, but as for style, they don't have it.

First of all when you advance in technology it's very important to retain some nostalgia in order to keep the old and entertain the new with the evolved design concept.

Sure they tell time and are accurate just like the latest Timepieces and that is nostalgia retention, but if it didn't it wouldn't be worth buying in the first place.

"I think they are an adult toy... You play with them until they bore you and then you throw them in a corner and look for another new toy...But maybe I'm wrong." A.A.

We agree with this statement and take it one step further, because children are the tech geniuses today and like a child with a Toy will get bored with it like an adult does too...

sidenote: Wrap a turd in Gold and all you'll have is a gold wrapped turd...

We see a watch like you have been used to seeing before the Smartwatch, but will lift and the "Smartwatch" is underneath the nostalgic watch.

This way no one is the wiser, and when you want to impress, you flip the top of the Timepiece over and underneath is the Smartwatch, like you would see in a James Bond Movie.

We also see a watch that looks like a standard watch, but the glass that covers the nostalgic hands would fade to black if you will and turn into a Smartwatch.

The glass itself would turn into the Smartwatch without having a Flip Watch and would function like a Smartwatch, then you could turn off the Smartwatch feature and the nostalgic watch would reappear.


Some people want to be noticed, some don't, some just like to look like they aren't, but actually are ;-)

Something's missing Apple and we're afraid it's Steve've loosened up too much and Tim Cook is trying to hard to be liked.

Microsoft is Hungry, and have a full freezer...maybe it's time to defrost, because you're about to have guests...and that's a fact!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

In The News...

A New Type of Battery by the Boys at Stanford...

"But lithium batteries can go off in an unpredictable manner in the air, the car or in your pocket. Besides safety, we have achieved major breakthroughs in aluminium battery performance."

And while lithium-ion battery can take hours to charge, the new battery has "unprecedented charging times" of down to one minute.

Unlike other prototypes which die after just 100 charges, the Stanford battery can withstand more than 7,500 cycles without any loss of capacity.

By comparison, a typical lithium-ion battery lasts about 1,000 cycles.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Homelessness in Washington and Colorado have increased because of the legalization of Marijuana, and they are right, but they are wrong...

The "STATE" has approved Recreational Marijuana, but 23 states have legalized MJ for medical use which is MJ encryption for Legalized Marijuana.

The MJ card is as easy as getting a Grocery Discount card and are given out without a prescription and coincidentally enough, so is the Grocery Discount Card

However, if you are willing to be put into a database you can smoke medicinal weed and have medicinal weed legally.

MJ has so many benefits that it's hard to count the amount of good that MJ has on a person's health and state of being, and the Federal Government is recognizing this.

However, in the meantime people have to deal with the brainwashed Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation that have been told that MJ is bad for you and is illegal.

The exception to the generational gap are cops; cops only see black and white and don't think for themselves, MJ is illegal so arrest them all!

Local governments love the fact that the homeless rates are up because they now have an excuse to raise taxes to account for the resources it will take to manage the homeless.

It also boosts their machismo when they can put in their portfolio that they helped raise money for the non-profits for the homeless.

If you look out at the tent cities all you see is trash and you start wondering where in the hell are they going to the bathroom, but city officials look the other way and ignore the working class concerns.

If companies would just pull their head out of their ass and stop testing for Marijuana this Homeless and Jobless issue would decrease OVERNIGHT!

You have fully qualified candidates jobless because they smoke weed and know that it helps them to feel better and having a job without it won't make them feel better.

Being able to identify if someone is high or not is the same as detecting whether or not someone is drunk.

A lot of employees drink every single day, they buy a 6 pack/12 pack everynight and get drunk and sometimes are still drunk going in the next day because their liver can't process the amount of alcohol they put in their body fast enough, but you keep them on!

You reduce the homelessness you reduce the crime as well, you reduce the crime you reduce insurance claims which in turn keeps premiums down.

sidenote: So you can see the Insurance companies love to see a high homeless rate as well...

Your states have approved Marijuana for recreational purposes and as such needs to be approved for "ALL" non-federal government funded employees.

State employees are not federal employees and do not have to abide by the Federal Rules on marijuana because on the federal level it's still a Level 1 illegal substance.

When the Federal Government removes it from the controlled substance level will "ALL" employees be allowed to smoke weed that states have approved Marijuana use both with Medicinal and Recreational.

We are living in an informational age, so the information is out there and is not like the 20's anymore when everyone relied on one form of news.

Marijuana is not for everyone, but neither is Pepsi so just know that some people like something that you don't and that's okay, because people are individuals with minds of their own.

We can already hear your rebuttal, "So should we just allow all drugs and let them do what they want", cocaine, meth, heroine are not healthy drugs and are addictive, MJ is none of those.

However, you could do what the Catholics did at one time...they gave all their migrant workers cocaine, YEP!

They let them have cocaine because it...made them work longer, it sustained their hunger and it would numb tooth pain.

Ahhh, maybe that is why you don't want to allow MJ users in your workplace, it would mean you would actually have to pay them a livable wage in order for them to eat properly ;-)

Well there it is, we now know why they don't want to legalize it :-D


If a homeless person can stand outside of businesses or on street corners and make 10.00 an hour they will and you have no idea what that money is going to be used for.

Sure you may think it makes you look like the heartfelt person, but in reality it makes you look stupid and all it does is enable their addictions and laziness.

Just like you don't feed the bears, you don't feed the homeless either, because all they'll do is hang around longer waiting for you to hand them food.

Not only that, what if you give them some food that they are allergic to and they get sick and die? Then they trace it back to you because you were on camera giving them something from your car that killed them.

If you really want to feel like you are doing something, give to the non-profits that "TRULY" help the homeless.

Your donation will go much further because these agencies provide substance abuse help, job training, food, place to live, clothes, a place to bathe, so much more can be achieved by your two dollar handout.

Habitat for Humanity, Boys and Girls Clubs, Food Banks and if you are a church goer, just ask the Clergy how you can help, but STOP ENABLING HOMELESSNESS!!!

That goes for you too Inslee, and Murray! The problem with City Officials is they are good at Tax Invasion, but horrible at history.

Let us help them, why...because if we don't, we'll ALL end up paying for their stupidity...Virtue of Occupation...

In layman's terms...Squatters Rights...evolved, let us explain...

"The legal theory underlying the vesting of title by adverse possession is that title to land must be certain. Since the owner has, by his or her own fault and neglect, failed to protect the land against the hostile actions of the adverse possessor, an adverse possessor who has treated the land as his or her own for a significant period of time is recognized as its owner." other words, "SH*T FOR BRAINS"...Hostile Takeover!

sidenote: Watch out farmlands, if your in dispute and if they learn strength in numbers they'll walk right in and take that land free and clear :-P

The Local Government has now laid a law to land allowing homeless people to live "RENT FREE" for "ONE YEAR"

What is currently happening inside Tent City...give up? Tent Politics! You know, hey, why do the Jones think they can have a 5 person tent for a one person family with a dog and we could put "TWO FAMILIES" in there w/out a dog...

Tent Politics?!

That's right, Tent Politics, they got a Mayor, a Governor, a Senate, Congressman, Lobbyists...
If you give a everyone a Thousand Dollars, you'll have your Rich, Your Middle Class and your Poor, and Politics have begun.

Pretty Soon, they'll make the Jones move to the North Side, and the Smiths to the South Side and a Bhatnagars to Central :-P

Look Morons, you have three scenarios that are going to happen with allowing tent cities to evolve...

1. A Reality Television Show that would Rival the KarCrashians Dysfunctional Family Show...
2. The Billionaire Homesteader...
3. or...A...Waco Texas reenactment...

You feel sorry for the homeless, to the I am a City Official Morons only adds to the Idiocracy that you call the "Voter"...

If there is one thing we agree with, is that the only thing a Liberal is afraid of is the 4 letter word...F.A.C.T.

The fact of the matter is that no people and/or city officials aren't accounting for the activities that are going on inside these Tent Cities like...Drugs, Diversity, Crime...

sidenote: Do you think they have a neighborhood watch...

Right now what happens in Tent City stays in Tent City and as long as that activity doesn't drip out into society than we'll allow Tent Cities to exist.

In other words, hear no evil, see no evil...

Just ignore the problem and hopefully it will go away, but it won't, because if you remember, it's how colonies started right here in the US of A.

People came here as settlers set up tents and started to claim land than free range problem then fences, then law so on and so forth jump ahead 2015...

We are now de evolving and believe it or not, it's technology that is creating the reverse evolution for humans and the rise of the machines.

You also have the tax element of pan-handling, of which the money they receive from you isn't being taxed.

If a pan-handler can make tax free 10.00 an hour on the street, which is minimum wage and not have to listen to an employer telling them to go faster faster, work harder, go to break, go to lunch it's punch out time LEAVE!

Sure they have to listen to the occasional self righteous liberal a-hole tell them that they are a bum and should get a job, but that has backfired on those people.

Pan-handlers now have cell phones and social media sites so as you shame them for being a bum they are recording you and will post you online and then you'll be the bum out of work :-D

They also don't have to pay for health care because if you make under 15,500 a year, you get Medicaid, so by default you're paying for their health care as well.

You give them two dollars on the street and don't realize all the things you are paying for to keep that pan-handler on the street and maybe if you did you'd stop doing it.

You think that by giving them some money it will help keep the crime down, but it won't, because it's just like the old saying, give a fish eat for a day, teach to fish eat for a lifetime.


You can take it to the bank that if a pan-handler can live in a Tent rent free and receive free medical and dental and not pay taxes and drink and drug whenever they want, they will.

One bad apple ruins a bunch, and some people in those tent cities don't abuse drugs or alcohol, but are now becoming a victim of their element.

They have free trash removal and pretty soon they'll have bathrooms and showers all paid for by the taxpayer.

sidenote: Wonder if they are responsible for recycling and composting...

Living Scot-Free is an addiction..and that's a fact!