Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Homelessness Cont...

"All told, under a 10-year plan put together a decade ago by a public-private partnership called the Committee to End Homelessness, roughly $1 billion has gone to the cause."

A certain radio host(s) likes to call out Marijuana users as losers and is a typical non-educated response to the situation.

They think that people that move to states that have approved marijuana laws classifies them as losers, but again...non-educated response to the situation.

People have moved to regions that have approved MJ because there is a better chance that MJ will become legal across the board.

Companies need to GROW UP and start realizing that MJ is less damaging then Cigarettes and yet they hire people that smoke cigarettes.

sidenote: Cigarettes are addictive, MJ is not!

Throwing money at this situation is like feeding paper into a shredder, because without solutions that resolve will only retain what is.

The Christians vowed an abstinence to sex instead of education and America became the highest in STD and Pregnancy rates in the World.

States have approved legalization of MJ, but companies are not abiding by the law and all that is happening is a High Rate of homelessness.

Have you ever noticed when you put a warranty on something you have less returns? We have, and the same goes for MJ.

How can you say that you are providing jobs when your homelessness rates continue to grow? Simple, they lie :-D

They calculate State and Federal assistance to measure job growth and all that is happening is that people's benefits are running out, but they are still homeless and just not counted anymore.

People that do MJ don't need education, it's the business owners that need the education on how beneficial and motivating MJ is for people.

When you allow something, like you did with providing a warranty, the need goes down.

It's simple human nature, when you want something and someone says you can't have it, makes that want grOW and only becomes a pursuit to get it.

Not everyone smokes MJ and that's fine, don't because more than likely it's not for you, but for some they would rather do that then get drunk.

Some people just get drunk because their job doesn't allow MJ and Alcohol is far more damaging for that individual than MJ will ever be.

Stop Testing for MJ and watch Homelessness reduce, don't and you'll be paying more in BS taxes to support the homelessness without any return on investment...and that's a fact!

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