Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Homelessness in Washington and Colorado have increased because of the legalization of Marijuana, and they are right, but they are wrong...

The "STATE" has approved Recreational Marijuana, but 23 states have legalized MJ for medical use which is MJ encryption for Legalized Marijuana.

The MJ card is as easy as getting a Grocery Discount card and are given out without a prescription and coincidentally enough, so is the Grocery Discount Card

However, if you are willing to be put into a database you can smoke medicinal weed and have medicinal weed legally.

MJ has so many benefits that it's hard to count the amount of good that MJ has on a person's health and state of being, and the Federal Government is recognizing this.

However, in the meantime people have to deal with the brainwashed Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation that have been told that MJ is bad for you and is illegal.

The exception to the generational gap are cops; cops only see black and white and don't think for themselves, MJ is illegal so arrest them all!

Local governments love the fact that the homeless rates are up because they now have an excuse to raise taxes to account for the resources it will take to manage the homeless.

It also boosts their machismo when they can put in their portfolio that they helped raise money for the non-profits for the homeless.

If you look out at the tent cities all you see is trash and you start wondering where in the hell are they going to the bathroom, but city officials look the other way and ignore the working class concerns.

If companies would just pull their head out of their ass and stop testing for Marijuana this Homeless and Jobless issue would decrease OVERNIGHT!

You have fully qualified candidates jobless because they smoke weed and know that it helps them to feel better and having a job without it won't make them feel better.

Being able to identify if someone is high or not is the same as detecting whether or not someone is drunk.

A lot of employees drink every single day, they buy a 6 pack/12 pack everynight and get drunk and sometimes are still drunk going in the next day because their liver can't process the amount of alcohol they put in their body fast enough, but you keep them on!

You reduce the homelessness you reduce the crime as well, you reduce the crime you reduce insurance claims which in turn keeps premiums down.

sidenote: So you can see the Insurance companies love to see a high homeless rate as well...

Your states have approved Marijuana for recreational purposes and as such needs to be approved for "ALL" non-federal government funded employees.

State employees are not federal employees and do not have to abide by the Federal Rules on marijuana because on the federal level it's still a Level 1 illegal substance.

When the Federal Government removes it from the controlled substance level will "ALL" employees be allowed to smoke weed that states have approved Marijuana use both with Medicinal and Recreational.

We are living in an informational age, so the information is out there and is not like the 20's anymore when everyone relied on one form of news.

Marijuana is not for everyone, but neither is Pepsi so just know that some people like something that you don't and that's okay, because people are individuals with minds of their own.

We can already hear your rebuttal, "So should we just allow all drugs and let them do what they want", cocaine, meth, heroine are not healthy drugs and are addictive, MJ is none of those.

However, you could do what the Catholics did at one time...they gave all their migrant workers cocaine, YEP!

They let them have cocaine because it...made them work longer, it sustained their hunger and it would numb tooth pain.

Ahhh, maybe that is why you don't want to allow MJ users in your workplace, it would mean you would actually have to pay them a livable wage in order for them to eat properly ;-)

Well there it is, we now know why they don't want to legalize it :-D


If a homeless person can stand outside of businesses or on street corners and make 10.00 an hour they will and you have no idea what that money is going to be used for.

Sure you may think it makes you look like the heartfelt person, but in reality it makes you look stupid and all it does is enable their addictions and laziness.

Just like you don't feed the bears, you don't feed the homeless either, because all they'll do is hang around longer waiting for you to hand them food.

Not only that, what if you give them some food that they are allergic to and they get sick and die? Then they trace it back to you because you were on camera giving them something from your car that killed them.

If you really want to feel like you are doing something, give to the non-profits that "TRULY" help the homeless.

Your donation will go much further because these agencies provide substance abuse help, job training, food, place to live, clothes, a place to bathe, so much more can be achieved by your two dollar handout.

Habitat for Humanity, Boys and Girls Clubs, Food Banks and if you are a church goer, just ask the Clergy how you can help, but STOP ENABLING HOMELESSNESS!!!

That goes for you too Inslee, and Murray! The problem with City Officials is they are good at Tax Invasion, but horrible at history.

Let us help them, why...because if we don't, we'll ALL end up paying for their stupidity...Virtue of Occupation...

In layman's terms...Squatters Rights...evolved, let us explain...

"The legal theory underlying the vesting of title by adverse possession is that title to land must be certain. Since the owner has, by his or her own fault and neglect, failed to protect the land against the hostile actions of the adverse possessor, an adverse possessor who has treated the land as his or her own for a significant period of time is recognized as its owner." other words, "SH*T FOR BRAINS"...Hostile Takeover!

sidenote: Watch out farmlands, if your in dispute and if they learn strength in numbers they'll walk right in and take that land free and clear :-P

The Local Government has now laid a law to land allowing homeless people to live "RENT FREE" for "ONE YEAR"

What is currently happening inside Tent City...give up? Tent Politics! You know, hey, why do the Jones think they can have a 5 person tent for a one person family with a dog and we could put "TWO FAMILIES" in there w/out a dog...

Tent Politics?!

That's right, Tent Politics, they got a Mayor, a Governor, a Senate, Congressman, Lobbyists...
If you give a everyone a Thousand Dollars, you'll have your Rich, Your Middle Class and your Poor, and Politics have begun.

Pretty Soon, they'll make the Jones move to the North Side, and the Smiths to the South Side and a Bhatnagars to Central :-P

Look Morons, you have three scenarios that are going to happen with allowing tent cities to evolve...

1. A Reality Television Show that would Rival the KarCrashians Dysfunctional Family Show...
2. The Billionaire Homesteader...
3. or...A...Waco Texas reenactment...

You feel sorry for the homeless, to the I am a City Official Morons only adds to the Idiocracy that you call the "Voter"...

If there is one thing we agree with, is that the only thing a Liberal is afraid of is the 4 letter word...F.A.C.T.

The fact of the matter is that no people and/or city officials aren't accounting for the activities that are going on inside these Tent Cities like...Drugs, Diversity, Crime...

sidenote: Do you think they have a neighborhood watch...

Right now what happens in Tent City stays in Tent City and as long as that activity doesn't drip out into society than we'll allow Tent Cities to exist.

In other words, hear no evil, see no evil...

Just ignore the problem and hopefully it will go away, but it won't, because if you remember, it's how colonies started right here in the US of A.

People came here as settlers set up tents and started to claim land than free range problem then fences, then law so on and so forth jump ahead 2015...

We are now de evolving and believe it or not, it's technology that is creating the reverse evolution for humans and the rise of the machines.

You also have the tax element of pan-handling, of which the money they receive from you isn't being taxed.

If a pan-handler can make tax free 10.00 an hour on the street, which is minimum wage and not have to listen to an employer telling them to go faster faster, work harder, go to break, go to lunch it's punch out time LEAVE!

Sure they have to listen to the occasional self righteous liberal a-hole tell them that they are a bum and should get a job, but that has backfired on those people.

Pan-handlers now have cell phones and social media sites so as you shame them for being a bum they are recording you and will post you online and then you'll be the bum out of work :-D

They also don't have to pay for health care because if you make under 15,500 a year, you get Medicaid, so by default you're paying for their health care as well.

You give them two dollars on the street and don't realize all the things you are paying for to keep that pan-handler on the street and maybe if you did you'd stop doing it.

You think that by giving them some money it will help keep the crime down, but it won't, because it's just like the old saying, give a fish eat for a day, teach to fish eat for a lifetime.


You can take it to the bank that if a pan-handler can live in a Tent rent free and receive free medical and dental and not pay taxes and drink and drug whenever they want, they will.

One bad apple ruins a bunch, and some people in those tent cities don't abuse drugs or alcohol, but are now becoming a victim of their element.

They have free trash removal and pretty soon they'll have bathrooms and showers all paid for by the taxpayer.

sidenote: Wonder if they are responsible for recycling and composting...

Living Scot-Free is an addiction..and that's a fact!

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