Friday, April 17, 2015

In The News...

Chris Christie vows to 'crack down' on marijuana as president...
---that's probably a good idea Christie---

It costs up to 7,000 dollars to arrest and convict a person of a minor drug offense, and up to 33,000 thousand dollars for a year of incarceration billed to the tax payers for just for a little weed...

Christie: Marijuana is a gateway drug. We have an enormous addiction problem in this country...

You're right, MJ is a Gateway know, some things are just too easy when a picture is worth a thousand words and says it all...and that's a fact!

21 Medical Facts just came out about Marijuana Christie, here's one that should hit home for you...

A study published in the American Journal Of Medicine on April 15 of 2013 suggested that pot smokers are skinnier than the average person and have healthier metabolism and reaction to sugars, even though they do end up eating more calories.

Read more:

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