Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Putin reminded Obama of the upcoming 70th anniversary of the allied victory in World War II, and said that should serve as a reminder of "the responsibility that Russia and the United States bear for maintaining peace and international stability." Moscow is anxious for those bilateral relations to advance, but only as long as there is "equality and mutual respect."

The Best Computer Security in the business comes from Russia...and that's a fact!

Russia Protected us more times than America has...and that's another fact!

Putin is an Idiot we agree with you and freedom of choice is King, but Russian People are some of the kindness of people and some of the smartest people this world has ever seen next to China...

...and that's our last fact!

Here's an Idea...

This idea about putting calories on the label and letting people know how fat they are getting by eating or drinking a particular item gave us an idea...

Why don't companies put the amount of taxes they have to pay on a product to let the "General Public" know how F-A-T Uncle Sam is getting...

People complain about prices regardless if it's a dollar or a penny, but if they could understand the amount of money it costs to get their product to them may help them be more understanding.

Take the new taxes they put on Liquor in Washington State.

First they have a 20.5% sales tax plus a 3.77% liter tax, but it doesn't stop there.

The owner also has to pay an additional 18% on the backend to the State which is 42.77% of your bottom line.

Now what if they include the rent they have to pay and the salaries they have to pay in order to again, get that product to you...

Now let's do an MSRP of what a product needs to be sold at in order to be competitive and what the cost of that product is for the buyer.

Just recently the "Millionaires" were asked what you think the new year will look like and the one thing they said was, "We'll be receiving 5% more in 2015"

That's interesting when considering that the states are starting to include a Carbon Tax on top of the already imposed gas tax for everyone regardless of gas or electric cars.

What that means is that salaries will be going down in order to pay for their business to stay open.

In a nutshell BIG Business is trying to squeeze out the Mom and Pop locations in order for BIG BUSINESS to own all.

Maybe if people knew about how much money your State and Federal Govt. are taking from you they might think twice about voting yes on certain tax increases.

Now you defectors that come to America we know you are Humble, but keep in mind all they want is your vote.

If you bow down to them now, you'll be paying later.

Maybe if people knew what it took to bring a product to you and the cost involved to do business with dysfunctional ideas imposed by Govt. we might have a chance at a better 2015.

What's that?!?! You think that your ideas aren't dysfunctional, hmm, well let's just pick "ONE" example to keep it simple for simple minded Politicians:

What's that?!?! Still don't get it, okay, these Simple Minded Politicians thought it would be a good idea to dig a hole "DIRECTLY" between two bodies of water.

We know that the Simple Minded Politicians don't get it because all they see is $$$, but the "REST" of Washington DID and now who pays...THE REST OF WASHINGTON.

We call it the Manson other words, if you were to ask Charles Manson if what he did was wrong today, he would still say...NO, because that's how a criminal thinks...and that's a fact!

The Beatles - Helter Skelter...

We're on a rant now and could babble on and on about this, but in closing...Happy New Year!


Psalm 103

103 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies;
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
6 The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.
7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.
10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;
18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.
19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.
20 Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
21 Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
22 Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul.

There is only one other person in history that did for us like David did, and his name was...John F. Kennedy...and that's another fact!

Jesus pfft, Wishes he could have even done a 1/3 of what David and Solomon did.

Don't you think the son of GOD would have been a little smarter than this Jesus Character.

Seriously, Jesus couldn't even read or write let alone build a Church.

You Scholastics out there should understand the value of taking a test. It's simple right, they give you questions, you answer them, you pass the test.

Simple enough and in order to move forward you need to fulfill a Curriculum.

Okay, we'll take that challenge: In order to be the "SON OF GOD" you'll need to fulfill a Curriculum of sorts and that is...

Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies:

1.What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)
Specifically, the Bible says he will:
A.Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
B.Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
C.Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
D.Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.
Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.
Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.

This is just "ONE" part of the test, here is the other:
According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

Look we have been to an AA meeting and know that a Pencil can be your higher power, so be it. If you want Jesus or Alec Baldwin to be your god so be it.

We don't really care, just make sure that when you make your choice you know the "FACTS"...period.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Here's an Idea...

Side Mount Backup Lights.

Backing up into a space between cars in a dark parking spot can be difficult. Especially if the cars are both dark colors.

When you backup now you have a light for the backend of your car which is helpful, but doesn't do you much good for the side of your auto.

Having a sideview halogen light installed on your mirror that activates when you backup will give you the clean look you want for your car and a backup light in one.

No one wants some hideous looking lightbulb on the side of their fender, but built into the mirror would be trick.

sidenote: The light can activate like your headlights do when it's dark.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

DW Update (Resolved)

You know the minute we say that we're going to eat our words, but why not, it sounds good, but tastes like... ;-)

Latest Update:


How to install:
 1. Download the patch and save to a folder named DW Patch #24
 2. Unzip File to same folder.
 3. Disable HIPS until restart.
 3. Copy and Paste unzipped dwall.sys file to C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder "copy and replace"
 4. Restart

The dllhost error is in all systems. You either haven't noticed it, or you haven't been using certain programs that enable it.

It's a must update, but just UPDATE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Windows Important Updates **ALERT**

Well it's that time again that Microsoft is starting to add drivers to its Important Updates.

Important Updates are the Critical updates that are done automatically and is imperative that MS have their act together, but as usual they don't.

Whenever MS comes out with a New OS they always have a problem with the Updating Service and the result is that they add Drivers to the Important Updates.

Time and Time again we have seen people's machines that are getting a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error upon boot because they loaded a Driver from Microsoft.

Microsoft is trying to build their WHQL driver database and have been trying to update their driver database at your expense.

"Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing or WHQL 'Testing' is Microsoft's testing process which involves running a series of tests on third-party hardware or software" WiKi

The key wording here is 'Testing' which means...your expense...

Everytime MS does an OS update like Windows 10 then the important updates start including drivers and the result is a non-booting system due to a compatibility failure.

The fix for this issue is...

1. Reboot System to 'Last Known Good Configuration'
2. Uninstall the corrupt driver (usually video)
3. Before you reboot run a Windows update and right click Driver and choose 'Hide Update'
4. Now restart
5. Restart/reboot (same thing) normal, system should boot. Once logged in, load the correct driver from OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) reboot
6. Now run Windows update again, confirm driver does not show itself again and Hide any Driver update you see.
7. Now install the remaining OS updates Only...reboot/restart (same thing)
8. Check Updates again make sure nothing is left and remember, do your "Optional Update" w/out drivers ;-)

Windows is getting into the hardware business, but have a ways to go because MS didn't share their secrets with anyone growing up and Companies are just returning the favor.

That's right, believe it or not, MFG's and 3rd Party Resellers are not happy with MS because of one thing or another, however they forget one very important fact...

Microsoft made you RICH...and that's a fact!

So share the love because the only people you hurt are...the endusers...and that's another fact!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

In The News...

College football player WR Trey Rich Killed By Alleged Drunk Driver on Christmas Eve by alleged drunken driver...
A release from Belhaven said Davis was drinking, but James said toxicology and blood tests have not yet returned on him...

"He played every play like it was his last, he practiced hard, he was always positive and upbeat. Even when things weren't going his way, he wasn't down on himself. He would work to pick up the other guys," he said. "Trey was one of those kids you'd want on your team regardless of talent, because his attitude was so infectious about doing things the right way. He was just a high character kid."

Thursday, December 25, 2014

I'll Huff, and I'll Puff, and I'll...

...sit down, I'll be quiet, I'll shut my phone off and I'll behave myself while the movie is playing.

That's Right, Sony came out with the Interview as scheduled, despite the North Korean leader Kim Jong un's threats.

The Interview is playing at movie theaters everywhere and is being sold out every showing. What a pay day, and just think KJ, you might have gotten a piece of that...

It is also being streamed online at most of the popular streaming services, so if you want to watch it at home for a little cheaper you can :-)

Thank you Sony for keeping the Movie Promise...THE SHOW MUST GO ON...and that's a fact!

sidenote: Pay in cash, you can never be too careful ;-)


More and more security experts are beginning to doubt North Korea's role in the hack of Sony Pictures, as some are beginning to suspect a Sony insider played a key role...Stammberger said that Norse believes the Sony insider is a woman calling herself "Lena," a former employee who claims to be connected to the GOP and worked for Sony in Los Angeles for 10 years before leaving the company this past May, CBS News reported.

"This woman was in precisely the right position and had the deep technical background she would need to locate the specific servers that were compromised," Stammberger said, adding that while North Korea has played a role in the hacking, "when we run all those leads to ground they turn out to be decoys or red herrings." that would make sense and makes more sense than someone on the outside getting this information.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Best Hallelujah (cover)

Camilla North - Hallelujah (cover)...

If you find yourself skipping a breath or two while listening to this will be normal and expected for this song being sang like it is.

Best Hallelujah (cover)...ever :-) we think so...and that's a fact!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Yoga Tablet Reviewed

When tablets started coming out, we liked the marketing behind the Yoga design and the design itself, we were just a bit surprised to see Kutcher leading the campaign.

sidenote: Did you hear, Lorre is thinking about bringing back Charlie Sheen for the final episode of 2 1/2 Men...that should be interesting...

Anyway, it was a good place to start and it was, many designs came about like that, but pretty sure Intel had the first Yoga Like tablet where the monitor spun around.

Anyway again, it's a horrible design. Why would you think that sliding your laptop around on your keys would be a good idea?

Horrible design for all the obvious reasons.

Again, the Surface is the best design when it comes to the Hybrid Tablet. It's not the sexiest, but it's by far the best design.

By grasping to nostalgia without compromise, that's a win-win and MS has nailed it with their design.

You can still scratch up the top, so maybe some really smart wheels on the bottoms of it, like an Airplanes wheels coming out that the laptop can roll around on, then they disappear when you pick it up...nahh, dumb idea...sharper image model maybe...all electric...

With or Without wheels...can they compliment their design with an OS...

"To Be or Not To Be, That is the Question"

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sony Update

Well the plot thickens...

The GOP has come out and said that you cannot release the film by any means.

Kim denies any involvement and invites US to search with them to prove there was none on their part.

They also threatened the US if they follow through with their intent...

...and all the While Sony is thinking that if they can just get it on Crackle there wouldn't be any connection to anyone...

Wouldn't you like to be on the ground floor of that IPO :-P

NANANANANA..."It's all about money ain't a damn thing you've got to have a con in this land of milk and honey"...Grandmaster Flash - The Message

If you write about somebody, profit off of that somebody and don't ask their permission to do it or even give them any money from your profits might make a person upset.

Everybody acts differently when they get upset, and KJ uses violence, we have seen this behavior before, you know how to act in this situation.

First of all, get the movie going again, second start working out a compensation with KJ if not 100%, maybe even give him a Cameo in it ;-) or an exclusive interview only movie watchers get to watch.

Money in the bank...

There's an old saying, "get your money clips"

Don't spend it all in one place KJ, you'll need to invest that back into the sequel. Plus you'll need to give some to a charity. It'll be a good write off :-)

Republicans Urge Theaters to Show ‘Interview': ‘We Cannot Be Bullied Into Giving Up Freedom’
"GOP vs GOP" :-D
Where's Apple in all of this. Wouldn't you think that Steve Jobs would be running up and down telling everyone to keep the presses running :-) maybe, who knows.
There has been a bit of a disconnect from Apple and Sony since Jobs passing though, maybe they should start looking into that...much to do you two, much to do indeed...

Dr. Evil is back and he's not happy that Sony and North Korea are giving evil organizations a bad rep...

The Slowest Store In America

We would have to say that KMART is the slowest store in America.

It starts all the way out into the street and the driveway that goes into the KMART stores.

Once you finally get into the KMART parking lot start your stop watch, it will take you 15-20 minutes just to get parked.

Then it will take you at least 5 minutes just to get to the door because for some reason people don't know how to drive anything in the KMART parking lots.

Cars are just driving around going nowhere and then you the have people with carts that just sort of go side to side with a look of bewilderment on why they were at KMART to begin with, let alone thinking where there car is.

Then you finally get to the front door and you want to walk in, but you can't because there is always someone standing right in the middle of the door.

They just stand there and talk to whoever will listen and start telling them about their experience getting into the parking lot today, followed by a little giggle.

The people linger in the middle of the hallways and just look at you like deer caught in headlights, almost as if they are looking to you for answers.

Then they just turn and linger then fade away, very strange, sort of Zombie :-(

When you finally get to your item you are looking for, roughly 2 hours later, you'll remember why you went there.

The prices are great and the items are pretty good quality, and that makes you feel good all over again...

Then the checkout with the Zombies...

Oh this is by far the worse feature of KMART, their computers are the slowest I have ever seen, as a matter of fact, I don't think I have seen a computer that slow because I WOULDN'T USE IT IF IT WAS!

They'll ask you for your rewards card and of course, they don't have an actual card, you just give them your number and this is the best part of the checkout experience.

Can you see it, the non-English speaking person in front of you trying to understand English...what's your number...huh...your number, what's your number please...huh...

Oh, then if they do break the language barrier, it's the wrong number and then they will go into an email solution.

Do you have an email, do you have an email...yes...what is it...huh...your email, what is it...yes, I have email...okay...

Then they finally get that email in there and of course it's you have another email...huh...another email, do you have one...huh...

The prices are never right when it comes to specials and that's when it gets really fun because you now have to call over a manager.

Manager...MANAGER NEEDED ON REGISTER 1...manager...manager...bueller...bueller...

KMART you need a card and that would really speed things up. Asking for a customer to verbalize information in the security conscience minds we have today is asking for trouble.

Now getting out of KMART is just as bad as getting in, there are no shortcuts, the door huggers are still lingering around so pace yourself.

Going to KMART for a few items is a Half Day venture, so this Christmas season you may want to think about planning out the day to spend at KMART if you need to buy more than just a few items.

Just so you know right...just so you know ;-)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Speaking of Rules

The Rules of the Holidays:


This also goes for all chemicals, prescriptions and herbs.

It doesn't matter if you can drive better than you do without it, that isn't the concern, the concern is the other driver that hits you.

It won't matter if the other person is at fault, if you are under the influence, you'll be the one going to jail.

If you are involved in a accident GOD Forbid, you don't hurt anyone, because if you hurt someone while diving impaired you'll be the one that will more than likely have to live with it.

Plus you'll ruin your life, you might lose your job, your home, your everything, and truly people just can't afford those kinds of problems in any economic situations.

Holidays are hard for some so make sure you reach out to those and let them know that you'll provide what assistance you can to make sure everyone is safer than usual ;-)

There is a term that is used called Amateur Night, and that is the impaired driver, so don't be an amateur and make arrangements to ensure safety.

Oh, by the way, speaking of impairment...a lot of people don't understand how DUI's work.

They think that you can be anything but 0.8 and above legal limit. This is untrue. This is how it works:

.02 is impaired
.08 is under the influence

You'll get a ticket for drinking half a beer or one glass of wine if pulled over right after you drank it...and that's a fact!

If you know that you are going to be drinking you don't drive. You parents remember, there is no such thing as a bad student only a bad teacher.

As for the 1 shot an hour rule of thumb is not accurate, because it doesn't factor in slower processing livers.
quiktip: If you think you are being clever by using breath sprays or mouth wash to cover up the smell, remember those solutions have alcohol in could be adding fuel to the fire :-(
...what's that...pickles...that's an old trick, that's a red flag for Vinegar, like...Hot Wings and what goes good with Hot Wings...Beer.
"If you know that you are going to be drinking, you don't drive."

Herb. This is the new Fad, but an old staple. The rules have been written long before it became legal.

There are two kinds of Herb, Sativa and Indica. Sativa Daytime, Indica Nightime, but not always in that order.

Indica is for Chronic body pain symptoms and is your drowsy strand, where as the Sativa is more neurological and uplifting.

However, many driving tests have been ran on these two strands and yes Indica users fail the test where as the Sativa Users don' most cases.

However, it doesn't matter, because there is an effect with both types that can impair the driver, we call it the drift.

Even though you can focus on just driving in a pylon course and pass 9*out of 10 doesn't matter. It's the practical driving is where you'll fail.

Your focus is strong there is no dispute there, but introduce the drift effect, and you'll fail almost 9* out of 10.

In other words, Drunks Run the Red Lights and Stoners Stop for the Greens. The drift is your attention span on just one detail.

Another side effect is you have to focus more because your eyesight can be blurred, which takes your attention off the road that much longer.

Then once focused the drift factor sets in and is usually followed with a response of, ahh dude...that's awesome...blam!

"No Offense"

The Drift Factor and the Unknown Component are two too many factors that you won't be able to control, so focus on one factor you can control.

Drive sober or get pulled over and/or drive high get a dui...or worse, with an and/or all of the above!

There is always someone sober, and if not your staying over. There it is, Drive Sober or Sleep Over :-D

Sure, just bring you PJ's, Sleeping Bag and Pillows and just make it a slumber party ;-P

...or just mention KIRO and get 20 dollars off your first ride :-)

Here's an Idea

Submarine Sandwiches.

Why is that you can only get Submarine sandwiches in x-small and x-large...

How many times have you left 2 inches on the table that you just couldn't finish...exactly.

Sometimes 10" is all a person wants, or 8" and not always 15".

The 4" and the 6" is just too small for some or is just a little too other words maybe they felt like 7" today...

canned rebuttal: So what am I supposed to do, carry a tape measure all the time :-P

No, you build it into your cutting board.

Depending on the size and amount of your sandwiches, you'll need to divide the difference for the amount of inches changed to charge ;-)

If you want to have a little fun, go mathematical with it and get really funky in your sizes, by the inch and everything in-between :-)

Why serve only 6 and 12 inch when you could have a size that fits all :-)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Perfect Example of Stupidity ...

"The states of Nebraska and Oklahoma filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday, claiming that Colorado's legalization of recreational marijuana is unconstitutional under federal law"... other words... better stop smoking that Mari-ju-ana, or I'm gonna tell...
...go ahead and tell, ya' snitch!

See, no solutions and no moving forward, just shuffling from side to side...

Here we go again:

Sony Says..."Let us be clear - the only decision that we have made with respect to release of the film was not to release it on Christmas Day in theaters, after the theater owners declined to show it. Without theaters, we could not release it in the theaters on Christmas Day. We had no choice."

We say...BULLSH*T!...just shuffling from side to side...

Just Own It Sony, Just Own what you said! You made the plays and called into action the strategy that worked best for you given the resources you could trust.

The rest are just woulda coulda shoulda. If President Obama really wanted to help, he would have came out the first day and said, Sony, if you come out with that movie, I'll have your back...but he didn't.

"No Offense"

...and on that note, why didn't we hear it from your Govt...

Woulda Coulda Shoulda's is all you are hearing now from everyone, but you made a fiscally responsible safe decision.

There is nothing wrong with that, but you are now also in the movie business, so you better get the fundamentals down...the rules are simple...

In The News

Will online privacy problems be solved by 2025? This is the buzz today.

If users continue to think and do the things like they have for 35 years, then no.

Plus, you have to know where we have came from in order to move forward.

Security is security no matter how you look at it when you need to protect something from whatever.

There are metaphors all around you that were used to design the technology and security solutions of today.

So, yada yada yada, this is about where we are at...

You can allow read access without write sure, but it's more than that.

We have just came off of a virtual/sandboxing/heuristics rule of thumb solution going towards a bio-metric assembly of actions designed off of the assigned user.

So again, a fact gathering reactive solution instead of a proactive collective solution. There is much study needing to be performed in order to create the "True" User Profile.

In the meantime just go into places that work on your devices, like Best Buy, the Dealer (MFG Retail Stores), 3rd party and ask them to get you protected and trained.

Stores whether it be, Dealer or 3rd party need to provide classes to train users how the basic most primary and most needed software is used.

sidenote: Trainings expensive, no it's not and can be transparent to the user. This is how much it is and that also provides training on...

Backup, Data Security and GPS Locator solutions for your devices need to be implemented and shown how to use and check.

Call your insurance agent and add your device with their warranty service and dump your phone providers. It's cheaper and better than the warranty you'll get with your phone provider.

sidenote: always call first and compare before you make any changes.

The security comes from you by adding these critical 3 services to your monthly routine, yes monthly, weekly, daily checks are needed with your computer.

Next will have to be your Inbox.

All Email Programs have the ability to add folders. What you'll need to do is move "ALL" not some, "ALL" of your Inbox mail to their proper folder.

Your inbox should always be clean "ALWAYS" if you want to prevent problems with refresh speed, email check status slowed and corruption.

Passwords need to be 12 or more characters Alpha/Numeric/Symbols and Case Sensitive are most secure.

Not all providers allow you to use special characters and leave you with the Neanderthal Alpha Numeric Case Sensitive only solution :-P

These providers SUCK and are one of the reasons why your credit cards and banks get hacked. Antiquated retarded way of thinking doesn't work in today's world.


Anyway...guess you'll have to pick up the phone more and strike up a conversation instead of a quick quip with a text if you are going to trash talk on someone.

However, phones have recorders in them now so you gotta be careful what you say too...Donald Sterling.

Computers have come a long way and have been quite cheap for awhile, but like anything, it fluctuates and what you are seeing now is a price increase.

Software is getting harder each day to load on these portables, and peoples demands are sometimes unrealistic with the resources that are available for these services.

There is a lot of room in the software technical market right now and schools are even adding Start Up technical training labs that you can register for.

So they need ideas...

As for Security Software...this is a very good question and because of what is going on around the World, you are going to have to make sure you know what you are loading before you load it.

Right now, Microsoft is providing it's own securities solutions which we recommend using. This is more than just their security essentials programs, it's a profile security solution.

Microsoft is for accountability, but not strong enough for browser threats. There is no defense for Browser Based Attacks, so you're vulnerable with or without the best software that is available today.

You have to make sure your device is up to date. Microsoft is the only structured software that chose a certain date and time to update their computer, the others just sort of do it sometime within the month...every other month...maybe...

You have to check your device "about" section for updates to your devices and make sure they are up to date to allow you that accountability with Microsoft, Apple etc etc etc.

If you get infected by an update they knew about and already patched and then you call...what'ya think? What would you do? Exactly, they think the same!


Look, this is the ez stuff, just think about all the other things you do on a computer. You could probably teach an old dog a new trick or two, so take it from us when we say, Step it uP a bit...

Computers are so integrated with your life that whatever you do locally will be transferred remotely...and that's a fact!

Don't think for a minute that just because you are in the comfort of your own home doesn't mean that what you are doing isn't equivalent of being between two tractor trailers in a mini cooper doing 65mph in a rain storm.


As for the 3rd Party Solution. Well this is a tough question indeed. Things have changed with all software solutions we use so more than likely so will the software.

We have been used to a 32 bit solution, but the world is moving more towards a 64 bit solution and malware software that is not compatible cannot be used.

All malware software that is written for Microsoft 64 bit isn't fully secure with KPP from MS. So it comes down to what you want out of a malware program.

Some programs come with stupid utilities that slow down your computer to a crawl and get corrupt and damage your system and won't uninstall and others don't.

MBAM is one of those that don't. It's priority is a low running service that doesn't impede the speed of your computer and concentrates only on MALWARE...I'M SOLD!

However, we're not truly an MBAM enthusiast and have been burned by them more than once. So why did we go uninstalls correctly, no matter what!

Symantec Norton Antivirus...there's an old saying, "if you don't have something nice to say about someone, don't say it."

Trend Micro Platinum is fine if you are running a Network. It's just a program that works better with a node/server type environment, but sucks when it comes to malware protection.

They all suck, except for just a few, and that is what we are struggling with because it's not a pro-choice solution anymore.

There are going to be more rules put into place on how and who you can use for your securities solution.

Right now Govt. and Hackers have access to the root, so do you think they care about your little security program??? Get a Grip!

It's what they call in the securities world, a First Level Threat Deterrent. Defcon has 5, "The defense readiness condition: this is the condition used to designate normal peacetime military readiness."

If you want to keep up with what is going on with Security and what tests are being performed you'll want to click here:

They are a non-biased research group.

You are going to have to admit you don't know what you are doing and you need help, the customer service attendant will have to be more considerate and start acting professionally.

We have seen dogs with better etiquette than most sales representatives today. It's absolutely disgusting what is out there today.

As for Backup you know we like Acronis and MS backup as well as Time Machine from Apple. They all work perfect.

For those of you that know us, you knew this day was coming. We analyze software every year and change if needed, but this is something different.

We are making a turn and/or a continuation of the same, so we're going to have major software conflicts for sometime with the more robust programs that are on the market.

It's the MBAM's and DW type programs that are going to be Superior for today's threats. It's going to be up to you to stop being unprepared, because it's going to be very very ugly.

There are no blue skies with what is going to happen if you don't start changing your procedures and start acting like the users we are and the users that have been trained by us and the one's that have trained us.

You need to start listening to your technicians, technicians you are going to have to lighten up with the users, because you are learning also. Don't let em fool ya' endusers...

The more angry the techs get with you, while they are working on a problem you are having, is the #1 sign that they have no idea what they are doing.

People that are happy to work on problems with you are the ones that solve those problems, with you ;-)

The sooner you get your data in the cloud the sooner you'll be able to hold those vendors liable for your data.

You now have accountability and they know it, but they don't care because all they want is your business.

Just because you have it in the cloud doesn't mean that you don't need it locally. Backup Backup then Backup again! You know the rules!

It's time to get onboard America and forget about the buckles because they ain't gonna help you now :-D just face the direction your going and let the wind blow threw your hair...

Here we go again...

Same Sh*t different day...

Just recently we heard about this user that left their computer in their car and insisted on blaming the Manufacturer for the entire situation.

They blamed the Criminal, the Computer Manufacturer, the Car Manufacturer, the Librarian, the Meter Maid, their Wife, the Kids, the Weather and pretty much anything, everything and everyone, but themselves.

Computers have all sorts of solutions to keep your data secure, backed up, reliable and convenient with or without your daily device.

That's right, you can use just about anything nowadays to access your data, send a file, browse the Web or Check Email and even from a Profile that is familiar to you...

In other words, if you had your Folder Icons on the Left and your Program Shortcut Icons on the right they'll be the same for you from "ANY" device.

Is it perfect yet...NO! but they're working on it...

PC IBM Compatible machines have all sorts of varieties to choose from, some local and some 3rd party for backup, data encryption and GPS/Lojack solutions for your device.

Apple also provides to you "ALL" of these services in one and 3rd party.

1. Apple can backup your computer PERFECTLY! and easily w/Time Machine :-)
2. Apple can encrypt your data so it can only be read by you
3. Apple has Apple ID/iCloud solution you can enable to use GPS on any Apple Device

So you see, the only reason why you have the problems you have with your device is entirely your own misdoing.

9 (nine) times out of 10 it's the End User that has the problem, leaving a 50/50 chance out of 1% of ten that the problem is either Hardware or Software conflict...and that's a fact!

Monday, December 15, 2014

In the News

Sony Gets Hacked...this is real convenient considering they had a movie coming out about an interview with Kim Jon-un.

Now apparently the James Bonds cars have been stolen and some emails are being spread around.

James Bond, Spider-Man compromised by new Sony hacks...

The movie produces will stop at nothing to promote their film :-P

Not only that, apparently they have added a bonus to the show that comes out on the 25th of December.

If this statement doesn't sell a movie I don't know what would:

A group calling itself GOP posted a message online on Monday that warned Sony to stop “immediately showing the movie of terrorism which can break the regional peace and cause the war.”

"What is clear is that by deciding to go ahead with the film, Sony stumbled into a geopolitical mess complete with all the elements of a Hollywood thriller: international intrigue, once imperious, now humiliated, film executives, strong-willed leading men and highly sophisticated cyberattackers. The studio’s first miscalculation, film experts say, was in venturing beyond where big-budget moviemakers dared to go in the past."

Sound like a Great Show, but I hope they don't commercialize it to death, and create a bunch of hype, you know how that ruins movies :-(

You know...there's an old saying in the movie biz..."The Show Must Go On"...and that's a fact!

The GOP (Guardians of Peace) have threatened anyone that goes to watch The Interview at the theater. They referenced the 9/11 2001 event...

Well if you remember, you won't even have to go to the movie, because they distributed the movie for you on the Internet already for free and more than likely, the kid down the street has a copy ;-)

Just get a copy of it and watch it from the Comfort of your own home :-) you could watch it before it comes out in the Theater :-D

Not sure if we should thank the GOP or hate them :-D seriously, they have warned everyone, given us free movies and gossip :-P


"Sony Cancels Theatrical Release for 'The Interview' on Christmas"...


Novell is offering free webinars on a variety of topics:

• Novell ZENworks: Everything Endpoint Management.
•Novell File Management Suite: Lord of the Files.

The first fifteen attendees get a $10 Starbucks gift card. See the full list of webinars and register now.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

What was that...

10 Most Reliable Car Brands Driving the Automobile Industry in 2014...

Car repair data site CarMD just released its Vehicle Health Index reliability ratings and ranked the vehicles with the least combined “check engine” repairs and costs. It culled repair data from 40,400 specific repairs performed on model year 2004 to 2014 vehicles from Oct. 1, 2013, to Sept. 30 of this year...

#1 KIA Optima next will be the Sedona... we get the Colorado truck, but what is the point of the Canyon and the little version of a bigger version thing...or is that for the kids...Confucius say, huh?


...pros and cons...must see good in bad ;-[)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Patch Tuesday...

Has come and gone, did you update yet?

No Sense Doing it on the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month for non-critical users. Do it on Thursday or Saturday or the Third Tuesday :-)

Optional Updates need to be done as well "NO DRIVERS" HP, Intel, etc. just Windows Updates.

Optional Updates do not install with Critical Updates because they need to be manually selected due to a bad driver install.

Bios Drives, Videos Drivers, Sound Drivers, Chipset Drivers are required to be installed by the MFG. recommended software.

These drivers if installed can be hard to remove or repair, some can't be repaired some can't be removed, while others can be fatal to your motherboard. Take Drivers very very seriously!

Yes, the reason we don't update on the 2nd Tues. of every month is because MS might put out an update that could be contradictive to software or hardware.

Haven't not been able to recover from a bad update from MS and can be resolved rather quickly and cheaply. If you don't know what you are doing shut down your computer and call a tech.

If you don't know what you are doing, just shut down as soon as you see the error, call the tech and a few seconds later you'll be fixed, otherwise you won't.

Friday, December 5, 2014

5hVnz Two-2 4 1

5hVnz Movie/Song of the Month - Burt Reynolds Smokey and the Bandit Part I...

"Legends Never Die, they just lose weight" L.E.B.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

DW Update

Most probably, it's about kernel objects separation. Please, check the driver...

How to Update: (note-change #5 to #20 ;-)

**Update at your own Risk**

...speaking of updates...20 seems to be the mostest stablestesss.t ;-) but, there's always a but, it still fails, but still mostest bestest thus far...

**Update at your own Risk**

Monday, November 24, 2014

Here's an Idea

What is the big deal with having to talk to the players right after the game? They're still pumped up from the game and this reporter/journalist wants to talk about how they feel...

There are two reasons people don't like talking to media, one is they ask silly questions and other is that they usually have their own agenda.

Even the Coach is not a good person to talk to after the game or even before the game for that matter. They are too focused on football to discuss feelings and strategy.

Media loves to exploit players that may not agree with your FCC requirements, but all they do is diminish the character for players and fans.

Why don't you bring in a PR person and the media would have a list of questions that they would pool together to give to the team.

This way they will have time to prepare a bit and having a mediator answer the questions in a manner Journalist/Reporters like to be addressed with is a Win Win?

Let the players and the coach come to grips with what happened and let them share their experience with their loved ones first.

They don't want to share this experience with the media...they want to share it with their significant other, family, friends the people that helped them get there first, not you sillies :-P

Why would they want to talk to you? NONONONONO, you need to have a players meeting and let the players enjoy their moment with those that are close to them.

You'll have a PR person in the meantime to answer Y/OUR questions about players injuries and feelings, and of course what they think of their Uniforms :-| or duck crossings signs by speed bumps.

Then have the players circle, square, triangle IDK and let them prepare for a real live feed of what they think and feel about dcsbsb's ;-) Then the Coach's night.

This would happen every week and more than likely the day after the game, unless of course of a short week schedule ex. Sunday/Thursday game.

Hope this helps...

OBTW...They have it already! :-D

Symantec Found a Virus...

"A highly advanced piece of malware—perhaps the most sophisticated of its kind ever discovered—has been systematically snooping on government organizations, businesses and private individuals for at least the past six years, according to cybersecurity company Symantec"...6 YEARS AGO?! WHAAAAT, and you just found it now?

Weren't you in charge of the Govt. Networks, businesses and private individuals? We think so, nice job Symantec :-) you know what they say, "If you want a guaranteed solution for finding malware 6 years later, then go with Symantec, they're the best"

I think that's a saying, well if it isn't, it is now ;-)

Keep in mind this is also the same company that just came out and said that they admitted to not doing all they could in order to stop malware, and their half-assed knee jerk Heuristics approach failed.

So for them to say this is a highly advanced piece of malware "they" ever found "perhaps" well consider the source making the claim...

Malware is sneaky and more than likely 99% of us are infected...and that...might be a fact...

Well thanks for the tip Symantec and since you aren't used to driving we have a tip for you, the Driver side is the left side of the vehicle where the Passenger side is the right side of the vehicle.

Determining the sides of the car is done from inside the vehicle not from the outside of the vehicle Symantec :-(

In the meantime Symantec we recommend using Ãœber to get around ;-) oh and mention KIRO that's KIRO, and receive 20 dollars off your first ride ;-) you better start thinking about saving more :-)

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Good Deal

Buy a Chromebook (199.99) Get 1TB of Google Drive Storage for free a 240.00 value ...:-),2817,2472574,00.asp

In The News

"Put The Turkey Down And Go Shopping, Expert Advises"...more than likely the same expert that said Marijuana shrinks your brain...

...just add expert and another moron is born ;-)

It's not evolution it's progression...and that's a fact!

Hardware Obs Olete Cont...

Oh we just can't sell PC Hardware anymore...really...

Alienware Alpha - The World’s First PC Gaming Console. Welcome to a New Era in Gaming...

1080p 60fps or GTFO

"While the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 still struggle to launch new games at 1080p/60fps, I hold PC gaming systems to a higher standard. 1080p/60fps is what PC gamers expect by default, and when you’re paying a bit more for the experience, it’s what you deserve." Jason Evangelho

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Women are Like Used Cars...

The asking price is always too much, negotiate.

You might find a one owner model, but what you'll never know is how many people have driven it.

It's probably gonna leak a little.

The year of the car isn't as important as how many miles have been put on it.

The better the paint job, the more rust it has underneath.

A used car has more experience and is already broke in.

The brakes are good, but the tires are usually fare.

Make sure all the signals work, there may be a bulb out, or worse...faulty wiring.

There's nothing a little Bondo can't fix.

They always look better at the dealership.

What Knock, oh that's supposed to do that.

The first thing that's gonna go is the transmission and/or clutch.

You don't want a smoker, they'll end up costing you a lot of money with nothing to show for it.

You'll never get rid of the smell, but you'll be able to cover it up.

There's nothing a little paint can't fix.

You mayyybe saving a little money in the front end, but you're gonna pay more in the back end.

Always act as if you are looking at other models and haven't decided on anything just yet.

To test if it's going to be durable you should make sure you drive the SH*T out of it at first.

There might be a little play in the steering wheel, but more than likely you won't be steering anyway.

Make sure you have a good suspension.


...AS IS NO WARRANTY. Means that you can exchange it, but any repairs are your responsibility.

So, I learned something with this and that is we need to roll it, or in the Comedy World I guess they call it the "Silly Putty" other words, it needs to be stretched...

ex above w/the AS now, The advantage with a new vehicle opposed to a used vehicle is that a new one has warranty.

We have now stretched it with the Silly Putty :-D what can you think of...

Ahh, once we put a little spit shine on her and elbow grease, she'll look good as new, you'll see.

...I learned how to buy a used car from this comparison.

DW Update

New Update:
Beta 18...Update at your own risk:

sidenote: Disable Inbound and Outbound Firewalls. See error report to:


For directions of install refer to this blog:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What Was That...

"BELLEVUE, WA" and MINNEAPOLIS, MN--(Marketwired - November 17, 2014) - Point Inside and Target Corp. (TGT) today announced that several new in-store navigation features are now live in the Target app...


Monday, November 17, 2014

DW Update

Make sure you have your license before you uninstall, you're gonna need it.

Okay, uninstall your DW and delete all settings. You don't need to provide feedback, but if you do just say you are reinstalling to start fresh.


Download Your Version from here:
w/hips (recommended)

Make sure you have your license before you uninstall, you're gonna need it.

DW uninstalls itself completely and has an uninstall feature to it or you can go all the way to add/remove programs also.

It's always recommended to run your CCleaner before and after an uninstall/install and reboot/restart.

If you still experience the 50% CPU Increase then contact Ilya immediately! Ilya has confirmed no issues with this download...

Failed for me in 15 minutes...

It won't matter if you press Stop Attack, Stop Process, Allow or Block. The 50% will show itself every time.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Here's an Idea...

The Magic Wand...

It's a light with cameras in it. The light is done with LED's and camera's would be all along the wand.

It would be for Maintenance, Automotive, Maritime etc.. that would allow you to look under something without actually going underneath...

Okay, so you have to see under the side of the car, all you would do is turn on the LED light and cameras (one switch) but what you would see is outputted to your smartphone...

You could use Bluetooth and a video would appear on your smartphone with a lighted up area for you to see what going on without getting dirty and in real time :-P

Don't work harder Work Smarter :-)

sidenote: More than likely they already have something like this, but I don't think it's affordable.

You gotta make it rugged enough to withstand a couple of bumps and plops and also a cleaning method recommendation.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

In The News...

World of Warcraft is coming out with a Movie...AWESOME:

Warcraft 2016:

DW Update

If you are experiencing dllhost 50% CPU increase, then update here.

Beta 17. Update at your own risk
...will be redirected...

Oh this is fun :-) we're at 15.1...If you don't love the process you won't love what you do, in computers, you gotta love the process...and that's a fact!



For directions of install refer to this blog:

Happy Birthday FireYuck

Without Yin, there is no Yang...but Y no G...anyway...

Firefox Is Ten Years Old, Happy Birthday!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Lumia RM 1090 Review

Nothing to see here, move along...move along.

This is just another 8.1 phone, 1.2 processor 1gb of ram and 8gb of storage expandable to 64 :-D

Reminiscent of HP days when they came out with 512mb machines for 299.00 with Vista 64x, when the World was going to 4gb. sure does bring back some memories...

...anyway, MS btw, we're at 2.66, 4gb and 32gb standard, just so you know right, just so you know...

Their head is in the Cloud more these days ;-)

Wait until next year when they come out with 10.0 in the spring.

Motorola Droid Turbo is one of those phones that would make you jump ships to Android for sure...

Just sayin'...but that would be unfair considering that Motorola is definitely Master of Phones w/out a doubt, while Apple becomes masters of Processors ;-)

The Apple processor outperforms the Snapdragon Quad Core 2.66GHz, but apple doesn't have a 4k Ultra HD display ;-)

Microsoft is in Branding mode right now with their phone more than they are with the technology of things, plus they have to keep costs down now that they are building their own.

The thing of it is it's not as easy as just getting a phone, you'll have to change carriers in some instances and that requires a 2 year contract usually.

That's what they call a rock and a hard place if you are a Microsoft user :-( you'll be compromising service providers just to get a higher quality phone.

We're in it for the long haul, so if we have to, we'll go phoneless :-D we would, because we have used AT&T for well as MS, so if it works, don't change what ain't broke!

In phones, MS is in last place, so ANYTHING is better than they are on the Hardware side of things, as for OS, well we've been fine with 7.8 windows 8.1 like phone :-D

We're going on three years with only a 99 dollar investment, not bad...and that's a fact!

The Surface Pro (8.1) is an excellent solution for you if you are looking for a tablet and a notebook. One of the best actually.

Still not an Android fan, but definitely a Google Chrome fan, so that would be the alternative if you are looking for something strange and unusual ;-)

For familiarity get the Amazon Fire HD (Android) without a second thought for your tablet only solutions. By far and without any doubt and excellent value and by far again the best value...and that's another fact!


"The difficulty with Android is that the stock Google experience is not what most Android users use. Most use some sort of UI skin, be it Samsung's TouchWiz, HTC's Sense or Xioami's MiUI."

Be careful with Portables folks, 300 here 200 here adds up and before you know it, you have a box of junk.

It's all valuable and remember their is information on those junkyard devices, so make sure you purge them before you throw them.

There is value in some of those old devices, but if you aren't a Hoarder we would recommend against it ;-)

We're still a Macintosh Fan and an iPhone fan, but as for iOS we think it needs to be refreshed. Tiles are just so much sexier than icons, but it doesn't mean that tiles are the end all be all of interface solutions...and that's our last fact!

Friday, November 7, 2014

What was that...

Seattle is putting in new "Smart" parking meters that will allow you to add time to your device up to an hour before expiration. Interesting...

...and what a good idea, if I say so myself :-P

When ASUS Al Speaks, We Listen...

"I learned today, the nose-less "Smiley" was first used by computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in 1980. When did you add the nose?"

Yeah! When did they add the nose...maybe it was the same day ;-)

Register Your Kid

There is an App that is put out by the Government called the FBI "Child ID" app.

you'll need iTunes...

"Right now, the Child ID app is only available for use on iPhones and can only be downloaded for free from the App Store on iTunes, but we plan to expand this tool to other types of mobile devices in the near future. And we’ll be adding new features—including the ability to upload other photos stored on your smart phone—in the coming weeks and months."

Contact your Local FBI Agent or go Online to download the app from the FBI Site ;-)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Here's an Idea

...another avoid the problem and go into the solution already...

People put up signs and/or they complain about you leaving the door open, and it happens every day, and probably about a million times a day...:-D 1-4.

It cracks me up in situations like this because I am only referring to businesses. There's this thing that goes on the door called an Hydraulic Door Closer that automatically close doors for you ;-)

You can even adjust the tension on this device to make the door closes slower or faster :-P

I'm not sure how long they have been around, but it's been at least 100 years, wouldn't ya' think?

Take down the sign and fix it already, they are like 50 bucks :-P

Oh it's cold, can you shut the door, oh it's too loud, can you shut the door. Avoid the problem and go into the solution and start acting your age!

The New Sexy is "Intelligence"...and that's a fact!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Here's an Idea

Auto Parts stores need to upgrade their software to take the Vin # of your vehicle.

This way it will give them the information they need in order to find the part for your vehicle.

The current solution is question answer game and usually less answers than questions.

Just provide the Vin # and you got it VIOLA! and all the information is at your fingertips without does it have, does it have, does it have...

Avoid the problem and go into the solution. You can do it, I know you can, be a believer and make it happen... :-P

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Here's an Idea...

Email is created to easily and needs to be slowed down. There are probably millions of unclaimed email boxes out there that haven't been accessed for a long time due to lost passwords.

sidenote: If they can clean the refrigerator out on Friday, they could Clean out those emails...puuurrrge ;-)

People create emails on the fly just to register for a site, and use the email just long enough to click the activation link then either delete it or forget it.

Leaving emails with user information in them is not good for your security online either, so maintain a spam and trusted email account...or...PO Boxes for the Internet.

I don't think anything is out there for this, have looked around and talked to a few people and nothing sounds familiar, but I've been wrong before ;-P

Create PO Box email@dpobo.mail and have only one email to monitor.

The pobo email will come into your PO Box online like a PO Box would and would or would not send an alert to your email when you get an email and how many emails you have.

The PO Box is for anonymity for people that need to register for things online.

The PO Box would come with spam filters and malware protection just like any email provider and free!

If the unsubscribe doesn't work, you could enable a "Kick" of that email and it would be gone and any remnants...Or so goes the theory ;-)

D-PoBo has it's own Interface and you would only use this D-PoBo for things you wouldn't normally give a personal email address to.

Once in your D-Bo you could create rules just like Outlook that would automatically add to your accounts, create a folder or just the Inbox of your primary email account.

You could manage the emails in a secured folder that replies only in your pobo email. If you move it out of the folder into your personal folder is when it would reply with your personal email.

Security would use more Biometrics with the types of emails you receive after you register your PoBo and what types of spams it attaches.

It would also use your voice and digital security additives like sending a code to your phone or email.

The main purpose here is to stop the unnecessary adding of emails and the leaving of emails with or without data in them, but nonetheless a waste of resources.

It also creates the anonymity people want with the internet registration process for informational and conformational purposes.

It will also be used as a Spam Filter for your Inbox which will appreciate you for giving their spam filter a break ;-)

Something like that, is that what you see...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

3rd Party Software

This Grub Hub app is a great example of 3rd party software.

They allow you to order from a restaurant without talking to a Representative. Well, most restaurants do that now.

This is the "type" of software that you have to be leery of, due to the security rule.

Most 3rd party software is more gimmicky then securely...I know :-( anyway, security isn't the high priority.

example: Snapchat had two functions, take a picture and delete it for your security. Well, come to find out Snapchat wasn't deleting the pictures :D

This is where the malware comes from, and even though it's free, well so is the Virus and not always the case, but nonetheless a bad decision.

Always contact the Manufacturer first, then Vendor. If you order from Dominos, DOM KNOWS! They have an app, so think before you snap...and that's a fact!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Vote NO on I594 cont...

Kaci Hickox brings up a good point and considering how the administration has handled this Ebola Situation you may want to think twice about giving up your civil liberties right now.

Maybe later when things slow down we could talk about this issue again, but right now it's best that the Private Sector maintain their right to personal security.

The School shootings you have heard lately have been with registered guns of parents, so I594 lacks merit and a convincing argument.


The Government can't even protect us from Ebola, remember? They said that Ebola would never come to America and Viola, they voluntarily bring in two doctors infected with Ebola the next damn day :-D

Your ads only depict Women and nothing about men, other than the seller. A woman narrating the whole time and yet statistically more men have died from guns than women ever have or probably ever will.

Sounds kind of Bias and again, lacks merit a convincing argument and common sense.

sidenote: Protect us from what...simple, Ourselves...

!!National Threat!!

Kaci Hickox from Fort Kent Maine has refused to go into quarantine after being directly involved with Ebola in Africa, yet just plain "REFUSES" to self quarantine...

Judge rejects Ebola quarantine for nurse...

This is wrong on so many levels, but we don't have the energy to go into them all...we do however see her side of things.

She is trying to move along the subject, and if an amendment a law a history blurb/documentary gets written in the process and her name is next to it, be it!

In the meantime what should shop owners do?

This is simple: If you can afford to close your doors due to contamination...then go ahead let her in, but if you can't, you may want to think twice about letting her in...

Our question to Kaci Hickox is: How is it that you could go thousand of miles away from home to help people that you don't know for free and then come back Home, knowing that you risk the chance of infecting people that you know and love...

Anyway...for the lawmakers you can only change the present to change the past or the future...

If they can have a waiver of release that a completely falling down drunk could sign to ride the Mechanical Bull in a bar, you would think they could make up a conditional requirement...

Any Person that chooses to help Ebola Patients needs to sign an agreement that they would go into containment for 30 days to prevent exposure, if they don't they don't go.

They could choose where they want to be contained, Home or a Recyclable Solution. Yeah, if you go home and you are infected they will destroy your home, so think about it...

Confused, it's easy, can you afford to lose everything?

...and finally, there is no blame, just solutions, GOD Bless this woman for coming forward with this issue that needed to be addressed, it took a lot of strength...and that's a fact!

sidenote: Oh Yeah, all Staff working with Ebola Patients will need a Mental Evaluation "First", During and After...

Here's an Idea

Voice Commands.

Right now we currently have one voice command that recognizes our voice and responds with characters that make up words...BORING!!!

Typing is one thing, but when we get to use our voice you'll see that you start acting out in character the feelings and emotions you are experiencing for that convo.

However, the phone doesn't get into character :-( because it doesn't recognize your voice.

Like eyes, your voice is unique and masking your voice with voiceovers don't and shouldn't not allow you to text in other voices.

Most people have two voices some more ;-) they have the silly voice like we talk to children, animals and loved ones in and we have our standard voice.

When I talk silly the device just goes what? Well not really, it just refreshes and says, Say your Messsage...say your message...say your message...

We want to talk silly whether we are in front of the listener or behind the scenes, why? because that person, the pet makes us feel good.

Just because we are not physically in front of the person/animal doesn't mean we don't feel like we are, and that is what needs to be improved.

We need to be able to train our phone with Two Voices first, then that will grant you enough time to figure out how to allow it to accept any voice we do.

You can do it and you know it...and that's a fact!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I'm Impressed

The Microsoft Watch isn't a Fitness Tracker and isn't a good name for this device.

You got the name, just like the iPhone is to Apple, you got the...McWatch :-D Truly!

You're the Mc"" for the computer world. Do you have a dollar menu ;-)

, but seriously you know we love you, we think this McWatch Fadoodlehazen thing is the smartest :-)

Crossplatform, is EPIC!

Price is great! Do you have a Men's Watch?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Congratulations Giants...

and thank you for such a good series.

Does that mean that the Royals get a Set of Steak Knives...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Here's an Idea...

The #1 software on computers is by far Time/Temp w/out a doubt...challenge?

sidenote: Make sure you count all of them, there are usually 3 or 4 Time and Temp programs loaded. Most users add better than they remove ;-)

...onward...In Football I believe their is an important element(s) missing in their real time stats and that is...adding a Time and Temp with a Wind Direction/Speed Monitor.

These two elements in the top right corner of the screen would be helpful.

Make it customizable for customers as well, do a Winamp thing w/it ;-)

Yeah, create a gadget screen for customers :-) but in the meantime, Time/Temp/Wind Dir/Speed monitor in the right top corner is needed...and that's a fact!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Here's a thought...

What's the most dangerous profession in the World Today?

Give UP?

Okay...Give UP?

A Banker...

Why...simple, they have to handle money...Ebola Money.

START BURNING THE MONEY!!! :-D Might as well ;-) know what that means don't you...that means that Rothschild is off the hook.

Money is dirty already, ever been to a strip joint? Case in point.

No it's not money, it's someone that wouldn't need money, or doesn't require money and more importantly, wouldn't touch money...

Isn't life fun :-)

Here's an Idea

Cruise Control is a great tool in my opinion. Where people miss the boat on Cruise Control is thinking they have control, w/out Cruise Control, when really they don't.

Not only that, but these are the people that develop "Traffic Foot"

Have you been passenger to someone that is constantly pressing on the accelerator then releasing, on-off, on-off...forward backward goes your head, on-off, back and forth, on-off back and forth, on-

These people need help, and they need help fast, because the longer they do it, the harder it is to stop.

Plus, they will never know they are doing it, until someone mentions it to them, so help them to help help, them, to help

So we thought...we don't have to wait for driverless cars when we can create a driverless solution RIGHT NOW!

If you travel the same route every day, you'll notice, that if you don't have cruise control on, you'll roll right through a speed reduction sign, even if you know it is there!

The day will suck when that is the day you get a ticket for something you could have avoided. So, why not train your cruise control...

You could create a GPS route that would adjust your speed according to posted speed limits and would increase or decrease automatically.

sidenote: Little beeps going off all the time for different things will become annoying. Avoid the Problem and Go into the Solution...

Brake over-ride always with enable disable feature as well.

They have computers in cars, We can rebuild it. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better, stronger, faster...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Here's an Idea

For you ladies.

In football the quarterback is constantly licking his fingers to grab the ball. It gives them a sticky grip to hold and throw the ball with.

I had always thought if you could find a way to apply the money gripping paste stuff that cashiers use to separate money, that Stuff, and have him wipe his fingers on that instead of licking them

It's kind of a gross thing when you think about what QB's do with those fingers :-P that ball touches all kinds of stuff and there they go liiiiiick YUMM! Sticky Stuff Applicator thing, hmmm...

Here is what I see, the lid is done like an old style mens change purse (all rubber), but with a very forgiving layer not as thick just enough to cover the gripping paste to maintain freshness.

This design maintains more than freshness, it also allows speedy dabbing ability, safer, cleaner all around solution.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014


are coming into ruin things again. Why can't they create their own damn game?

Why must they insist on destroying what is making money and what guys like doing WITHOUT WOMEN!

sidenote: argumentative...

Now the WOMEN are coming after the Multi-Billion dollar gaming industry.

You don't give women a good role in the game! Yes they do, and a lot of guys play the Girls as their characters because they are usually stronger!

Pretty Ironic Huh?! Maybe you should play the game before you bash it.

The games that are out there aren't wrong, they are usually created from comic books or the idea of.

Women have always been the one in distress and it's usually the woman that has to come to his rescue because he gets in trouble dating you because you're not the chosen one IDK...

Create your own series women, INVENT instead of destroying what's keeping this tattered nation working, thanks to poor choices people have made, don't add insult to injury!

I know that you are out of ideas out there for a new never seen before story, and there it is, yelling straight into your face :-D

It's more of a go along procedure with working with men and competition is welcome. Which by the way, is the very fabric that supports it.

It's not difficult Women, just think of a space story, go sci-fi with it, that's how it starts, that way you can create a fast forward from a beginning and an ending to form a trilogy to begin with.

hmm, who was that, oh yeah, George Lucas.

Women have vampire diaries, horror stories, romance stories, but start simple with MS Pac Man style console feel games.

There's plenty of room for competition ladies, all you gotta do is step UP...and that's a fact!


Here's an idea: Create a strap that auto tightens and loosens for cargo hauling. Create an app for it that loosens all the straps from your...

You know that just gave us an idea, you know why I think windows phones aren't taking off? Is because they don't have a cool name.

Like iPhone or Android,, it's The Windo...(-_-)Zzz.

The Surface is taking off because it's the Surface! but with the Windows Phone is it the 7.8, 8.0, 8.1 Windows Phone...Nokia 900/20/42/6 thing.

You need a cool name...hmm...TOMA...ATOM...MOTA ;-)...NYMPH :-D

Anyway Ladies, like that, and to finish the app thing that loosens the straps is just if you're bored :-)

So we were thinking today ladies and we have came up with your first game that you could create.

I was inspired by an old game called Slap the Engineer for this idea, but knowing obviously you can't slap Women, it's just a style I was looking for.

This game has a home version and can be built as an App, so it's a real easy starter for you. It's called, "Shut The Bit*h Up"

The Home Version takes 2 players, 1 thrower and unlimited receivers. It's entirely up to you on how many people you throw at, but for best results it's better to compete as 4, 2 against 2.

It's based on a point system and could very easily replace beer pong. You'll need a bowl and many different types of...popcorn.

It works like this, from the time women wake up to the time they go to sleep their mouth is moving, it never stops, and doctors have agreed that it's a condition.

The idea of this game is to throw the popcorn into the mouth of the woma/en while she's/they're talking, which is always, and Shut The Bit*h Up.

You make a point for each hole in one and you lose a point for the one you missed, so it's better not to miss, because your points can go into the negative.

The idea of the game is to fill her mouth up with popcorn to Shut The Bit*h Up, once you do, you win and you get 10 points for going out first, there is no second place.

The 10 points only goes to the person that went out first, the other players can add up their score, but they don't get 10 points or any points for going out second, third etc.

Now you are probably wondering why you need multiple variations of popcorn, well that's simple, because you're going to ask the participant what popcorn they want.

The problem with such an easy task is that we are talking about women here, so you know that 5 minutes into the game, their going to want to change popcorn.

It's on account of their indecisiveness condition they have, which you have know, tell me, how many times have you rearranged the living room...this week ;-)

What color is the wall in the bedroom...Today? So you see, the variety keeps them entertained and you don't want to get in the way of these beasts when they get hungry either :-P

There is also a distance that is part of the game. You'll start backing up as far as you can go and still make popcorn in the mouth.

Up to Six (6) feet is one point, for each foot after six foot is a point for each foot you add. 7 feet 1+1=2 points 8 feet 3 points...

The woman is allowed to eat the popcorn, but by the time they realize how much popcorn they have in their mouth will be too late for them.

The game must start when they get home from work, that is when they are most talkative, and usually come back with lines later like, you weren't listening to me, yes I was honey, well what did I say...uh...mhmm, listening my ASS! you don't love me :-(

As for the app version of this game is based on the same principles as the home version. You can even distance yourself from the target.

I mentioned earlier that it doesn't matter how many women participate, it's entirely up to you and what you can handle.

Three is probably going to be tough and has a double bonus round if you can Shut All The Bit*hes Up.

This also advances you into the next generation of the game of Shut All The Bit*hes Up! Which we'll leave up to you ladies to write.

You'll need to actually write all the code, I'm just the idea person.

Coincidentally enough, today we heard about a bunch of guys that got detained because of the dumb.... that got on the plane with Ebola...anyway, they were models for your women's romance novels.


A bunch of hunked up men with long hair going to audition for some romance novel were detained somewhere. The coincidence is that I just mentioned to you the romance novels you could create games ideas off of.

You have an open market ladies, you are the right brain thinkers, that the left brains need. You are the balance, not the beam.

You must compliment competitively in order to introduce your ideas into the mainstream. You don't need to use bullying techniques.

And if gaming isn't your gig then do what they did in "Waiting" you'll need to invent your own pe*is showing game...and that's a fact!

So in the meantime play nice...

5hVnz Car of the Year...

Without any question it would be the...Kia Optima.

4 cylinder with Turbo is in their new 2015 model. Better gas mileage, better engine and just as powerful as the V6!

Oh yeah, and the 10 year 100,000 mile warranty is incredible! I don't think I have ever heard of that type of warranty before.

The Best I have ever seen or remember or both :-D, was the 7 year 70,000 mile warranty from Chrysler. They don't have that now do they!?.

Nope, the Kia Optima is best in class and lowest in price. You new time buyers need to buy this car.

Why? because it will gain you 3 more things you need more than any other model on the market can:

1. A better Value with High Mileage Resale potential
2. You will improve your credit score
3. You will have more money to spend on anything else...

...what can you think of, maybe there's more ;-P

If you can't guarantee 100,000 mile - 10 year warranties means you can't guarantee 100,000 mile 10 year automobiles!

sidenote: Did you know that the dashboards in the Mercedes cars have a patented dashboard and a lifetime warranty...

If you are looking to buy and you are trying to rebuild your credit, this is the car, otherwise, go get yourself a car from, 'depending on owner'...1,000-7,000 dollars.

They are having sales on the 2014's, but you don't want one, but they aren't bad, it's just if you can afford the 2015 w/turbo you should :-P


Two Problems with the Kia Optima 2015:

1. You can't get 4 cylinder w/turbo at a base model design...
2. You can't get Turbo with the base model line with a Sunroof...

Here's where car manufacturers really miss the boat in sales. The Populous just want the Turbo, you could keep the AC, JUST GIVE US THE DAMN TURBO!

Second, it's not a bad deal, but the MFG and the Dealership have recognized in order to make more base model sales they would need to be able to add a Sunroof.

For about 2000.00 you can add a Sunroof and includ it into the cost of sale, 19,000 + 2000.00 = 21,000.

Now just add the Turbo to that and you got more base model sales.

Leave the Luxury models with Turbo also for the Luxurious, for the rest of US, GIVE US THE DAMN TURBO!

They overprice it a bit too, 19,000 base and over 40,000 w/Turbo and Luxury 20,000 + dollars for Woodgrain finish and Turbo...Overpriced, 38,000 TOPS! 35,000 dollar value.


The 2011's are coming up for purchase now that were on lease of 32-52,000 miles lease and are now available at amazing prices.

This is the year they came out with the body style you see now and I believe the introduction to...4 cylinder Turbo YEAH!

There it is, KIA comes through again...confused?

Okay, 2014's are 40,000 a little high, but not the point, what is the point is TURBO...You can buy a 2011 4 cylinder turbo for 20, 000 LOADED! Still confused...

The Base Model cost 19,999 and to add a Moon/Sun Roof is 2000.00 and NO Turbo :-( and 4 cylinder.

Ahh, now you get it ;-) THEY GAVE US THE DAMN TURBO! WOOO! Thanks KIA ;-)

quiktip: KIA Optima has been around since 2000 (First Gen) they just looked different. The first Turbo was in the 3rd Gen 2011, so never buy the first, get a 2012 ;-)

2015 Kia Optima
MSRP: $26,500
Invoice: $25,091
Incentive Expiration Date: 1/5/2015
Potential savings below MSRP: 10%+
Kia's version of the previous generation Hyundai Sonata is a good car but falls a bit short of its corporate cousin in ride comfort, braking, and fuel economy. It handles well but the ride is borderline stiff and road noise is noticeable. The standard 2.4-liter four-cylinder performs well. Top-level trims get a turbo four-cylinder that's economical and powerful but not as refined as competitors' V6 engines. A hybrid is also available. The front seats are comfortable, but the rear seat is low. The styling detracts from rear visibility and access. Reliability has been average. vision...

What Was That...

Well well well, someone was paying attention in class. We mentioned to Comcast this very idea that they should Ala-Carte their channels, but like we said, they were getting too greedy.

Now they are losing one of their biggest clients, HBO and CBS is following in suit...

“The days when we had to get programming through TV over the air, satellite, or cable are gone. The old media will have to adapt very fast or be left in the dust."

Moves by HBO, CBS could be tipping point for a la carte pricing... heard it here first...and that's a fact!

What can you think of...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rant & Roll

Well I want to tell you something,
that I think you should hear...
I won't try to convince you,
but I'll make myself clear...
These lives that we've been living
has been a total lie,
as I tell you from my heart
I'll swear it on my life...
So come on, come on come all come on, come on come all but come on...

You gotta put one foot to the other
as you get up on that floor...
You gotta put one foot in front of the other
as you walk through that door...
To the World that's waiting for you,
like a child with smiling eyes,
You gotta a Nation standin' beside you
who's still tired of those lies...
So come on, come on come on and let GOD be our guide, yeah'heh come on come on and let GOD be our guide...

Yeah it's time to expose all those corporate criminals,
like the Enron's and Morgan Chase.
Yeah it's time to put all of these villains
in their rightful place...
These people won't respect America,
when they bow to a different face,
as they remove Abraham Lincoln
and put that Rothschild in its place...YEAH!
So come on, come on come on you gotta try, yeah'heh come on come on you gotta try...

Well they said his name was Jesus
and he sacrificed his life
then he came down from the Heaven's
and said that GOD was by his side,
Yeah'heh that world rejoiced around him
with a watchful eye...
for when they finally questioned this man
he said I'm god from the sky.
Yeah'heh come on come on come on, but don't lie, yeah'heh come on come on but don't lie...

Now you don't have to believe me
'cause you know not who I am
but please allow me to remind you
of what happened way back then.
A Pharaoh went to Jesus said
that's not the prophecy...Sorry Kid...
YEAH...You'd better watch your tongue boy
I hear that's the Highest Blasphemy...
Yeah'heh come on, come on come on, but don't lie, yeah'heh come on come on you gotta try, yeah'he come on come on and let GOD be our guide, yeah'heh come on come ALL, but come on...
