Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sony Update

Well the plot thickens...

The GOP has come out and said that you cannot release the film by any means.

Kim denies any involvement and invites US to search with them to prove there was none on their part.

They also threatened the US if they follow through with their intent...

...and all the While Sony is thinking that if they can just get it on Crackle there wouldn't be any connection to anyone...

Wouldn't you like to be on the ground floor of that IPO :-P

NANANANANA..."It's all about money ain't a damn thing you've got to have a con in this land of milk and honey"...Grandmaster Flash - The Message

If you write about somebody, profit off of that somebody and don't ask their permission to do it or even give them any money from your profits might make a person upset.

Everybody acts differently when they get upset, and KJ uses violence, we have seen this behavior before, you know how to act in this situation.

First of all, get the movie going again, second start working out a compensation with KJ if not 100%, maybe even give him a Cameo in it ;-) or an exclusive interview only movie watchers get to watch.

Money in the bank...

There's an old saying, "get your money clips"

Don't spend it all in one place KJ, you'll need to invest that back into the sequel. Plus you'll need to give some to a charity. It'll be a good write off :-)

Republicans Urge Theaters to Show ‘Interview': ‘We Cannot Be Bullied Into Giving Up Freedom’
"GOP vs GOP" :-D
Where's Apple in all of this. Wouldn't you think that Steve Jobs would be running up and down telling everyone to keep the presses running :-) maybe, who knows.
There has been a bit of a disconnect from Apple and Sony since Jobs passing though, maybe they should start looking into that...much to do you two, much to do indeed...

Dr. Evil is back and he's not happy that Sony and North Korea are giving evil organizations a bad rep...

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