Sunday, December 28, 2014

Windows Important Updates **ALERT**

Well it's that time again that Microsoft is starting to add drivers to its Important Updates.

Important Updates are the Critical updates that are done automatically and is imperative that MS have their act together, but as usual they don't.

Whenever MS comes out with a New OS they always have a problem with the Updating Service and the result is that they add Drivers to the Important Updates.

Time and Time again we have seen people's machines that are getting a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error upon boot because they loaded a Driver from Microsoft.

Microsoft is trying to build their WHQL driver database and have been trying to update their driver database at your expense.

"Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing or WHQL 'Testing' is Microsoft's testing process which involves running a series of tests on third-party hardware or software" WiKi

The key wording here is 'Testing' which means...your expense...

Everytime MS does an OS update like Windows 10 then the important updates start including drivers and the result is a non-booting system due to a compatibility failure.

The fix for this issue is...

1. Reboot System to 'Last Known Good Configuration'
2. Uninstall the corrupt driver (usually video)
3. Before you reboot run a Windows update and right click Driver and choose 'Hide Update'
4. Now restart
5. Restart/reboot (same thing) normal, system should boot. Once logged in, load the correct driver from OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) reboot
6. Now run Windows update again, confirm driver does not show itself again and Hide any Driver update you see.
7. Now install the remaining OS updates Only...reboot/restart (same thing)
8. Check Updates again make sure nothing is left and remember, do your "Optional Update" w/out drivers ;-)

Windows is getting into the hardware business, but have a ways to go because MS didn't share their secrets with anyone growing up and Companies are just returning the favor.

That's right, believe it or not, MFG's and 3rd Party Resellers are not happy with MS because of one thing or another, however they forget one very important fact...

Microsoft made you RICH...and that's a fact!

So share the love because the only people you hurt are...the endusers...and that's another fact!

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