Thursday, December 18, 2014

In The News

Will online privacy problems be solved by 2025? This is the buzz today.

If users continue to think and do the things like they have for 35 years, then no.

Plus, you have to know where we have came from in order to move forward.

Security is security no matter how you look at it when you need to protect something from whatever.

There are metaphors all around you that were used to design the technology and security solutions of today.

So, yada yada yada, this is about where we are at...

You can allow read access without write sure, but it's more than that.

We have just came off of a virtual/sandboxing/heuristics rule of thumb solution going towards a bio-metric assembly of actions designed off of the assigned user.

So again, a fact gathering reactive solution instead of a proactive collective solution. There is much study needing to be performed in order to create the "True" User Profile.

In the meantime just go into places that work on your devices, like Best Buy, the Dealer (MFG Retail Stores), 3rd party and ask them to get you protected and trained.

Stores whether it be, Dealer or 3rd party need to provide classes to train users how the basic most primary and most needed software is used.

sidenote: Trainings expensive, no it's not and can be transparent to the user. This is how much it is and that also provides training on...

Backup, Data Security and GPS Locator solutions for your devices need to be implemented and shown how to use and check.

Call your insurance agent and add your device with their warranty service and dump your phone providers. It's cheaper and better than the warranty you'll get with your phone provider.

sidenote: always call first and compare before you make any changes.

The security comes from you by adding these critical 3 services to your monthly routine, yes monthly, weekly, daily checks are needed with your computer.

Next will have to be your Inbox.

All Email Programs have the ability to add folders. What you'll need to do is move "ALL" not some, "ALL" of your Inbox mail to their proper folder.

Your inbox should always be clean "ALWAYS" if you want to prevent problems with refresh speed, email check status slowed and corruption.

Passwords need to be 12 or more characters Alpha/Numeric/Symbols and Case Sensitive are most secure.

Not all providers allow you to use special characters and leave you with the Neanderthal Alpha Numeric Case Sensitive only solution :-P

These providers SUCK and are one of the reasons why your credit cards and banks get hacked. Antiquated retarded way of thinking doesn't work in today's world.


Anyway...guess you'll have to pick up the phone more and strike up a conversation instead of a quick quip with a text if you are going to trash talk on someone.

However, phones have recorders in them now so you gotta be careful what you say too...Donald Sterling.

Computers have come a long way and have been quite cheap for awhile, but like anything, it fluctuates and what you are seeing now is a price increase.

Software is getting harder each day to load on these portables, and peoples demands are sometimes unrealistic with the resources that are available for these services.

There is a lot of room in the software technical market right now and schools are even adding Start Up technical training labs that you can register for.

So they need ideas...

As for Security Software...this is a very good question and because of what is going on around the World, you are going to have to make sure you know what you are loading before you load it.

Right now, Microsoft is providing it's own securities solutions which we recommend using. This is more than just their security essentials programs, it's a profile security solution.

Microsoft is for accountability, but not strong enough for browser threats. There is no defense for Browser Based Attacks, so you're vulnerable with or without the best software that is available today.

You have to make sure your device is up to date. Microsoft is the only structured software that chose a certain date and time to update their computer, the others just sort of do it sometime within the month...every other month...maybe...

You have to check your device "about" section for updates to your devices and make sure they are up to date to allow you that accountability with Microsoft, Apple etc etc etc.

If you get infected by an update they knew about and already patched and then you call...what'ya think? What would you do? Exactly, they think the same!


Look, this is the ez stuff, just think about all the other things you do on a computer. You could probably teach an old dog a new trick or two, so take it from us when we say, Step it uP a bit...

Computers are so integrated with your life that whatever you do locally will be transferred remotely...and that's a fact!

Don't think for a minute that just because you are in the comfort of your own home doesn't mean that what you are doing isn't equivalent of being between two tractor trailers in a mini cooper doing 65mph in a rain storm.


As for the 3rd Party Solution. Well this is a tough question indeed. Things have changed with all software solutions we use so more than likely so will the software.

We have been used to a 32 bit solution, but the world is moving more towards a 64 bit solution and malware software that is not compatible cannot be used.

All malware software that is written for Microsoft 64 bit isn't fully secure with KPP from MS. So it comes down to what you want out of a malware program.

Some programs come with stupid utilities that slow down your computer to a crawl and get corrupt and damage your system and won't uninstall and others don't.

MBAM is one of those that don't. It's priority is a low running service that doesn't impede the speed of your computer and concentrates only on MALWARE...I'M SOLD!

However, we're not truly an MBAM enthusiast and have been burned by them more than once. So why did we go uninstalls correctly, no matter what!

Symantec Norton Antivirus...there's an old saying, "if you don't have something nice to say about someone, don't say it."

Trend Micro Platinum is fine if you are running a Network. It's just a program that works better with a node/server type environment, but sucks when it comes to malware protection.

They all suck, except for just a few, and that is what we are struggling with because it's not a pro-choice solution anymore.

There are going to be more rules put into place on how and who you can use for your securities solution.

Right now Govt. and Hackers have access to the root, so do you think they care about your little security program??? Get a Grip!

It's what they call in the securities world, a First Level Threat Deterrent. Defcon has 5, "The defense readiness condition: this is the condition used to designate normal peacetime military readiness."

If you want to keep up with what is going on with Security and what tests are being performed you'll want to click here:

They are a non-biased research group.

You are going to have to admit you don't know what you are doing and you need help, the customer service attendant will have to be more considerate and start acting professionally.

We have seen dogs with better etiquette than most sales representatives today. It's absolutely disgusting what is out there today.

As for Backup you know we like Acronis and MS backup as well as Time Machine from Apple. They all work perfect.

For those of you that know us, you knew this day was coming. We analyze software every year and change if needed, but this is something different.

We are making a turn and/or a continuation of the same, so we're going to have major software conflicts for sometime with the more robust programs that are on the market.

It's the MBAM's and DW type programs that are going to be Superior for today's threats. It's going to be up to you to stop being unprepared, because it's going to be very very ugly.

There are no blue skies with what is going to happen if you don't start changing your procedures and start acting like the users we are and the users that have been trained by us and the one's that have trained us.

You need to start listening to your technicians, technicians you are going to have to lighten up with the users, because you are learning also. Don't let em fool ya' endusers...

The more angry the techs get with you, while they are working on a problem you are having, is the #1 sign that they have no idea what they are doing.

People that are happy to work on problems with you are the ones that solve those problems, with you ;-)

The sooner you get your data in the cloud the sooner you'll be able to hold those vendors liable for your data.

You now have accountability and they know it, but they don't care because all they want is your business.

Just because you have it in the cloud doesn't mean that you don't need it locally. Backup Backup then Backup again! You know the rules!

It's time to get onboard America and forget about the buckles because they ain't gonna help you now :-D just face the direction your going and let the wind blow threw your hair...

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