
Thursday, September 11, 2014

When Should Memorials end...

It has been asked:

"When should memorials end"...100 years is today's standards. As with Memorial Day, this was discussed awhile ago to be removed and "I Think" they decided to just keep it as a Military Thing (look it up), instead of it's current meaning (Civil War).

The big confusion is the Generation Thing...This could have been decided when Generations lived for 750 years according to the Bible, not to be confused with 1 person, a family existence. People only lived to 120-150 years old back then. This has not been defined or has been mistranslated throughout the years.

segue: Interesting Article;

In regards to 911, I would say it was an act of war! Which should be included in the Memorial Day Observance. As for 100 years or a Generation (750-1000..1 ;-) I think is the confusion here, but it's really simple, We "NEVER FORGET" ...and that's a fact!

Another question that was asked was: "Should School children be required to pledge to the American Flag"

The Flag is why you are here, it's not a religious thing, it's our existence. To pledge to the "American Flag" just means that you appreciate what it represents...Freedom.

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