
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Here's an Idea

With all the data breaches lately you could just imagine how hard it is for the bank to continue to replace your compromised credit card(s)...every week...

Isn't it nice that these companies have been forthcoming with you on their breaches? It sure is, but what about the companies that aren't...forthcoming...

The other thing that is interesting is on how they can determine "Exactly" what was breached and what wasn't...anyway.

They now have Insurance cards that can be sent to your tablet/phone/phablet...phoblet ;-) and just an image is proof enough in case of emergencies.

So why can't they do that with credit cards. You would think that they would make a credit card that changes with every use...

It would be a virtual file saved in the cloud that you can scan from your portable device just like the insurance card, can be used, but with the Credit Card the card # changes :-)

On every purchase! Encryption of some sort would be used if in case the file was saved to another device and ID would be required with purchase or exchange.

They say that most people develop a limp because we have wallets in our pockets, so, remove an item at a time if need be and fix that limp :-)

Plus it will save a lot of resources that it takes to make those plastic cards. Oil and Water...

...or 3D could send them electronically to a 3D printer faster than you could mail and make one.

No Mailing, real time recovery...Oil and Water saved :-)

All kinds of solutions that improve on the current model. What can you think of...

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