
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Surface Pro 3

blah blah blah...

The reason why Microsoft came out with an almost expired technological solution (x86), is to show you and themselves that they know what they are doing.

The irony is that, MS has always had it right, they've just always been too far ahead of their time, for any of you to see it.

If you walk down the street and ask who came up with the Tablet first, they'll all say Apple, :-D and that's just where the fun begins with that exercise.

However, we lament. MS is trying to gain your trust on that they know how to fix Windows 8 by creating a tablet that gives you Physical acknowledgment of Trust.

Showing you that you haven't wasted your money on Windows 8 and to keep buying so we can afford to keep developing...Windows 9.

We knew that MS would impress and they did, just like we said, and have, as usual, made the competition look like rookies.

The Surface Pro 3 owned in all categories, which should have already been owned given the amount of time that MS gave the competition, to simply catch up, but MS prevailed with showmanship unsurpassed by NO-ONE!

NO LTE, why? Simple and will prove again, why X86 is over "LTE chipsets have been too big and too battery-intensive...And if the gossip materializes, it’ll be interesting to see how it implements the 4G tech without sacrificing device size and battery life." "The Windows-Intel tablet camp still can't deliver 4G widely in a tablet. Let's hope that changes later this year." ;-)

China is blocking the sales of Windows 8 and is a smart move on their part considering that we know as well as they do, that 9 is right around the corner.

China doesn't want people wasting time and money on a OS that is going to be superseded by another, very soon ;-)

Arm is the architecture of the Future, not X86, so all that money you're going to put into a tablet, will soon be replaced with something better, faster and cheaper...and that's a fact!

"TIME TO FOCUS" Microsoft is and has always been a Software House, and it's a software game...and that's just one more fact 4ya' ;-)

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