
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Grocery Store App

Haven't we had enough of the billboards above aisles that are more outdated than the technology behind it?

Haven't we spent and asked enough times in the store, "Where can I find Mayonnaise"

We have literally been in stores that the signs don't have anything on that aisle that it represents, and what does the clerk say, "oh, yeah, we haven't changed em' yet"

Really? It's been over a month...response, well, we're gonna rearrange, WHEN?! soon...

I don't like going into the store only to ask someone directions to the mayo aisle, when we have GPS!

I should be able to say, "Tahini" and the app should not only tell me what aisle it's on, it will tell me where on the shelf it is.

An actual "LINE" to the item will appear on the Phone directing us to its location.

Sure, we wish we had all day to spend in the grocery store, going down aisle after aisle without a care in the world, but sorry, REAL WORLD CALLING...we can't! WE HAVE SH*T TO DO!!!

It's not only that, it's just so antiquated in the grocery store and technology is so far past them it's ridiculous.

It's obvious why they do it, they want to keep that "OLD" Sam Drucker Grocery store appeal, with good ol' conversation and time wasting attributes to compliment that atmosphere...:O=

Well you can still have the best of both worlds; there are some people that look forward to hanging out at the grocery store and talking to Sam Drucker while others wait patiently behind them to start their conversation.

The others want the "USCAN" checkout with a Grocery App to get them through the aisle faster and back into life!

We know that the world caters to the weakest link or the "I didn't know hot meant hot, I thought hot meant, luke warm, partly cold" type of person.

Which is fine, keep em' and let them hang out on Sam Drucker's register all day long, while the "REST" of the world passes them by.

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