
Monday, January 26, 2015

Microsoft Sales are Off, Cloud is UP

Microsoft sales have slumped due to market drop of PC's over the years and their failure to market their products properly.

The Cloud sales are on target which they should be, that's Nadella's baby.

They are in a very tricky situation right now, because they don't really have an Operating System anybody wants, other than 7 that is, but sales are slumped.

Microsoft has always been pressured to come out with products before they were ready which has been their biggest mistake, so it wouldn't be prudent to come out with 10 until it's ready.

Microsoft has a habit of coming out with "Basic" which is also a bad idea, because it's featureless and just pisses people off more than anything.

The good thing about MS is that they are very frugal and because of this, allows them to weather storms a little longer than others.

So again, there is no need to panic with MS, because they have a little reserve in the bank to keep paychecks coming in.

Now that's where it gets interesting, "Who's" paycheck will come in? That's simple, the OS department...

If you remember, MS just laid off 18,000 people and still their numbers came in under their analysts predictions, which means more layoffs are imminent.

Now the catch 22...if they don't layoff people they'll have to prove to the analysts that they can make a profit, but if they do layoff people they still might not make what analysts need, all the while making their investors uneasy.

They don't have anything else to sell, they aren't coming out with ideas like they used to and bake sales are for school field trips...

We see three things that MS is going to have to do...

1. They'll need to layoff more employees
2. They'll need to drop prices of their OS to 25.00
3. Improve their Desktop Publishing Software

That means Windows 7 is 25.00 and windows 10 will be 25.00 when it comes out.

No other Company is charging for their Operating systems. Apple only charges enough to cover the cost of the DVD and labeling and the rest are free.

All they are doing is selling hardware with free SW or close enough to free to make it enticing to buy for consumers.

By pricing Windows 7 at 25.00 will inspire people to buy PC's again because hardware pricing is way way down right now.

You could buy the machine of your dreams for 1,000 bucks TOPS. That's basically a 2500.00 PC in its prime for pennies on the dollar.

Corporations could now afford to buy really good machines for 200.00 with Windows 7 on them and keep business running on an OS they are familiar with and have software that runs on it.

This gives MS the time it needs to finish Windows 10.

You better tell them now rather than later about Surface Pro...that's 8 folks, and when 10 comes out they are going to drop resources for 8 and go to 10.

They can't even afford to keep working on what they have out there now, let alone having to support Surface Pro 3, 6...6.5, w/ever.

You'll piss off yet another wave of customers like you did with Vista and soon to be 7 and eventually Surface Users.

You are already having trouble making IE work with 10, so making Spartan back:-P-wards-:-P compatible. Backwards compatible is a like a 4 letter word and it's that resource thing again :-(

Windows 10 will be free for everyone with Windows 8 for one year THAT'S AWESOME, but if you are just getting on board it will only cost you 25.00.

The Nokia Division or Lumia w/ever the name is going to be can't take off until 10 is ready, because nobody wants to buy a Phone with Windows 8 on it, regardless of a free upgrade to 10.

Takes us for example, we're using a 7.8 Windows Phone with a cracked screen because we REFUSE to go to 8 why...contract or outrageous hardware price for the phone.

People don't want to get into a contract with 8 to find out that the Windows 10 phone is better and for some reason their 8 phone doesn't do something the 10 phone can do.

We have a 7.8 phone and it looks like 8, but it's not, it's just a desktop that looks like 8, so the same can happen for 10.

Plus, we'll be in a contract and will have to wait another year to get a phone upgrade :-(

Microsoft Office is the Primary business software for all OS and this is where you are going to have to put all your focus into.

Apple finally got what they have been asking MS to do for years, and now they have Office for Mac, now all you have to do is provide it for Linux.

People are tired of the Mr. Fixit persona, they are desperate for the Arts and Office is your Artistic side that will slingshot you into the "TRUE" desktop Publishing market.

Adobe is screwing up all over the place, their software is Outrageously priced, Flash and Adobe reader are so yesterday and really it's a market that's just begging for competition.

You need to provide the software for the designer now, not the developer, you need to be in that market like a fish needs to have water.

You're putting your focus in the wrong direction with the OS, you're almost there with it, and you have the Cloud and gaming market, all you need is just something to pull it all together, and that's the Office Team.

People are more creative these days because their is nothing out there for them, it's a new generation and traditions are fading away faster than a pair of blue jeans.

The OS is the Canvas, Office is the Paint and Paint Brush, you're a software House so start Softwareing ;-) and all those pieces will just fall into place...and that's a fact!

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