
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Memory Issue Resolved...

Come to find out it wasn't IE, it was Adobe...Sorry MS, we knew it was one of the two, but just started to test, we should have known it was the 3rd party Application...

However, the attack appeared to fail when Microsoft's lauded Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit was used, the preliminary analysis we weren't entirely wrong ;-) phewww, that makes us feel better :-) however, we don't have that installed and yet it still failed...

The latest zero-day, now fixed in a rare emergency patch for Windows, Mac and Linux, was being used by attackers to circumvent memory randomisation mitigations in Windows...

Like we said, it's time to find another vendor/solution for Adobe free products, they have obviously gotten lazy due to not getting paid for it.

Although, Adobe gets credit for owning up to it, so...Thank You Adobe and Thank You for your valued services over the years, you're a true Patronage...and that's a fact!

...testing ;-)

Is my Adobe Flash Up To Date:


Sorry Adobe, but you still have an issue, the memory increase stays stable for a little while, but begins to increase.

MS, you better get involved with this one and help out the Team...

Adobe Patches One Zero Day in Flash, Will Patch a Second Flaw Next Week...

Wait a minute, something doesn't make sense here...Adobe is quoted saying, "The Attack appeared to fail with Microsoft's lauded Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit."

First, we don't use this product and most people don't, plus we used Chrome with Flash and couldn't get the memory increase to happen after 4 hours of testing, but IE failed immediately.

Mac Users don't have the current IE 11 and MS has stopped making IE for Mac and pretty sure IE 9 was the last version they made for Mac, which means... have an old Mac and should upgrade, or you need to remove IE if you don't "need" it.

Why use Linux if all you're going to do is load IE, that defeats the purpose of Using Linux. "TRUE" Linux users use Linux because they are the "TRUE" Anti-MS unlike the posers @ Google.

In other words, if you can't live w/out IE you can't live w/out Windows!

So, is there a problem with IE and Flash, or is EMET the "Misdirection" tactic and IE is perfectly fine, but Adobe is sabotaging IE...
Now Google's Blog is acting up in IE...Google's blogger has not been compatible for IE for awhile, but it worked fine, until today.

Today we saw a new error from Google: "The browser we detected is unsupported and may result in unexpected behavior. Please choose from our list of  supported browsers  for the best experience."

sidenote: Google says, Older browsers might work with Blogger. But we can't guarantee that all of the Blogger features will work perfectly. For best results, make sure that you're using the latest version of your browser...but we are using the latest version and yet, it's all jacked up...Google you're acting like a child at recess that just got their sand fort kicked in :-( plus, Google, you have a sentence fragment: Older browsers might work with Blogger. But we can't needed a , (comma) after Blogger, and but isn't used to begin a sentence FYI ;-)

:-D well it looks as though we might have been right about Google and maybe Adobe...they're getting scared/jealous/rude/disruptive because they know that MS has the real deal with 10 and they are going to do everything in their power to disrupt it.

The proof is in the blog...and that's a fact!

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