
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Time to Change the Mode...

People are very trusting when it comes to their electronics devices that they take in for repair.

This isn't so much of a voluntary trust, more of a "I have to" trust agreement, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Customers should be able to turn on "Tech Mode" which would lock down their Users Folder and Personal Favorites/Bookmarks in your browsers.

Tech Mode should only give the Tech access to the operating system and the Apps in question. Yes, you could even lock them out of QuickBooks for example.

The other issue with not having a Tech Mode is that Customers either have to remove their password or tell the tech that is working on their PC, their personal password.

...and as we know, a lot of people use the same password everywhere, so this is a security vulnerability.

Your files are locked down by your password while in Tech Mode and could be unlocked if need be, by a folder at a time if you want.

sidenote: The mode will also log you out of your emails. A lot of people put a check mark in their password to leave them logged in and is a common thing to forget to do before you hand over your PC. Tech Mode will log you out automatically!

While in Tech Mode the system will boot into the desktop without a password. This way the Tech doesn't have to remember a password and you don't have to worry about your security.

The other mode that needs to be developed is Maintenance Mode/Backup Mode.

This can be a two in one process. When you want to do a Disk Defrag on your system you need to disable screensavers and power saving features, etc etc etc...

To defrag a computer can take hours and screensavers and power-management features are usually set a lot lower than that.

So what happens is that the screensaver kicks on, which disrupts the defrag/backup and then the system goes into hibernation mode and then pauses all services.

The result of this is no Backup or no Defrag will finish and will be the beginning of corruption on a computer.

If you schedule your Maintenance/Backup Mode for these days that are needed to run backups and defrags you won't have to go into each area and uncheck everything.

One and Done! Is the solution we are looking for. Just switch to Maintenance/Backup Mode and run your scheduled events as planned.

The Modes will also be able to be assigned to either reset the modes and put system back into original state and hibernate, or put system back into original state and shut down.

There's a third mode, there's always a Third...Oh Yeah, Travel Mode.

Travel Mode will incorporate "Facial" recognition coupled with Fingerprint authentication if needed/wanted.

You set your PC to travel mode if you have to tuck it away somewhere either for storage or travel. Once the system is turned back on it will send a text alert.

When the system is taken out of Travel Mode, regardless of situation, it will always take a snapshot of the user and send an email or text to verify authenticity.

You would of course be able to take control of your device in a situation like this and keep the user locked out.

Actually, thinking out loud, if the Insurance Companies and Manufacturers would warranty it, you could have the device self-destruct sort of speak.

Not allowing anyone to use it and make it useless if stolen takes out the desire.

You could also of course reset your device to factory settings and in order to reinstall it, you'll need to get a code from the vendor/mfg ;-)

Spy Mode:

This is for Parents/Guardians that want to keep an eye on their children's safety.

They can log in, have access to both cameras and leave a little bread crumb to let them know that they were just checking in, not snooping ;-)

Guess there were four, are there more...

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