
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hwys Cont...

The three finger rule goes for the lanes as well for the on and off ramps. Two to the left and one to the right and yes, you can turn on a red light.

What Retarded Genius thought of the 5 lanes of traffic funneled into a one lane off/merge ramp HELLOOO!!!

You want to get mad at them, the people that create these messes in the first place, but who to blame, the Architect, the Politician or the Engineer?

You can't, plus, most of them are all dead of old age anyway, so not much good there.

Nope, the real problem is the Slow left hand drivers and the accident makers.

If an accident happens and it's your fault, you should be grounded from driving for one month on your first offense.

While you are banned from driving you will need to go to a safety course on how to drive!

Second offenders will be banned from driving for 6 months, and so on and so on.

These are the people that cause the delays on the highway. You could put 12 lanes on a highway and they would be full, so adding lanes is not the entire solution.

The Looky-Loo syndrome:

People should not pull over on the road if they are being pulled over by a police officer. They should turn at the next exit and pull into a public location.

There are so many reasons for that we can't count, and we don't have the time or energy to point them all out.

The "LEFT LANE IS FOR FASTER VEHICLES" no Semis, no grannies, no jerkoffs, just intelligent drivers only!

You also need to build an exit off the freeway before the main exit and build a frontage road for people.

These are great for two reasons, keeping traffic flow and great advertising. A lot of cars on the highway hint hint.

What else...what else...hmmm there was something else...

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