
Friday, June 27, 2014

Microsoft Sayz...

Fire Siri, hire Cortana...

See, they are horrible at marketing, they just think because you rhyme it, that it's gotta' be true, but rhyming doesn't work that way, it has to come natural, then it's true.

Plus, if Cortana is so good, Siri will wanna quit...and that's a fact!

Why was Steve Jobs so good at what he did? Was because he knew who he had to be around in order to make what he saw work.

You can learn a lot from a person like that MS, maybe you should start...learning that is...On Project 9, but this time...get it rigth!

sidenote: Even our President is bad at marketing. He was online with Team USA after their loss and instead of wearing the jacket, or having it present he just told them, "I Still Have Your Jacket"...Kind of like he meant that Oh, I Still Have Your Jacket, should I ship it to you...The correct response should have been "I Still Have Your Jacket...ON!" It's ALL about the response and MS responds with Action not Words, but if you're gonna put adds out there MS treat it like you do your product, K...k...

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