
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Part Numbers and Quantities...

What is it about Manufactures refusing to put their damn Part # on the box...

Also, is it so hard to put the quantity on it as well...

Also, the placement of where these people put the part # is ridiculous...

There is no rule of thumb with these people, they either mask it into the SKU, hide it somewhere really really small somewhere on the back of the box...

You think so much of the consumer that you forget about the people that handle your product on a day to day...

It's frustrating to try to find a part # on the label when you are trying to do inventory and sometimes there isn't a part #...

That's true, some companies create a cryptic code that requires an excel spreadsheet to be sent to the distributor to cross reference some arbitrary code on the product to determine which-which is what...

Not only that, when they do put a part # on the item, it's never where it's supposed to be...

Spray Paint for example has the part # on the back of the label which means you have to turn around every single paint can in order to determine if you have the right part number...

This part # should be on the front of the label that faces the customer so not only can the customer see it, so can the proprietor...

Boxes should have the part # on the Front of the box as well as the side, this way depending on how you stack your boxes to "Save" space you'll always be able to see the part #...

As for the quantities MFG's also use a cryptic code to determine how many items that are in the box...

They'll include it with the Part # :-D 2-1111 for example or 6-1111, what's the point of that...

Just put the @*$%# quantity on the box and call it ^#$&@ day already...

It can't cost you anymore to just put the part # on the box in an appropriate place where "EVERYONE" can see it...

Truly unbelievable...but it happens...and that's a fact!

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