
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Kill Em With Kindness...

This is a term that some point in your life will be presented to you, typically by a Woman when dealing with an unruly or bully type person...

What this statement is saying, is be kind to someone that doesn't have compassion, regard, respect for anyone or anything but themselves...

sidenote: they typically don't have any respect for themselves either...

To buddy up with someone that only causes trouble for everyone around them, to befriend them and try to offer help or support in their endeavors will only end ugly for you...

In other words, becoming friends with a person that's a complete F-Tard, only to prevent them from treating you abhorrently is what this so called solution is saying...

In fact in order to accomplish the "Kill Em With Kindness" campaign, you have to become like them, and support their habits in hopes of acceptance into their dark world...

Before you know it, you'll become the enemy while trying to be their friend...

You'll lose your innocence, and will get enveloped into their wicked ways, before you know it and by then, it'll be too late...

Kill Em With Kindness is by far the DUMBEST PIECE OF ADVICE you can give a person...

Letting them think that this type of behavior will attract kindness will only keep them acting like the F-Tard they are...

The only advice we're going to give you, is that, you don't ignore them, but you never engage them, time is their enemy, not yours...and that's a fact!

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