
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Commercials of Today...

We'll try to keep this short because commercials are not...

Commercials, as we foresaw, would be invading our personal lives like a paparazzi on a Celebrity...

Commercials used to be about the jingle, the jingle that gets stuck in your head called an ear worm that keeps you singing it over and over...

Not only that, it typically had the name in it to remind you of what you are singing about...

You don't hear much music in commercials today because music isn't inspirational, lacks depth, lacks creativity while copying from originality...

So they feel the comedic approach is the best way to reach people, and it does...

We just love that one commercial where that one guy is always creating mayhem for people, stealing cars, and crashing into things you know...that one guy in that one commercial...

That's just it, the only thing you remember is the comedy of it, nothing to adhere you to the point of his mayhem other than a brief tagline at the end...

Progressive insurance should be the template that people use to help promote their product...

Progressive has their name all over the commercial, sentences that the actors use have the Progressive name in it, and it's funny...

It's sad to see where that one guy from Verizon came from to pitch for Sprint, where they use desperation to promote their product...

No, do you hear me now catchy tagline, more of a pleading, begging for you to buy into their sub-par product...

To be honest, you'd be better just to get down on one knee and BEG people to buy your product, however they won't, because that scares people even more...

We understand that commercials pay for your programming, but artists also don't want to associate themselves with most of the products that air on television due to one reason or another...

Most products on TV that are advertised do more for tooth decay, cancer, side effects then they do good, so who wants to be associated to that...

Not only that, but back to the beginning of this email, commercials have taken over the airwaves...

There are more commercials online then there is the actual program itself...

It's becoming ridiculous, and desperate...and that's a fact!

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