Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What was that...

An energy harvesting technology that its developers say will be able to turn ambient radio frequency waves into usable electricity to charge low power devices... that right...

...If they can have wireless chargers and wireless headphones, they should be able to have wireless power grids...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Duran Duran - The Edge Of America/Lake Shore Driving...

Walk the edge of America
Concrete beach to scrape my hand
Inside the subway stinking fear and shame
Becomes the violent breath.
Vigilantes out on dawn patrol
But now there's nothing left to hide
I'm just a number on the metal fence
Which marks the great divide.
Sing it
Hey boy, give your dreams a rest
If you're tired of searching this is where it ends
There's nothing left to lose
Nothing to protest
Learn to love your anger now
Anger here is all you possess.
Welcome to the edge.
Below the towers of the citadel
Seems someone overlooked the cost.
Forgotten soldier of Paradise
Now Paradise is lost.
Recognition never realized
Salvation lost among the crowd
So tell me here beside the sterile sea
Where is your nation now?
And we say
Hey boy, give your dreams a rest
If you're tired of searching this is where it ends
There's nothing left to lose
Nothing to protest
Learn to love your anger now
Anger here is all you possess.
Welcome to the edge.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Message to Kim Davis...

If you haven't heard, Kim Davis is a woman in Kentucky that is refusing a Supreme Court ruling of allowing Gays to marry.

She is refusing to hand out licenses for the LGBPTTQQIIAA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Intergender, Asexual, Ally)

We love the questioning portion of this list which allows someone that isn't quite sure of their sexual nature to explore.

That means that a boy can just walk into a girls locker room and claim that they were just unsure about their sexuality and felt that they needed to know for sure so they walked into the girls shower to discover themselves.

Now of course no one can say anything because if they do the politically correct millennial vigilantes will cry foul and sue the state for millions on sexual discrimination.

We think LGBPTTQQIIAA+ is a completely disgusting group of individuals and think it's full of diseases and confusion and we actually feel sorry for them, but Kim it doesn't matter what we think because more than likely they think the same about us.

Think of it like this Kim, if aliens were to land on Earth and they looked at us they would think we were ugly, just like we would think they were ugly, but that's only because we haven't found an association that links us to them to lift our prejudice.

Now let's look at where you are right now and try to help you find an association with the friends you have that are gay and the gay friends that you have that want to be married to one another.

You're very confused because your job says that you need to perform the duties you swore to do, but your belief has also told you to perform your faith as you have sworn to do as well...

This is the paradox that Kim Davis lives in and it doesn't matter if you can understand her or not, just like it's not our place to try to understand why a person is gay and why a person is straight, it's what they say, it is what it is.

So Kim, there is a solution already in place for any situation that people are put in for this life we all share and it's quite simple really and it's right there in your bible as well.

"John 1-8 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

We're reminded of a Story: A Priest and a Prostitute live across the street from one another. Every morning the priest walks out his door and notices the prostitute just coming home. The priest curses her for her life style choice and sees nothing but disgust for her. The prostitute on the other hand looks at the Priest and praises him for the good that he does and wishes that her life could be different and is scared for her daughter and hopes that she doesn't have to grow up and do the same thing as she does. Well it just so happens that both of these people die on the same day and as they stand before St. Peter to be judged the prostitute is allowed to enter heaven and the priest is not. The priest is appalled at this decision and demands a reason to why a prostitute can be allowed into heaven and not a man of the Cloth. St. Peter answers very simply, it's because you were a man of GOD and as such should have shown forgiveness for this woman and showed a caring nature instead of damnation.

In life and in death you are going to be asked only "TWO" questions, do you love or do you hate and your answer will either ascend you or descend you.

The answer to this question may not be easy for you Mrs. Davis and you should more than likely take some time off of work to think about your answer, because work will only distract your thoughts.

However, in the meantime while you take money for a job that you are performing is the act of a hypocrite and the anger is not so much you denying the license as much as you getting paid for something you were "elected" by the 'people' to do...and that's a fact!

How to Cure the Homeless Problem...

We find it interesting when a Governor/Mayor says in their campaign that they are going to clean up the city and if you have noticed the cities are more disgusting than they have ever been in the history of America.

Human Feces, Drug paraphernalia, needles, broken glass, baby diapers, food waste just left to be looked at by people walking on the path, real nice GOV!

This is due to the Encampments they are allowing to be setup along the highways, business centers, peoples neighborhoods.

LA has just announced a campaign to raise 100 million dollars to clean up the homeless problem and when asked where they were going to get the money they said, budget analysts would find it "somehow, someway."

Yeah, it's called raising taxes for the "HARD WORKING" Americans and giving to the people that refuse to get a job.

We love this statement, "They can spend billions on getting the Olympics," she said. "But not on getting people off the sidewalks."

Why do they spend billions on the Olympics and not the homeless Alice Callaghan...because of 3 letters, R.O.I. "Return on Investment"

Their is no return on an investment with people that refuse to better themselves by lifting themselves out of poverty and cleaning up.

What really pisses people off is that they refuse to raise the minimum wage, but will go all willy nilly and make people pay higher taxes.

By the way, people talk about the Middle Class being pushed out, but this is not true, the middle class has been pushed UP!

The middle class used to fall between the 100's somewhere, like 50,000 or 40,000, but that's not the case anymore when a 28 year old named Mark Zuckerberg shocked the World by putting up a Billion dollar IPO.

The NEW MIDDLE CLASS falls between 100,000 and a Million, then the rich go over a million, then the super rich, the uber rich and so on and so forth.

The middle class of yesterday are now considered the poor.

Hillary Clinton wants to bring in more homeless people from Syria to a nation that can't house the homeless they have now.

Then Hillary goes on to say that they are Doctors, Engineers, but that doesn't matter Hillary and why...because their degree isn't accredited in the US.

So now we've got a bunch of 40 something's that need to go back to college in order to work in their field, but what happens when they graduate and go looking for a Job...they are told they are too old, overqualified and overeducated.

Now they have a school debt that they have to pay, but will never be able to pay it because they'll end up working at a minimum wage job all the while adding to the National/World debt.

Politicians only campaign to the bleeding heart club to gain votes, but then reality sets in and what follows...excuses excuses and more excuses...

If companies would stop testing for Marijuana the homeless problem would be cut in half, then the money used can go to the serious problems that plague the non-hirable.

Take Governor Inslee for example of Seattle, instead of funding for the Fire Ready Crews he instead gave money to a public hipster radio station. He said he didn't have the budget for the prevention of fires.

They begged Inslee for money for the prevention of fires and Inslee refused them resulting in them not being prepared that claimed the lives of 3 firefighters and injuring another and not to mention the largest fire in Washington's history.

A F*^#@ING RADIO STATION...You're a complete failure and should leave office due to incompetence!

There are vacant lands that could be farmed and housing could be built and the fruit from their labors would return an investment that pays for itself all the while teaching them a trade and giving them self worth of making/watching something grow.

All the land that had been burnt and the houses that have been burned down need to be cleaned up and rebuilt, and these homeless people could begin the cleanup and development working with Insurance companies.

These companies can be setup up as non-profit organizations that fund the workers, feed the workers, house the workers.

Spending money on the problem will only create more problems, it's time to GET THEM OFF THEIR ASS AND BACK TO WORK...and that's a fact!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Second Republican Debate...

It's like watching High School kids on the playground discussing who's gonna be the next Prom King and Queen.

They made no sense what so-ever and they provided no solutions, just insults and apologies.

Plus, to drive this point home EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE answered the question of who should be put on the ten dollar bill wrong. Even Miss America answered it wrong and shows you that they don't listen to the people, they only hear what's in their mind.

If they listened to the People they wouldn't have answered who should be on the 10 dollar bill and instead would have told them what woman should be on the twenty dollar bill.

Truly pathetic that this is the best we got to run this country, a lying democrat and bunch of school kids playing on the playground.

We truly believe if the Caboose Kim Kardashian ran for President slinging two kids on her arms, mouseketeer voice sounding and all of her shoe size IQ could win the presidency hands down.

sidenote: Who will be her VP? That's simple, the Nanny of course :-P

The Kardashians and Chris Christie are what is wrong with America and sadly enough are the best representatives of what America is now a days, overweight, out of touch, self absorbed, traffic jamming entitled pissants.

sidenote: ...and Kaitlyn Marie William Bruce Jenner will be our Secretary of State ;-)

Like we said, the best days are behind us...and that's a fact!

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life...

We have found a way to finally put this argument to rest and not only that, both parties will be satisfied with the solution...

We struggled with this for a long time, for a few reasons, one was a friend of ours that had to have an abortion, the other was King David and finally the 6th commandment; Thou Shalt not kill.

First let's address Commandment 6; first of all, it's "Thou Shalt Not Kill" NOT, thou shalt not murder.

It's not prudent to change the original writings:

- Revelation 22:18-19 says; 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Which takes us into King David...

King David was by far GOD's favorite human and fulfilled all the requirements that GOD set forth before him, (not Jesus) but David lacked Love in his heart and was why Solomon was needed to fulfill the Destiny, but Solomon failed miserably and all existence of him was wiped out.

However, David killed many many people which confused us for a long time due to the 6th commandment, thou shalt not kill.

This was the hardest struggle for the longest time with us, because this just didn't make any sense.

The next issue is the accidental pregnancy, which takes us to our friend.

We'll get into just one example of "accidental" reasons for this particular example:

Our friend was on a medication that warned her not to have children due to complications that could occur with the birth.

She didn't have any intention to have a child with the person and didn't want him with her while she had the abortion done because as far as she was concerned it wasn't his decision, so I was chosen to drive her for the procedure.

At the time I totally understood why she needed to have the procedure done and didn't question her, but now I see that this could have been avoided.

Which takes us into the Pro-Choice solution...

We used only one example, but there are all sorts of accidents that could happen and just confuses the issue due to the "Please Understand My Feelings" condition.

When Emotions are involved is where people confuse the issue and get off topic and solutions for prevention turn into solutions for preparation instead.

Nobody wants to be told that they were an accident, and when the child asks where their father is, or were you prepared, will be the time you choose to lie to that child or tell them the truth.

"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind" and if you used precautionary measures to prevent an accidental pregnancy in any situation is your Pro-Choice.

However, if you do not prepare for the accident and you become pregnant you're only choice will be Pro-Life, regardless of the circumstances.

The way we came to this resolution is with the recent situation with Planned Parenthood of looking and showing people a beating heart of a baby just before the crushing of the babies skulls.

There are way too many people in this World and something has to be done and if it takes a law because people don't have the ability to plan then a law is what it will take.

If a Law was put into place that people couldn't perform abortions the accidental pregnancy numbers will decrease.

Now the next argument:

If abortion become illegal a risk of mothers performing their own abortions is the scare and takes the Pro-Choice/Pro-Life argument back to square one.

The reason why, is because if an accident happens a fear grows within the mother that if they tell their parents or if they tell the lover they might react with anger and abuse which has been the history for these situations.

You parents need to quit being embarrassed about the birds and the bees talk with your kids and develop a dialogue through educational practices that will help you discuss the preventative measures that have been in place for decades and that you won't be angry with them EVER and will be supportive because accidents do happen and it would be better to have two people you love rather than losing the one that you love due to them trying to perform the abortion themselves.

Education is the key and is not a School's responsibility, it's a private matter between the parents and their children and it should start at a young age and should be practiced and refreshed at all the ages that children's sexual response become curious.

Ages like 12 years old, 16 years old, 18 years old and into their 20's, but by that time the child will be able to continue their education with their Planned Parenthood Counselor and their significant other.

So, to be clear, you have a choice it's called being prepared for whatever situation that can happen, and life must be breathed into your child because you don't know if you'll ever have another opportunity to do the right thing again...and that's a fact!


Scott Walker said he would defund Planned Parenthood. You can't defund Planned Parenthood you idiot, it's a part of the Health Care options for expecting parents.

As for how many kids you can have is irrelevant, but the Government should only allow two dependents.

It's not the responsibility of others to pay for your kids, if you can't afford them you can't have them. It's called living within a budget, not a deficit.

What's that? The Ultimate Sacrifice? What if a Woman was dying would you deny the abortion?

In death there is life and many religions speak of the different ways this is done, but the Buddhists say it the best in our opinion:

There is no word corresponding exactly to the English terms "rebirth", "metempsychosis", "transmigration" or "reincarnation" in the traditional Buddhist languages of Pāli and Sanskrit: the entire process of change from one life to the next is called "becoming again"(Sanskrit: punarbhava, Pali: punabbhava), or more briefly "becoming" (Pali/Sanskrit: bhava), while the state one is born into, the individual process of being born or coming into the world in any way, is referred to simply as "birth"

The greatest gift we were given was the ability of the extension of life and with that, death cannot exist ...and that's another fact!


The Final Argument...Conception by Rape...

When all else fails use the Rape Clause to close any further discussion on whether or not Abortion should be legal...

Again, you're using emotion to dictate logic, and doing so confuses the issue which results in clouded judgment and failed conclusions...

When a person is Raped, there are possibly "Physical" scars and most definitely, "Emotional" scars that could/will last with the person for the rest of their life, but what you're saying by aborting labor is that it's the child's fault...

Thou Shalt Not Kill is an incomplete sentence that reads, Thou Shalt Not Kill those, that cannot defend themselves...

The Death of Innocence is a Cardinal Sin "Proverbs 6:17 – Hands that Shed Innocent Blood"

The Emotional and Physical Scars are torture enough for a person without bearing the guilt of what could have been and what you have done to prevent it...

Your choice of aborting labor is misdirected anger that you have against the person that perpetrated such a vial act upon you, not the child's...

Your vengeance is with the Perpetrator to see that justice is served upon that person to ensure they never commit an act like that again on you or anyone else...

If you use basic logic you'll know that Good Follows Bad and that something good could happen out of this, so why add insult to injury by not only living with the pain this person has done to you but also what you have done to yourself, an act that you can prevent...

You aren't at fault, and there is no guilt upon you for the horrific act someone did to you, so don't add shame to the struggles you are already facing...

You can't see the future and you don't know what lies ahead for this child, and there are plenty of agencies already in place to help you with this decision when that times comes, so you have nothing to fear but fear itself...and that's the last fact!

Novell Webinar...

Take a deep dive into your IT solutions with Micro Focus TechTalks...

DW Update...

There are Two Very important questions on the table right now with DefenseWall and they are:

1. The dllhosts 50% CPU increase issue
2. Will there be a 64 bit solution

We know that Ilya has the solution to Microsoft's KPP issue, but needs resources to make it happen.

As for the dllhost issue this is Ilya's response:

"The problem is that the investigation highlights the same hook
function as it was before. I'm in deep meditation on what could be
wrong with it. Looks like it gives me nothing, I'll fix some things
now and send you next test set soon."

If you want the only software on the Market that stops threats 100% and are concerned about your data, all you have to do is step up and 64 bit will become a reality...and that's a fact!


A 64 bit solution "IS" under way; Ilya just responded to our GoFund me option to raise money for the cause and this was his response:

"Thank you, but I'm all in the upcoming project, submitting for a
patent." Ilya

All we got to say about that is, RIGHT ON MAN, RIGHT ON!!!

The Warranty...

People we have heard from customers that they brought their computer into the repair shop and having to pay for the parts that were used to fix their system and didn't know all the labor and parts were covered under their warranty.

All your Manufacturers websites have the ability to look up your warranty either by Serial Number or Service Tag.

Most Manufacturers will work directly with you and will even send you a box to return your computer in with a prepaid shipping label.

The only reasons you use a third party solution to handle your warranty is either because you have data that needs to be backed up and you don't know how to do it, and or you need your data backed up and you just don't want to deal with someone on the phone.

If you don't care about your data or you have it backed up already it's very user friendly to work with the Manufacturer, but sometimes they will have you do some tests locally on the machine to make sure it's a warranty issue.

These can sometimes be hard for some people and is another reason you might want to bring it into a third party solution to help you with this.

The Cool Shops will usually handle the entire warranty for you for free, but the Corporate and Monetary minded resellers might charge you for their services.

We never charged anybody for this service and we still wouldn't because we're part of the Cool Crowd ;-)

You work hard for that money, so don't just go giving it away.

Somebody Has Got to Say it...

So it might as well be us...

What's Up Marshawn, you gotta have your Mama fight your battles for ya' :-P

"Too the smart azz media who wrote that's why marshawn didn't get the ball
in the superbowl ,how many times did russell get sacked yesterday dont
worry i will wait on the answer plus it was totally different at the superbowl
the line was better than yesterday no blocking and to the offense caller who
should have been fired yes i said it Fired !!! He is the worst play caller ever
the only reason he called that dumb azz play yesterday is to be able to
justify the 1 yard that wasn't called in the superbowl ,but most fans already
figured this out .were still on a mission but i know the Seahawks staff loves
that play caller more that a win ,go figure #nfldontpayme# I love this team
and will stand up to anybody who tries to destroy it boom!!!!"

Women "ARE" worse drivers than men...

Study says women are worse drivers, get in more car crashes despite driving less than men:

8 years ago a study was done and Researchers at the University of Michigan analyzed 6.5 million car crashes in the U.S. between 1998 and 2007. Female drivers were found to be involved in 68.1 percent of all crashes.

"The results are especially surprising given that men were found to drive 60 percent of the time, while women only 40 percent. In other words, women got in more accidents despite driving less than the opposite sex."

"Women had the most trouble with navigating intersections, the study found. In most accidents, women were "t-boned" on the driver's side while trying to make a left turn, or hit on the passenger side while trying to turn right."

sidenote: This one is easy to diagnose, Women do not pay attention to their surroundings due to the "Open the Door for Me" syndrome.

This test was done when people were smarter and less entitled, but due to the cloning of clones practices these numbers have increased significantly.

The 68.1% number is conservative because we have been conducting our own tests over the years and have found that women are involved in over 90% of accidents.

sidenote: Case in point, the latest SAT scores showed only 42% of students passed out of 100 and those are the ones smart enough to take the test hint hint...

The reason is the "Open The Door for Me" syndrome, in other words, Women love playing the part of the victim.

"There are three dominant driver-related factors," Dr. Sivak said, "including the probability of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, one's own driving skills and the driving skills of the other driver involved."

The other study showed this:

"Men take more risks. In studies, men as a whole display less cautious behavior than women, such as driving at higher speeds and closer to other cars, not wearing seat belts, and driving while intoxicated more often. They even make riskier turns and take less time when parking (although they do a more accurate job, says Tom Vanderbilt."

"BUT… how someone drives doesn’t necessarily equal how well he drives. Men do seem to be more proficient than women at certain driving tasks."

This is why Danica Patrick will "NEVER EVER" win a NASCAR race if she continues to race with men.

NASCAR drives counter clockwise which means they are constantly making a left hand turn which is the weakest point for women in driving.

sidenote: For the most part, Men are Left Brain thinkers and Women are Right Brain Thinkers ;-)

Now the question is if they were to drive Clockwise would the results be different? Would Danica be able to win "if" they tried this test, otherwise if they keep it the same direction we are going on record saying that Danica will never finish first at NASCAR...and that's a fact!

...not only that, but we'll also go on record saying that if Danica tries to finish first there will be more accidents at the finish line due to again the, "Open the Door for Me" syndrome and that will be another fact!

A Song for the Women to show them how Men do it...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What was that...

HP says it will cut up to 30,000 jobs...

Meg Hatchet Whitman is at it again. She has no technical skills what so ever, so how could she have vision for a market she knows nothing about?

Well HP, at least you'll always have the Scientific Calculator as your biggest and only accomplishment.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, some people go through life and don't accomplish anything, so be happy :-)

sidenote: They say two negatives equal a positive, so if Carly Fiorina becomes President you should be her VP ;-)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Marijuana Lies Continue...

Just recently a report came out that the accident rate caused by marijuana has raised by 75%, but they have nothing to base this test off of...

What do you think...that just because it became legal statewide that people decided to start smoking weed? NO, the same people that were getting high before are still getting high today, they're just more open about it now.

Sure there might have been a small percentage that started or at least tried Marijuana, but those percentages are small.

They have never tested for Marijuana in drivers because they never had an adequate testing procedure other than a blood test to do so, and they only used these tests in serious accidents.

All they did was stick a breathalyzer in their mouth and test for alcohol because only alcohol is attributed to most of the vehicle related injuries.

They recently announced a new device that tests for 5 nanograms of THC in the system which is not backed by science, only monetary minded retarded judicial idiots.

We agree that a standard has to be put in place because we know that if you are high while driving you are just as likely to get in an accident as you would be under the influence of alcohol.

The difference between the two are radically different because Marijuana doesn't make you think you are invincible like alcohol does.

For the most part you would never know someone was stoned when compared to someone that is drunk, but there are noticeable signs of a person that is under the influence of Marijuana.

Even though drunk drivers run the red lights and stoned drivers stop at the greens doesn't matter because stoned drivers can easily lose focus and concentrate on one thing which can result in what we call the drift.

It's equivalent to looking at your phone while you are driving and the result is you take your eyes off the road and the hands steer in the direction the eyes point at resulting in the drift.

It has already been shown that Marijuana has lapped the technology department in revenue and is climbing higher then ever at this very moment.

Banks are now able to start taking transactions for marijuana and pretty soon you'll be able to use your debit card for purchases, but there is an evil lurking in the shadows.

Right now Marijuana is considered a level one narcotic because it doesn't prove any medical basis, but tests have shown that marijuana is medicinal and that is where the evil begins.

There is an old saying, "be careful what you wish for" and what people wish for is the Government to recognize that Marijuana is a cure for many ailments and a safer solution than other prescription medicines.

That's the key phrase, "Prescription Medicine" and is the buzz all around the Monetary Thinkers Table...

The next Trillion Dollar Business is Marijuana and there is only one way that Marijuana can be in the trillion dollar club and that is if they make it a "Prescription"

The other business Marijuana will replace is Oil. Marijuana can make all the things Oil does at a fraction of the costs, less impactful to the environment and harvested all year long...

They say that Marijuana is addictive, but this is a lie, they say that it depends on the potency and again a STRAIGHT UP LIE!

Cocaine is addictive, Heroin is addictive, Alcohol is addictive, Cigarettes are addictive, but Marijuana is/was and never will be addictive, unless of course companies like Monsanto make it addictive...

A regular smoker of Marijuana could be found driving under the influence if the test of 5 nanograms is upheld.

A regular smoker can have up to 15 nanograms of marijuana in their system at testing, but it doesn't mean they are stoned at testing.

Marijuana is like Alcohol, it last up to 8 hours, but after that, people are regular again and without the dehydration effects that Alcohol creates and without any kidney or liver problems that Alcohol creates.

However, smoking cigarettes and smoking weed increases a persons chances of getting cancer by 7 fold, but Marijuana by itself cannot because THC removes the chance of it.

However, again, Indica has the potential of causing liver problems like alcohol does, but Sativa does not.

The Hemp Seed is also the "PERFECT" seed and the most nutritious seed in the WORLD!

If it doesn't cause cancer, if it's not addictive, if it doesn't cause diabetes and is actually healthy for you it's not approved by your government why, that's simple...Agenda 21 The Rockefeller Depopulation program:

There are all kinds of people out there, some that can see, some that obey and some that are blind and each has a purpose.

The Government was losing the war on drugs so what did they do...they legalized Marijuana medicinally which meant people had to "register" in a database for their use.

These databases were sold, given or seized by the Government so they could start marking people that drive to be pulled over and tested at any time for any reason.

sidenote: The War on Cars.

When they fail and they will regardless if they are driving high or not will lose their license, their car their job, their home their family.

sidenote: To Justify Welfare Costs and Special Needs Non-Profit counseling.

Then when they can't pay their fines or their alimony payments they will be thrown in jail where the government can justify raising taxes to pay for incarceration.

Look at it this way, if they wanted life to thrive they would make a law that made it illegal to have abortions, but they don't and in fact Planned Parenthood is funded by the Government.

The latest craze is the Carbon Footprint and that cars are creating a Climate Problem in society, but they have lost their mind because now they think even electric cars can create a Climate Problem.

Ask yourself, why did everybody come over through the Bering Strait so many years's easy, because the earth shifted as it is doing now.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was caused by the tectonic plates shifting, which is caused when the earth moves.

The reason why all the animals and people came to North America is because the Poles shifted and they needed to come where vegetation and water existed and now the tectonic plates are shifting again, which will change North America.

They don't want you to know that and Russia is the Mother Land and what was frozen is now thawing and North America will be the dry desolate frozen African/Russian tundra.

They need as much money as they can get and they don't care how they get it because they need the money to start building their factories in other countries while they let North America dry up and fizzle away and anyone that's left.

The reason why they are gathering all the oil they can out of our Soil now is because sooner than later they won't be able to, because it will be frozen under like it is in Russia.

The reason why the 80's collapsed was because America had too much oil and now that the Tech Market is dying and oil is cheap because it's local, our Stock Market can't sustain because that's the bulk of the trading for the Stock Market.

Oil and Tech and Tech is dying, only software and Bio-Energy funded by Marijuana will be our economic Future.

When they say the best days are behind us, believe it, because they are...and that's a fact!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Windows 10 BS...

In the News someone is talking about how Microsoft "FORCED" the download into their computer and updated their Windows 7 to Windows 10...BULLSH*T!

sidenote: Shame on you Forbes for even printing that BS!

...and there is no folder and no "hidden" folder called BT.

This is what we call the "Ignorance Factor" and after 24 years of Windows being out you would think they would understand it by now :-( if only they had a teacher like us would they have not been in that situation...

We wrote a post on how to remove the upgrade by uninstalling KB3035583 from Add/Remove Programs:

Yes the update will come back again (ONCE), because it doesn't see it in your system so you choose "HIDE UPDATE" when KB3035583 shows up again for the last time.

We just recently updated Windows and believe it or not...believe it, we're still at Windows 7.

People are very jealous of Microsoft's success and no, you won't have the success that Microsoft had as they have had and will continue to have with Windows 10.

Google's Android is just a Desktop over Linux no true talent, more of a Paint by Numbers program designed to use what Linux already provides.

Apple is the only competition to Microsoft with their Macintosh Program, but they only sell that for 25.00, it's the hardware they are selling and is why they are leading everyone in the Market with their Hardware Devices.

That is why Microsoft bought Nokia, they thought they could design their own hardware and compete with Apple's hardware division, but couldn't.

At least Microsoft admitted it and have moved on, which is what we say for the rest of the Microsoft Haters, MOVE ON...

It's like that old saying, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...and that's a fact!


How to remove the Windows.old and $Windows.~BT folders after you upgrade Windows...

Patch Tuesday...

or Saturday...

If you are current with your updates and are using Windows 7 you should have 13 Important updates and only one MSE update if you are like us and disable Windows Updates and use MSE.

All Updates Installed Perfectly and as usual we did them by Title:

First we did all the "Security" Updates, then we did the "Update for Windows", then we did the Windows malicious Software Removal Tool and last but not least the Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer 11.

We have found if you isolate the updates this way the install goes easier. Sure it takes a little longer, but the results prevent a failed install which can cause you more delays and/or more $$$.

It's also best to disable your malware programs when updating any software on your computer.

People will often blame the update when in fact it was the malware program protecting the OS file from being overwritten ;-)

Friday, September 11, 2015


Be Proud Be Strong and Forever Love...

5hVnz ON!

Monday, September 7, 2015

New Devices, New Devices, New Devices...


Now that the excitement is out, time to tame it down and think straight.

The thing you want to do when buying a new...whatever is to keep your eyeballs in their sockets and lift that lower lip up and keep it shut, because if a salesperson sees the look of a Labrador retriever waiting for their dinner on your face, they'll take you for all you got.

It's time to keep Hardware Manufacturers/Resellers at a higher standard than they have shown in the past.

You have heard this from us before, but we're going to say it again, when Vista came out the world was at 3.0ghz Processors and 2-4gb of ram and what did they come out with, 512mb ram and a 1.7 processor.

Now it's been 5 years since PC sales have done any good, but 5 years ago PC's were at...3.4ghz processors and 6-8gb of memory with the option of 16gb units.

Plus the screen sizes were 15-17" but today they are promoting 12.5" screens :-D, they're still thinking tablet.

Sure, they are promoting 4k screens, but 4k has been out since 2003 so again, just a hook to get you to pay more for something that's almost 13 years old.

The other thing to consider is that these new units are being built with the New Skylake processor that hasn't been tested in the real world yet, so again, you could be buying a Space Heater ;-)

Companies are trying to make up for lost time and lost revenues and are banking on the computer ignorance that still runs rampant in our society.

Example: Just recently an article was put out about Microsoft not being clear on which systems get upgrades and which system don't, but if you would have read our post you would have known exactly which systems were available for the free windows 10 upgrade and where did we get that information...FROM MICROSOFT! :-D

If you are paying over a 1,000 dollars for a Laptop, it better be an Apple or an Alienware, otherwise you should be spending MAX 799.99 and lower.

You also have to keep in mind that a lot of computers just sat in warehouses unsold that are now being retrofitted to work with the new Cores.

We have seen this a lot over the years, with HI-FI and Computers because we have been in the business for a long time, so don't be surprised, expect it!

It's cheaper to just lag in a wire and change out the Zif socket, than melting down the board and refabricating them.

...and they'll call it...The Hybrid :-D

Example: Microsoft is going to release the Windows 10 phone this year, but not the Surface, why...because the hardware has to be built specifically for Surface and Windows 10. Once MS creates the perfect design it will then share the schematics with the likes of Intel, MSI etc.

Contrary to popular belief, electronics don't start out BIG, they're built on a smaller scale to keep costs down and the phone is the perfect device to build and test with.

That's why we think that their is going to be a Surface 5 just around the corner that will probably come out next year that will be the device that is actually designed for Windows 10, and if history repeats itself like it always does there will be a Surface 6 to fix the 5 and the Surface 7 that will fix the 6.

Windows baby is OS 10, the rest are just the models they need to put in the showroom and the lot in order to make the money they need to provide for their baby...and that's a fact!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quote of the Day...

Abdul-Jabbar shared his thoughts...

"This note from Donald Trump in response to my editorial is the best, though inelegant, support for my claims. Here again he attacks a journalist who disagrees with him, not by disputing the points made but by hurling schoolyard insults such as 'nobody likes you.' But if you look behind the nasty invective, you find the assault still remains against the Constitution in an effort to silence the press through intimidation." Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

What was that...

Google isn't the only company to overhaul its logo this week, Verizon followed the tech giant's lead on Wednesday with a minimalist new look...

Larry Page Changes Google's Name To Alphabet -- Should You Buy...

First they changed their name, now they’ve changed their logo. Google introduced a new sans-serif and slightly toned-down four-colour logo on Tuesday in the biggest redesign since 1999...

We knew it was possible :-P what are you afraid of McDonalds, getting a little paint on your shirt :-D