Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Cure the Homeless Problem...

We find it interesting when a Governor/Mayor says in their campaign that they are going to clean up the city and if you have noticed the cities are more disgusting than they have ever been in the history of America.

Human Feces, Drug paraphernalia, needles, broken glass, baby diapers, food waste just left to be looked at by people walking on the path, real nice GOV!

This is due to the Encampments they are allowing to be setup along the highways, business centers, peoples neighborhoods.

LA has just announced a campaign to raise 100 million dollars to clean up the homeless problem and when asked where they were going to get the money they said, budget analysts would find it "somehow, someway."

Yeah, it's called raising taxes for the "HARD WORKING" Americans and giving to the people that refuse to get a job.

We love this statement, "They can spend billions on getting the Olympics," she said. "But not on getting people off the sidewalks."

Why do they spend billions on the Olympics and not the homeless Alice Callaghan...because of 3 letters, R.O.I. "Return on Investment"

Their is no return on an investment with people that refuse to better themselves by lifting themselves out of poverty and cleaning up.

What really pisses people off is that they refuse to raise the minimum wage, but will go all willy nilly and make people pay higher taxes.

By the way, people talk about the Middle Class being pushed out, but this is not true, the middle class has been pushed UP!

The middle class used to fall between the 100's somewhere, like 50,000 or 40,000, but that's not the case anymore when a 28 year old named Mark Zuckerberg shocked the World by putting up a Billion dollar IPO.

The NEW MIDDLE CLASS falls between 100,000 and a Million, then the rich go over a million, then the super rich, the uber rich and so on and so forth.

The middle class of yesterday are now considered the poor.

Hillary Clinton wants to bring in more homeless people from Syria to a nation that can't house the homeless they have now.

Then Hillary goes on to say that they are Doctors, Engineers, but that doesn't matter Hillary and why...because their degree isn't accredited in the US.

So now we've got a bunch of 40 something's that need to go back to college in order to work in their field, but what happens when they graduate and go looking for a Job...they are told they are too old, overqualified and overeducated.

Now they have a school debt that they have to pay, but will never be able to pay it because they'll end up working at a minimum wage job all the while adding to the National/World debt.

Politicians only campaign to the bleeding heart club to gain votes, but then reality sets in and what follows...excuses excuses and more excuses...

If companies would stop testing for Marijuana the homeless problem would be cut in half, then the money used can go to the serious problems that plague the non-hirable.

Take Governor Inslee for example of Seattle, instead of funding for the Fire Ready Crews he instead gave money to a public hipster radio station. He said he didn't have the budget for the prevention of fires.

They begged Inslee for money for the prevention of fires and Inslee refused them resulting in them not being prepared that claimed the lives of 3 firefighters and injuring another and not to mention the largest fire in Washington's history.

A F*^#@ING RADIO STATION...You're a complete failure and should leave office due to incompetence!

There are vacant lands that could be farmed and housing could be built and the fruit from their labors would return an investment that pays for itself all the while teaching them a trade and giving them self worth of making/watching something grow.

All the land that had been burnt and the houses that have been burned down need to be cleaned up and rebuilt, and these homeless people could begin the cleanup and development working with Insurance companies.

These companies can be setup up as non-profit organizations that fund the workers, feed the workers, house the workers.

Spending money on the problem will only create more problems, it's time to GET THEM OFF THEIR ASS AND BACK TO WORK...and that's a fact!

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