Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life...

We have found a way to finally put this argument to rest and not only that, both parties will be satisfied with the solution...

We struggled with this for a long time, for a few reasons, one was a friend of ours that had to have an abortion, the other was King David and finally the 6th commandment; Thou Shalt not kill.

First let's address Commandment 6; first of all, it's "Thou Shalt Not Kill" NOT, thou shalt not murder.

It's not prudent to change the original writings:

- Revelation 22:18-19 says; 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Which takes us into King David...

King David was by far GOD's favorite human and fulfilled all the requirements that GOD set forth before him, (not Jesus) but David lacked Love in his heart and was why Solomon was needed to fulfill the Destiny, but Solomon failed miserably and all existence of him was wiped out.

However, David killed many many people which confused us for a long time due to the 6th commandment, thou shalt not kill.

This was the hardest struggle for the longest time with us, because this just didn't make any sense.

The next issue is the accidental pregnancy, which takes us to our friend.

We'll get into just one example of "accidental" reasons for this particular example:

Our friend was on a medication that warned her not to have children due to complications that could occur with the birth.

She didn't have any intention to have a child with the person and didn't want him with her while she had the abortion done because as far as she was concerned it wasn't his decision, so I was chosen to drive her for the procedure.

At the time I totally understood why she needed to have the procedure done and didn't question her, but now I see that this could have been avoided.

Which takes us into the Pro-Choice solution...

We used only one example, but there are all sorts of accidents that could happen and just confuses the issue due to the "Please Understand My Feelings" condition.

When Emotions are involved is where people confuse the issue and get off topic and solutions for prevention turn into solutions for preparation instead.

Nobody wants to be told that they were an accident, and when the child asks where their father is, or were you prepared, will be the time you choose to lie to that child or tell them the truth.

"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind" and if you used precautionary measures to prevent an accidental pregnancy in any situation is your Pro-Choice.

However, if you do not prepare for the accident and you become pregnant you're only choice will be Pro-Life, regardless of the circumstances.

The way we came to this resolution is with the recent situation with Planned Parenthood of looking and showing people a beating heart of a baby just before the crushing of the babies skulls.

There are way too many people in this World and something has to be done and if it takes a law because people don't have the ability to plan then a law is what it will take.

If a Law was put into place that people couldn't perform abortions the accidental pregnancy numbers will decrease.

Now the next argument:

If abortion become illegal a risk of mothers performing their own abortions is the scare and takes the Pro-Choice/Pro-Life argument back to square one.

The reason why, is because if an accident happens a fear grows within the mother that if they tell their parents or if they tell the lover they might react with anger and abuse which has been the history for these situations.

You parents need to quit being embarrassed about the birds and the bees talk with your kids and develop a dialogue through educational practices that will help you discuss the preventative measures that have been in place for decades and that you won't be angry with them EVER and will be supportive because accidents do happen and it would be better to have two people you love rather than losing the one that you love due to them trying to perform the abortion themselves.

Education is the key and is not a School's responsibility, it's a private matter between the parents and their children and it should start at a young age and should be practiced and refreshed at all the ages that children's sexual response become curious.

Ages like 12 years old, 16 years old, 18 years old and into their 20's, but by that time the child will be able to continue their education with their Planned Parenthood Counselor and their significant other.

So, to be clear, you have a choice it's called being prepared for whatever situation that can happen, and life must be breathed into your child because you don't know if you'll ever have another opportunity to do the right thing again...and that's a fact!


Scott Walker said he would defund Planned Parenthood. You can't defund Planned Parenthood you idiot, it's a part of the Health Care options for expecting parents.

As for how many kids you can have is irrelevant, but the Government should only allow two dependents.

It's not the responsibility of others to pay for your kids, if you can't afford them you can't have them. It's called living within a budget, not a deficit.

What's that? The Ultimate Sacrifice? What if a Woman was dying would you deny the abortion?

In death there is life and many religions speak of the different ways this is done, but the Buddhists say it the best in our opinion:

There is no word corresponding exactly to the English terms "rebirth", "metempsychosis", "transmigration" or "reincarnation" in the traditional Buddhist languages of Pāli and Sanskrit: the entire process of change from one life to the next is called "becoming again"(Sanskrit: punarbhava, Pali: punabbhava), or more briefly "becoming" (Pali/Sanskrit: bhava), while the state one is born into, the individual process of being born or coming into the world in any way, is referred to simply as "birth"

The greatest gift we were given was the ability of the extension of life and with that, death cannot exist ...and that's another fact!


The Final Argument...Conception by Rape...

When all else fails use the Rape Clause to close any further discussion on whether or not Abortion should be legal...

Again, you're using emotion to dictate logic, and doing so confuses the issue which results in clouded judgment and failed conclusions...

When a person is Raped, there are possibly "Physical" scars and most definitely, "Emotional" scars that could/will last with the person for the rest of their life, but what you're saying by aborting labor is that it's the child's fault...

Thou Shalt Not Kill is an incomplete sentence that reads, Thou Shalt Not Kill those, that cannot defend themselves...

The Death of Innocence is a Cardinal Sin "Proverbs 6:17 – Hands that Shed Innocent Blood"

The Emotional and Physical Scars are torture enough for a person without bearing the guilt of what could have been and what you have done to prevent it...

Your choice of aborting labor is misdirected anger that you have against the person that perpetrated such a vial act upon you, not the child's...

Your vengeance is with the Perpetrator to see that justice is served upon that person to ensure they never commit an act like that again on you or anyone else...

If you use basic logic you'll know that Good Follows Bad and that something good could happen out of this, so why add insult to injury by not only living with the pain this person has done to you but also what you have done to yourself, an act that you can prevent...

You aren't at fault, and there is no guilt upon you for the horrific act someone did to you, so don't add shame to the struggles you are already facing...

You can't see the future and you don't know what lies ahead for this child, and there are plenty of agencies already in place to help you with this decision when that times comes, so you have nothing to fear but fear itself...and that's the last fact!

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