Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Message to Kim Davis...

If you haven't heard, Kim Davis is a woman in Kentucky that is refusing a Supreme Court ruling of allowing Gays to marry.

She is refusing to hand out licenses for the LGBPTTQQIIAA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Intergender, Asexual, Ally)

We love the questioning portion of this list which allows someone that isn't quite sure of their sexual nature to explore.

That means that a boy can just walk into a girls locker room and claim that they were just unsure about their sexuality and felt that they needed to know for sure so they walked into the girls shower to discover themselves.

Now of course no one can say anything because if they do the politically correct millennial vigilantes will cry foul and sue the state for millions on sexual discrimination.

We think LGBPTTQQIIAA+ is a completely disgusting group of individuals and think it's full of diseases and confusion and we actually feel sorry for them, but Kim it doesn't matter what we think because more than likely they think the same about us.

Think of it like this Kim, if aliens were to land on Earth and they looked at us they would think we were ugly, just like we would think they were ugly, but that's only because we haven't found an association that links us to them to lift our prejudice.

Now let's look at where you are right now and try to help you find an association with the friends you have that are gay and the gay friends that you have that want to be married to one another.

You're very confused because your job says that you need to perform the duties you swore to do, but your belief has also told you to perform your faith as you have sworn to do as well...

This is the paradox that Kim Davis lives in and it doesn't matter if you can understand her or not, just like it's not our place to try to understand why a person is gay and why a person is straight, it's what they say, it is what it is.

So Kim, there is a solution already in place for any situation that people are put in for this life we all share and it's quite simple really and it's right there in your bible as well.

"John 1-8 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

We're reminded of a Story: A Priest and a Prostitute live across the street from one another. Every morning the priest walks out his door and notices the prostitute just coming home. The priest curses her for her life style choice and sees nothing but disgust for her. The prostitute on the other hand looks at the Priest and praises him for the good that he does and wishes that her life could be different and is scared for her daughter and hopes that she doesn't have to grow up and do the same thing as she does. Well it just so happens that both of these people die on the same day and as they stand before St. Peter to be judged the prostitute is allowed to enter heaven and the priest is not. The priest is appalled at this decision and demands a reason to why a prostitute can be allowed into heaven and not a man of the Cloth. St. Peter answers very simply, it's because you were a man of GOD and as such should have shown forgiveness for this woman and showed a caring nature instead of damnation.

In life and in death you are going to be asked only "TWO" questions, do you love or do you hate and your answer will either ascend you or descend you.

The answer to this question may not be easy for you Mrs. Davis and you should more than likely take some time off of work to think about your answer, because work will only distract your thoughts.

However, in the meantime while you take money for a job that you are performing is the act of a hypocrite and the anger is not so much you denying the license as much as you getting paid for something you were "elected" by the 'people' to do...and that's a fact!

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