
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Marijuana Etiquette...

Considering that the Alcohol drinking pill popping double standard business owners that don't approve of Pot because the Government says so, you'll need to be cautious of how you smoke.

The majority of companies test for drugs, but that doesn't stop people from trying to time the tests to their intake, or they use products that help them pass a test.

PROS and CONS - This is where the intake companies fail in our opinion because they should do a DNA test as well with the Urine to make sure it is theirs...just saying ;-)

That said...

People that aren't supposed to be smoking due to restrictions from the company need to be a little more discreet in their practices if they are going to continue to get away with it.

The rich used a Smoking Jacket and would retire to the smoking room to have their Pipe, Cigar, Cigarette or w/e and you should too.

Most people if not all go home sit down on their couch grab the bong and start smoking weed in their work clothes and typically the clothes they'll wear the next day.

They'll smoke all night right there on that couch in their work clothes and if you think they can't smell you, you're wrong, they can smell you the minute you open your front door :-P

So the best thing to do is to change into your smoking clothes when you get home and put your clothes in a smoke free zone.

The next thing that is good to get in the habit of doing is washing your clothes separately from your work clothes and personal clothes to again, keep the smell from getting into them.

PROS and CONS - Business owners test all wrong, first of all you test a person for drugs the day after or the following Monday after the person gets paid and typically in the middle of the month after rent is paid. Not only that, it's best to test twice, once on the Friday for example then again on Monday, because they'll think that the testing is over with, so it's best to test twice ;-)

sidenote: Oh and since 420 is synonymous with Marijuana, you'll want to test on April 21. April is 4 and 20 = 420 so that's the day people smoke, and 4/21 is when you test ;-)

That said...

Smoking in your car is one of the dumbest things you can do and that is all we are going to say about that.

Now one bad apple ruins a bunch, so if you are not suppose to be smoking at work, don't because it will delay the process of making marijuana legal completely.

If you can't be responsible with marijuana then it will never be approved by the business owners, and no matter how simple the job is, you'll become complacent.

If you have to lock up and set the alarm, you'll be questioning yourself through the night on whether or not you locked up and turned on the alarm ;-)

Sativa is the uplifting strand and you can do a lot more practical things than you could if you smoked Indica, but still you'll be complacent/forgetful.

Even if you work at a Marijuana store, it's best to stay sober to deal with the public, because a sober person can outsmart you and you'll end up giving too much change back or too much product :-(

Remember Safety First...

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