
Monday, November 24, 2014

Here's an Idea

What is the big deal with having to talk to the players right after the game? They're still pumped up from the game and this reporter/journalist wants to talk about how they feel...

There are two reasons people don't like talking to media, one is they ask silly questions and other is that they usually have their own agenda.

Even the Coach is not a good person to talk to after the game or even before the game for that matter. They are too focused on football to discuss feelings and strategy.

Media loves to exploit players that may not agree with your FCC requirements, but all they do is diminish the character for players and fans.

Why don't you bring in a PR person and the media would have a list of questions that they would pool together to give to the team.

This way they will have time to prepare a bit and having a mediator answer the questions in a manner Journalist/Reporters like to be addressed with is a Win Win?

Let the players and the coach come to grips with what happened and let them share their experience with their loved ones first.

They don't want to share this experience with the media...they want to share it with their significant other, family, friends the people that helped them get there first, not you sillies :-P

Why would they want to talk to you? NONONONONO, you need to have a players meeting and let the players enjoy their moment with those that are close to them.

You'll have a PR person in the meantime to answer Y/OUR questions about players injuries and feelings, and of course what they think of their Uniforms :-| or duck crossings signs by speed bumps.

Then have the players circle, square, triangle IDK and let them prepare for a real live feed of what they think and feel about dcsbsb's ;-) Then the Coach's night.

This would happen every week and more than likely the day after the game, unless of course of a short week schedule ex. Sunday/Thursday game.

Hope this helps...

OBTW...They have it already! :-D

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