
Sunday, November 2, 2014

3rd Party Software

This Grub Hub app is a great example of 3rd party software.

They allow you to order from a restaurant without talking to a Representative. Well, most restaurants do that now.

This is the "type" of software that you have to be leery of, due to the security rule.

Most 3rd party software is more gimmicky then securely...I know :-( anyway, security isn't the high priority.

example: Snapchat had two functions, take a picture and delete it for your security. Well, come to find out Snapchat wasn't deleting the pictures :D

This is where the malware comes from, and even though it's free, well so is the Virus and not always the case, but nonetheless a bad decision.

Always contact the Manufacturer first, then Vendor. If you order from Dominos, DOM KNOWS! They have an app, so think before you snap...and that's a fact!

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