Sunday, July 13, 2014

Is It Our Responsibility...

Is a Good Question and Deserves to be Answered.

It's simple, once the Border Jumper has made it across and has a job regardless of American Status or not will defend their country.

They will say that they are so and so, but will NEVER thank the US for giving them another chance.

They will defend their country that they defected from before they give credit to the Nation that "ALLOWED" them to jump and be free.

They will speak their native tongue before they will speak the English Language.

They will single you out as the "American" that can't speak their language, but who cares! What is Mexico to United States...NOTHING!

You call this an Humanitarian issue, and it's true, it is, but did you forget about Detroit? Did you know that they have children in Detroit also?

They're going to turn off the water to thousands of homes w/Children hint hint, because their economy, or rather the lack thereof is dwindling away!

Maybe you should think about fixing your own problems before taking on the problems of others.

Give that 4 billion dollars to Detroit to help bail them out, or Atlantic City, or the scores of small towns across America that are starving...hmm?

What about California and their Water Crisis? What about using that 4 billion dollars to build a Pipeline from the City that rains 300 days out of the year, SEATTLE!?

However, if you ask a Seattlen they'll say, F*CK EM!...and that's a fact!

That's Right, they want them to continue taking water from the 2 foot high Rio Grande from Colorado, the 5th driest state in the nation.

Rio Grande at it's Highest! You can see that it used to stretch completely across to the other bank and further, but not anymore. Farmers have just walked off their land and left behind Dogs, Cats, Cows, Horses, Chickens, Fully Furnished Homes. Basically whatever could fit in the old Ford Truck and that's it. Yeah, it's a problem!

Anyway, Mexico is a Drug Cartel that kill their own, Mexico is a Family killer, Mexico is about as smart as GOD made Rocks!

Mexico and other regions are why you are jumping a fence one way. That's right, ONE WAY!

You won't see an American jumping over to Mexico and why would they? Mexico doesn't have anything to offer, but poor education and lost cause.

This is why it is imperative to legalize Marijuana. To reduce the need to buy from them. We don't need to spend 4 billion dollars we don't have to build a bigger fence, and won't work anyway.

Force them to improve the quality of life in these regions by building an economy on goods and services people really need.

Colombia is a perfect example of how to clean up corruption. In the 90's Colombia was ran by cartels, now they are a vibrant and sustainable and Beautiful Country that almost won the World Cup!

What a turn around they have done to become a Leader in how to stop corruption and spread joy!

Really if you think that life is easier over in America for you, keep on Jumping, but you'll find out that you are the racist and before you know it will be sent back as a defector!

Enjoy the Journey!!!

Question: How do you remove the bruised toenail that won't fall off?
Answer:   You Cut off the Toe!

News Flash! America isn't just the United States, it's all around us! We need to get involved with our friends and start saving what good they do have in these regions and start driving out the bad.

An intervention needs to happen to get help to those that Love their country and are desperate to save it!

The Minor Fall and the Major Lift! We need to step out of our comfort zone and start building relations with our friends and neighbors...OUR FAMILY!!!

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