
Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Butler Did It...

"Brady did and does not handle the balls after the Officials and has no idea who does."

Tom Brady is Innocent, but the media as usual plays the tune of Guilty until Proven Innocent.

This is where the media is the most disgusting and why people like Marshawn Lynch refuse to talk to them.

Tom Brady was accused 18 times that we could count that he had more knowledge and was responsible for the balls being deflated.

Some of the questions that were asked were:

Someone needs to be held accountable, don't you want someone to be held accountable?

Are you and your teammates taking this seriously?

Just say your Sorry Tom!

Are you surprised about this process what the story has become and what do you hope the end result is going forward, your hope?

Didn't you feel any difference with the balls question was answered over and over and over again.

Tom Brady is not a conspiracy theorist and would never put blame on someone else.
...but Bill Belichick did...

"Sometimes the toughest things you deal with can be the best things, because you realize the people you can rely on that love you and support you through something like this." Tom Brady

...which means, he doesn't trust the media!

When Tom was approached Monday about this issue on the Radio he laughed and this is the focus of the media.

When people are put in an uncomfortable position they tend to laugh to help with the frustration they are feeling at that moment.

This is very common and is used every day in every conversation that people have when talking about uncomfortable circumstances, especially if you work with the Public!

The part that EVERYONE is missing is that, Tom Brady wasn't the last person to touch the footballs.

The Official is the last person that touched the Footballs at this point and no one knows who else came into contact with them because at this point they are under lock and key until the game starts.

The question is, who would have the authority over the officials?

That's simple, who owns the media...the 1%...misdirection...

They know that the Patriots can beat the Seahawks up and down the field all day long, so someone is trying to level the playing field, by adding a little drama to the mix.

The question is why...that's simple again, GAMBLING ODDS.

If the World thinks that Seahawks can beat the Patriots everyone will bet for the Seahawks which will drive up the odds of winning for that team.

When the cards are stacked against you is a term in Gambling, where to stack the cards or stack the deck means to arrange cards secretly and dishonestly in one's own favor or against one's opponent.

In 2008 the Patriots were supposed to beat the "NEW YORK" Giants and they didn't because Welker missed a key pass that would set them up for a field goal...

Turnabout is fair play, so let's remind the viewers of what happened earlier in the season with the Seattle Seahawks:
Federal drug agents conducted surprise inspections of NFL team medical staffs on Sunday as part of an ongoing investigation into prescription drug abuse in the league...The DEA 'had reason' to look at those teams 'in particular'...Kam Chancellor JUMPS over the line like a man possessed to stop a field goal...twice!

One would think that it be necessary to test ALL players before this game for performance enhancing medicines or the like.

Belichick was again mentioned about Welker purposely trying to take out the cornerback:

“It is a deliberate play by the receiver to take out Aqib,” Belichick told the media on Monday, according to Pro Football Talk. “No attempt to get open. And I’ll let the league handle the discipline on that play. It’s not for me to decide, but it’s one of the worst plays I’ve seen. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.”
Welker said Sunday he wasn't trying to hurt Talib.

“It was one of those plays where it’s kind of a rough play, and I was trying to get him to go over the top, and I think he was thinking the same thing and wanted to come underneath and we just kind of collided,” Welker said according to WEEI in Boston.

Welker was kicked off the team and then put into a scandal of using a Molly, again...misdirection...what if Welker did have an issue with drugs and was caught...what if they got to him and told him to miss that catch that day...what if...misdirection...

Belichick has also been Caught in #spygate and was fined 750,000 for this...

Where there is smoke there is fire...and that's a fact!

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