
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blog Test 1

We are testing Google Blog Line Spacing...

We are testing Google Blog Line Spacing...

Adam - TWL Medical ToursMay 29, 2012 at 12:32 AM
Kept getting 2 lines between paragraphs instead of 1. This is the bizarre way I fixed it.
• In the post, separate the 2 lines with a single line space (hit enter)
• While your 'blinking text cursor' is in the blank line between the 2 paragraphs, click 'Insert Jump Break' (at the top next to the 'Insert Image' and 'Insert a Video' icons)
• Now you should have 4 lines - From top to bottom...line of text, jump break, blank line, line of text
• Move your 'blinking text cursor' to the beginning of line 4 (the 2nd line of text). Hit backspace 2 times (thus deleting the blank line and the jump break line)
• Now hit 'Preview' and even though the lines are on top of each other in the post editor, they're single spaced when you publish.
Makes no sense. Figured it might help someone else.

...proof is in the Blog, but what an ordeal. Plus as you can see this issue has happened before so, why is it doing it again?

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