Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Sunday, February 12, 2023

That’s Not a Mustang…

Ford has built an SUV slapped mustang taillights and put a pony on it and called it a mustang…

If that’s Fords best idea they could come up with from their think tank then it’s no surprise their stock is in the crapper…

You don’t take an iconic vehicle like the Mustang and destroy its lineage by turning it into a kit car…

Not to mention the loyal owners and fans that have supported you over the years have been pushed aside without any respect for their feelings…

If Henry Ford were alive today he’d fire all of you for disrespecting the people that have supported you…

Look, if you want to get rid of the Mustang and build SUV’s then do it, and call it the Gnatsum, but not Mustang, it hasn’t earned that right…

Pull your head out of your ass Ford and start fixing all the problems your vehicles have right now instead of cutting out the history of Ford and its esteemed reputation…

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Here’s an Idea…

Recently we heard about a new law trying to be introduced to start fining grocery stores for the carts that are stolen from their store…

As we’re sure you are aware you know that this is becoming quite the problem, and it goes without saying who the culprits are that are taking them…

Grocery Stores tried to lock the wheels if they were taken too far away preventing the carts from being rolled…

However, this didn’t work to well because they would just lock down whenever preventing them from being rolled at all…

The law is going to impose a pretty hefty fee 1500.00 will be assessed to the grocery store for any carts that are found outside of their parking lot…

The Grocery stores have already expressed their concerns about this and have threatened to remove the carts altogether…

So we thought…

We might have a solution, try this…

Most grocery stores have a card for savings or entry, why don’t you require the patrons to scan their card in order to get a cart…

These cards have the customers name on it so they know who checked it out…

Now the customer does their shopping and pushes the cart out to their car to remove the groceries, but typically people just leave their cart in the parking space…

Very rarely do they return it to the cart rack in the parking lot or back to the store for that matter…

But now their name is associated to that cart and they don’t want to be the last person to have used that cart…

Now they will feel more inclined to return the cart to a convenient cart rack or back to the store itself…

When the cart is returned a barcode scanner will mark the cart as returned thus removing the person as the last person to have used the cart…

This will help in the prevention of theft and will also help keep the parking lot clear of erroneous carts in parking spaces and also removing the threat of one rolling away and into your car door…

Sunday, February 5, 2023

It’s Time To Listen…

NCIS LAST THOUGHT: “Spending Time with your Team has been enlightening to say the least. In Clinical Terms they’re a disaster but their selfless dysfunction is ultimately why it works. It’s clear to me we all react to life’s challenges in different ways and your people are no exception; some fight death, and some embrace its solace…some recognize their fate and others do whatever is necessary to alter it.  Sometimes we defy others expectations and occasionally we rise to meet them, but the constant is being true to ourselves. We do what we have to when we have to, we react for better or for worse it’s why your team succeeds…but be careful eventually it might catch up to you...

A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water, the bartender pulls out a shotgun and fires a blast just missing the man, the man says thank you puts a tip on the bar then exits…why the thank you and the tip…he had the hiccups…moral of the story - it’s all about responses and even the harshest response seems appropriate.”

NCIS Season 8 Episode 14 A Man Walks Into a Bar…

Why the Final Thought you ask…Simple…

Russia, China and a Weather Balloon…

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Watchdog of Government…

Recently we just lost an important person of this region named, Dori Monson from Kiro Radio, 97.3…

You could have heard him live from 12-3 called, The Big Show…

You can still here him by the podcasts they recorded of his shows, we recommend you do…

A few years ago he was diagnosed with a heart condition and by the request of the doctor he was told to get the Covid shot…

The doctor said that if he didn’t get the shot he couldn’t guarantee a favorable outcome if he were to catch Covid…

Reluctant to get the shot Dori decided to get the shot, and two years later died of heart complications…

Maybe he should have taken his chances considering all of the death’s related to heart related issues by people who did receive the shot…

Dori Monson was famous for standing up to the powers that be around here, however, the powers that be couldn’t stand up to him…

In fact the Seattle City Council and an Incompetent Governor we’re afraid to talk to Dori on his show…

There are people that could read the eyes of a person and know they are lying, Dori used the inflection of peoples voices…

They have replaced Dori with Brandi Kruze, a good reporter just an irritating person to listen to…

She likes to hold onto her O’s like Booooklet and Proooocess, very pretentious and extremely fake…

She has a normal speaking voice, but for some reason she thinks that speaking like this gains her notoriety…

Hopefully, they don’t tarnish the Chair of Dori with a person like this, we need real people…

Not people that hold their pinkies up while drinking a Diet Coke…

Keep looking Kiro, it’s not gonna be easy, but the public will let you know when you’ve chosen correctly…and that’s a fact…

RIP Dori: October 2, 1961 - December 31, 2022

For you Dori:

Foghat Slow Ride: