Sunday, February 12, 2023

That’s Not a Mustang…

Ford has built an SUV slapped mustang taillights and put a pony on it and called it a mustang…

If that’s Fords best idea they could come up with from their think tank then it’s no surprise their stock is in the crapper…

You don’t take an iconic vehicle like the Mustang and destroy its lineage by turning it into a kit car…

Not to mention the loyal owners and fans that have supported you over the years have been pushed aside without any respect for their feelings…

If Henry Ford were alive today he’d fire all of you for disrespecting the people that have supported you…

Look, if you want to get rid of the Mustang and build SUV’s then do it, and call it the Gnatsum, but not Mustang, it hasn’t earned that right…

Pull your head out of your ass Ford and start fixing all the problems your vehicles have right now instead of cutting out the history of Ford and its esteemed reputation…

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