Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Watchdog of Government…

Recently we just lost an important person of this region named, Dori Monson from Kiro Radio, 97.3…

You could have heard him live from 12-3 called, The Big Show…

You can still here him by the podcasts they recorded of his shows, we recommend you do…

A few years ago he was diagnosed with a heart condition and by the request of the doctor he was told to get the Covid shot…

The doctor said that if he didn’t get the shot he couldn’t guarantee a favorable outcome if he were to catch Covid…

Reluctant to get the shot Dori decided to get the shot, and two years later died of heart complications…

Maybe he should have taken his chances considering all of the death’s related to heart related issues by people who did receive the shot…

Dori Monson was famous for standing up to the powers that be around here, however, the powers that be couldn’t stand up to him…

In fact the Seattle City Council and an Incompetent Governor we’re afraid to talk to Dori on his show…

There are people that could read the eyes of a person and know they are lying, Dori used the inflection of peoples voices…

They have replaced Dori with Brandi Kruze, a good reporter just an irritating person to listen to…

She likes to hold onto her O’s like Booooklet and Proooocess, very pretentious and extremely fake…

She has a normal speaking voice, but for some reason she thinks that speaking like this gains her notoriety…

Hopefully, they don’t tarnish the Chair of Dori with a person like this, we need real people…

Not people that hold their pinkies up while drinking a Diet Coke…

Keep looking Kiro, it’s not gonna be easy, but the public will let you know when you’ve chosen correctly…and that’s a fact…

RIP Dori: October 2, 1961 - December 31, 2022

For you Dori:

Foghat Slow Ride:

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