
Friday, November 24, 2017

Our iPhone Experience...

As you know we come from a Microsoft environment, and have been a Microsoft Brat since the Inception of Windows...

If it wasn't for Microsoft's inability to manage both a desktop and a portable, we would've been using a Microsoft phone code name (Surface)...

We are going on record to say that we never had a problem with our Nokia Windows phone technically...

We did crack the screen, but it still worked, and it was only because it was no longer supported is why we had to come up with an alternative solution...

It was at that time a friend of ours presented us with an opportunity to try out the iPhone with no money down, which is the only way we would have done it :-D

Looking back now we would have had to go with the only 2 viable solutions available, Apple or Google, and we would have never went with a Replicant, so we would have certainly chose Apple...

...and we did then and we did again today...let us explain...

Recently our iPhone crapped out, we were stable with the 11.1.1 update for 3 days, then on the 4th, the phone shut off...

We were able to get iTunes to recognize it, saying it was in recovery mode and had to be reset before we could use it and we got the Apple to appear, but stopped with a 4014 error...

We took it to Apple and they wanted to open it up to see if it was the logic board, but it wasn't worth doing because the phone we had was a 5s and knew that any money spent on this phone would only be good money after bad...

We knew that we had to upgrade and we were going to as soon as iOS 12 came out, which we believe will end the support for the 5s, which would have given us the time needed for X to be on shelves everywhere...

Unfortunately we weren't given that opportunity and found ourselves between a rock and a hard spot...

If we knew our phone was going to just up and die on us for no apparent reason other than a bad iOS 11 updating process we endured, we would have pre-ordered and would have been using the X right now, but we didn't think our phone would just die w/out warning...

We weren't the only 5s owner that their phone died on, come to find out, a lot of people we have been talking to have said their phones, 5s in particular, have also died and coincidentally after they recently updated to 11.1.1...

We know that Apple has fallen behind Android, but you wouldn't think Apple would be putting out an iOS phone killuh, do you...

Anyway, back to our story...

We told you that why buy an 8 when you had the opportunity of being on the threshold of an Anniversary edition, not only that, but the long awaited removal of the Home Button...

We wanted to be a part of that experience considering we've been preaching it for years that Apple needed to get rid of that archaic technology, considering it is a TOUCHSCREEN...

However for us, there were two things that stood in our way of being a part of that Pioneering revolution, one was time and the other was choice...

None of the locations we went to, Mac Store and any other store for that matter would have the X on their shelves, but rumor was Apple had them, but you would have to wait in line (time)...

The second option we had was choice, but that would have went against our principles,
and that wasn't going to happen...

See, we could have bought a 50 dollar Android Phone and just ordered a phone online and waited while using an Android, but there is no way in HELL we would ever buy an Android phone, even if you gave it to us...

sidenote: To be honest with you when we saw Firefox on the screen a little puke burp came up in our throat and that did it for us...

Karma was all around us on this one and we had to be careful what choice we made and that was when we walked into our final destination...

We went to our carriers retail outlet and when we walked in we saw the representative we saw over 3 years ago still working there, and we promised that person that when we were ready to buy a new phone, we would but it from them, and we did...

Now they didn't remember us, but we remembered them and our promise to that Rep and told them about that promise...

They didn't have the color we wanted, but time was not on our side, so we went with the color they had and after some research we realized the 8 Plus was spec for spec comparative to the X...

The only difference is of course the burger button that the 8 has, no facial recognition and a bit better screen, but it wasn't enough to even notice...

In all respect we have the X because truth be known, we would have never used the Facial Recognition, and we don't use the thumb print either ;-)...

If you have time to wait, we would suggest going with the Anniversary edition phone when it hits retail outlets in December/January...

Although, the 8 Plus is 200 dollars less then the X, which gives you some extra money for accessories, like Bluetooth ear pieces and or a case to go over your phone...

If you get the right case the color of the phone won't matter, because you can't see it...

We truly liked our Microsoft phone over our 5s, because it never just shut off on us for no reason, and it never died, and just for fun we pulled it out of the box and turned it on and it still works...

The iPhone has been a lot more fun to use then the Microsoft phone, but that's because Microsoft is a very structured company that takes business very seriously, whereas Apple is not...

We blame you Microsoft for putting us through this hell, but like we've told you before, we're a tech and you gotta love the process and we do, because now we have learned a new product and if it wasn't for Microsoft we might not have...

The same could be said about Android, but we have already been there and done that with Android it was called Microsoft 1.0...

We don't need to go down memory lane of the trials and tribulations that are taking place with Android the GUI...

Maybe when they finally grow up in about 5-10 years, we might look at them, but until then, we'll just keep holding out for Microsoft's Surface phone while using iOS...and that's a fact!

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