Sunday, July 9, 2017

Here's an Idea...

It's time to reboot the Andy Griffith Show...

Opie Taylor  (Ron Howard) goes back home to visit his roots, to reconnect with his younger self...

However, Mayberry isn't the town he remembers, and has turned to a complete and utter disaster...

Homelessness, drugs, slow business, and a corrupt Sherriff behind it all...

There is a bit of nostalgia to the Sherriff, with the bumbling idiot of a Deputy and the Sherriff brave enough not to wear a gun considering he thinks he's above the law...

Floyd's barber shop is still there, but the kids have turned it into a bookie location and an underground gambling room...

They felt if Grandpa could do it, they could do it to, however, like the youth of today, they lack the facts surrounding the situation...

They've also been dumping chemicals in the woods and burying the barrels in the ground and covering them up with concrete, cementing the chemical into the soil and leaking into the water system...

Opie's mother and father are buried together at the old cemetery where he visits them and insists that he is going to clean up the town...

Emphasis on his mother that died when he was very young and how that impacted his adulthood...

The idea is to bring back human value, respect for others and a willingness to work together to make progress happen for everyone, not just an individual...

Freshly baked pies on the window sill, a family working and playing together in the yard, entertaining the bachelor and his kid next door...

Yesterday's values with todays realities and an unwillingness to accept the status quo...

Opie is a good kid and doesn't believe in violence and vows to his father that he'll abide by his values and clean up the town and restore it to what it once was...


Here's what we see...

You have to get Opie (Ron Howard) back to the town somehow, and we see that he left a girlfriend back there that passes away and he has to go back for the funeral...

Little does he know that there is another girl that stayed in Mayberry that also likes him and is the one who calls him to tell him the bad news...

Come to find out the girl who dies used to work for the city and her death is left with questions and they think that she discovered something and might have been killed because of it...

Mayberry is just as naïve as it always has been, but life around them has evolved and there will be a bit of nostalgia to attract the people that grew up with the show, but more modern to attract a new crowd...

There's nothing wrong with creating a storyline on where Opie has been all these years and what he has grown up to be, but you'll need a little action to attract younger viewers...

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