Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What was that...

Amazon introduces "Amazon Go" a store that you don't need clerks, just shelves filled with items that you walk in and get and walk out with them, no lines, no checkers, just an Amazon account...
Now where have we heard of this...oh yeah...US!
Amazon said that they thought of this idea 4 years ago, really, more than likely an ear worm from our blog that we wrote 7 years ago about the same thing...
We were doing comparisons with Walmart and Amazon and their successes and failures they might endure over the years and that's when we had the idea "For Amazon" of the clerk free checkout...
We've seen many ideas of ours come true, just like many of you out there, the difference is for us is that we're just happy that someone finally did it...
Idea people are usually years ahead of others and because of that are typically mocked and ridiculed, but we have seen too many of our ideas come true to get caught up in the visionless taunts...
Congratulations Amazon, we're glad you finally caught on ;-)

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