Friday, November 18, 2016

Just thinking out loud...

Awhile ago we were getting fed up with Microsoft dragging their feet with their mobility and was thinking about jumping ship when we saw the new S7...

We are now off contract and LOVE IT, but would have gotten on a contract again just to afford the outrageous price of 7xx.xx dollars for their phone, knowing damn well the price would come down eventually, but didn't care...

However, we came back to our senses knowing that it was all too good to be true, and come to find out it was...

You know what's nice about being able to see things others can't, even though most of the time we don't know why we are seeing it, is that we know what's gonna work and what's not...

Take Wells Fargo for example, and believe us, there's many, but long ago when everybody was joining Wells Fargo saying that they were the bees knees, we told them we didn't see that to be true...

We of course were mocked because for some reason people just thought Wells Fargo was the coolest thing since sliced bread, and today you can see that it's a good thing we didn't jump on the bandwagon...

We remember telling some "friends" of ours about what would get people interested in computers was a big E on a screen that you took your hand and slapped it on a screen and the internet appeared and viola, a tablet was born...

Windows 10 is turning out to be the operating system we kept boasting about long before it came out and after waiting this long to just jump ship to a nice phone with a sub par OS and virus infected apps
only to have it blow up in our pocket would have really pissed us off...

Then recently we were talking about the disconnect that tech companies have with one another and that Microsoft was making baby steps towards bridging that gap, then Microsoft came out and announced that they had joined the Linux Team...

Now talks of a Surface phone are starting to..."Surface" again ;-) and hope is restored that maybe our wait for a better phone could become a reality...

For now though we'll continue to use our cracked screen 4 year old Microsoft phone with a battery that lasts about 20 minutes if used will have to do...

You know we may not have the "IN" phone, and we may not be in the "IN" crowd because of it, but that's only because we're comfortable just being ourselves...

So Microsoft take your time and do it right, because we aren't jumping ship just to be in the "IN" crowd and Intel, don't be afraid to reach out for help because we're not sure how much longer our phone is going to work, but hey, no pressure ;-)...

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