Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's All over but the Crying...


"Dow closes at record high"
Trump has re-opened the venue to the public. You remember, By the People, for the People...
Hillary would have never done that, because she is part of the establishment, a politician, and a crooked one at that...
Only Obama and Trump have opened the doors to everyone and anyone that have the perseverance to become a President...
Obama was the first black President and Trump was the first Citizen that became President of this Great Nation and that says a lot...
Did the best person win...Yes, in this election he did, because his only opponent was a Clinton...
The Clinton's are the type of people that host a pot luck party and refuse to give you back your dish...
The Clinton's are the type of people that phrases like, hide the silverware and your daughters get coined from...
The Women wanted a Woman to be president regardless of the checkered past the Clinton's bring to the table...
There's an old saying, "where there is smoke there is fire" and the Clinton's have inhaled so much of their own fumes that they've developed a hack...
The Millennials wanted to be a part of History of bringing in a Woman for president as well and regardless of her past...

sidenote: They also have an inability to lose due to the Participation Award Syndrome...
The problem is you bet on the wrong horse and lost, but the problem isn't as simple as blaming one person, you need to blame the people that "ACTUALLY" elected him...
America votes in members in its Congressional delegation, one for each member in the House of Representatives, plus two for your Senators...
The Voting you did was just a popularity vote, and you won, but as you can see your vote doesn't matter in the election of a President in this Nation...
You voted in the people to vote for you in this election and those people turned on you, and now they are using your leverage to take away from them and steer you towards Trump...
Misdirection has got you again, and you fell for it, hook line and sinker and by demonizing Trump just makes you look stupid on National Television...
Now we have some "A Listers" saying they are going to move away from America because Trump got elected :-D GO AHEAD, all you'll be doing is opening up opportunity for somebody new...
There's another old saying, "Put your hand in a bucket of water, pull it out, now look for the hole"...
Well sure, you might take a little water out with your hand when you pull it out, and these are your followers, but eventually you'll reach your hand out from across the water just to ask for another handout as soon as the money runs out from wherever you are...
America is the land of Opportunity, and we have people coming here in droves, so the "A" listers will be replaced before the eyes finish a blink...
Look, we have never liked Trump, ever since he took over for his Father, the real hero in this story, and yes we think Trump is a MORON, but he has something only a few people have and that's vision...
Trump has a gift of encompassing people around him that are very smart and the proof is in the pudding for this example, because those very smart people got him elected in an election that was Pro Hillary all the way...
sidenote: It might be worth mentioning that a "Woman" was the genius behind him getting elected, and it wasn't Clinton :-D
The Bush's and Obama have completely destroyed this nation, and Hillary was going to continue where they left off...
Hillary would be fighting accusations of her checkered past for the entire 4 years of her pathetic attempt at restoring dignity, strength and honor to our nation...
Attempts would be made, but with a Republican House and Senate, nothing would get done, and then you would re-elect her on her false promises to get it done in the next 4 years, but would only be more of the same...
Look, America has been overshadowed by phrases like, Made in China or Hecho en Mexico for too long...
We need to fix America, and in order to do that she needs to be re-branded, Made in America, and what better person to do that than a Branding Magnate named Donald J. Trump...
You people lost sight of the Goal by thinking this was about electing a woman for president, this election was about making America Great Again...and that's a fact!

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