Saturday, August 6, 2016

Here's an Idea...

Malware Programs, as good as they are seem to be missing one crucial element...tracking software...

A Malware program should implement a tracking software to put its software over the top and to keep it relevant...

To ensure that they can't uninstall the software implement a security code that gets sent to an email and or phone that needs to be entered before it can be removed...

Microsoft and others are starting to include security built into their Operating Systems by design and is included free...

The Federal Government has made it mandatory that Software Providers be more progressive towards keeping their users safer...

There's pros and cons to this implementation because of the new ways people log into their systems with fingerprint and retinal security...

Sure it's convenient for the user and gives the user that sense of security they need to sell their software, but at what cost...

The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives people the right to avoid self-incrimination. That includes divulging secret passwords, but providing fingerprints and other biometric information is considered outside the protection of the Fifth Amendment...

Malware companies have families too and have provided protection for a long time that is why old school needs to stay up to date and think outside the box or they could be phased out for something better and cheaper...

Plus fingerprint security is not that secure anymore because all they need is a 3d printer and a finger print and viola, logged in...

Facial and Retinal scanners are most secure over today's options...

OS developers have a responsibility to its users so remember the old rule, if you can't beat 'em join 'em...

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