
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dogs and Hugs...

We would like to weigh in on this conversation about Dogs and Hugs and if they are angst by a person hugging them...

This is not a new study, it's just been regenerationalized because like most new generations they aren't taught of the old ways, or most likely they just don't listen...

Just like people, not everyone likes a hug, so why would dogs or any other animal be different than humans...

The study was done on the German Shepherd many years ago and was the dominant K9 species some 71 thousand years ago, and was found to be disturbed by this physical emotion...

sidenote: We too have noticed this higher anxiety in German Shepherds...

Studies have been done on many breeds thereafter, but the tests are not conclusive that all dogs fear the hug, and we can attest to this study, because we have tested many dogs ourselves...

To test on just any dog you come up to is just one type of test, because if the dog doesn't know you the results could be skewed, but is a test just the same to challenge all different scenarios...

However, with all the dogs we have tested and if you knew us, you would know why we have had this privilege of testing many dogs, we have found that dogs that are most familiar with you appreciate hugs more than those that are not...

sidenote: A better "Generalization" of this study would be to compare pure breeds to mixed breeds...

Example: One of our personal Dogs not only loves hugs, but will also close their eyes, shift their head to the right and walk into the hug everytime and won't let go until the hug is done...

So right there your theory just got trumped that all dogs don't like hugs, mind blown we're sure...

To say that if everyone smoked Marijuana they'd be happier is an asinine comment, and is more of a generalization done by someone that smokes marijuana...

With all due respect, the person that re-announced this dogs and hugs study probably didn't like hugs themselves and was more than likeley an introvert...

Animals have a keener instinct than humans and can sense you in an instant and will skew your results if you're just some scientist going up to a dog to test hugging without sensible emotion ...

All dogs know how to do is love, so to say that they don't like being loved back is someone that doesn't like to be loved themselves...

Not everyone loves dogs and not all dogs love you, so if this is the case, get a cat...and that's a fact!

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