
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

5hVnz Conspiracy Theory...

Something came to us that was revealing and we thought could very easily be done, but doesn't mean it's being done, it's just a theory...

What if these online retailers like Amazon setup shell accounts to undersell their customers...

All they would have to do is warehouse products that are sold from their vendors in their own warehouses and shipped out under the shell accounts...

The retailers could monitor the best selling products with the most profit for example and then undersell them...

The 3rd party might see a drop in sales and may not even know or care why the sales dropped, just as long as they still see sales on their products...

Even if the company left the Online Retailer wouldn't matter and would be better for the online retailer because now they have the customer and they have removed competition, sort of speak...

We're not saying this is happening, but it was a revealing thought that came to us and we have learned not to ignore these visions we see...

The question is, how do you go about auditing the online retailer...

That's where your magic takes over, so have fun with it, if anything, it's just an application that produces transparency from the online retailer and removes all doubt for the 3rd party seller...

Remember, this is only a theory...

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