
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Powerball Update...

Well the Jackpot is up to 1.5 billion dollars, did you go out and buy a ticket?

Recently a comment was made from  Mark Cuban that stated, "Just Because You're Suddenly Rich, It Doesn't Mean You're a Great Investor."

Well let's see Mark, a person invests 2.00, oh what the heck let's go BIG and say 3.00 and if they win they'll walk with 700 million dollars after taxes...that's actually a great investment, Mark...

As a matter of fact, if you invested only 3.00 to receive 700 million dollars we'd go as far as saying you are a GREATEST INVESTOR THAT EVER LIVED!!!

Not only that, but it's not your money, Mark, and if they want to blow their money on shoes let em! It doesn't affect you directly Mark, but indirectly it will...

If they get that money back into the market means that the money is available for others now, and could benefit you Mark.

"Money is not lost, it's just transferred from one perception to another" G.G.

Plus, we don't like people that tell you not to do something, because as they say, "you never know until you try"

You never know, you might be one of the greatest investors the world has ever seen, but if you listen to naysayers like this, we'll never know.

Hey Mark, we got some advice for you...STFU!

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