Saturday, January 9, 2016

Here's an Idea...

The Employees Advocate...

We see a business that works with the Temp agencies and Businesses that teaches an employee how to advance within a career.

You don't have to skilled in any one profession to give life experience speeches to people in question with what they should do in their profession.

Many times you'll see a situation where you're tired of what you're doing, you want to advance or you want to work somewhere else.

Not only that, but these questions typically come all at once for a person, and that's where the employee becomes vulnerable.

To stay where you are is why you are at this junction, but to advance is no guarantee a pay increase and typically ends up being more work and same pay anyway.

Now, you have shown your intent with your employer, but if you don't use the right words or have a clear vision of what you really want to do might leave you in a more precarious situation then you are.

Saying things like I am not being productive to explain that you aren't being challenged in your position can be taken at face value...

Business is about Contracts, and Contracts come down to key words, not phrases, so saying you're not being productive might be perceived as you're being lazy, whereas saying being challenged is an opportunity.

The other issue is how do you ask for a raise...

Let's say you take the advancement knowing you're not going to get a raise, should you still inquire if the position comes with a raise, all the while knowing that it doesn't come with one?

You could lose your advancement opportunity and or job altogether and that would be completely opposite of what your intent was to begin with.

An Advocate for the Employee :-) Oh, and if you're not an "Owner" you're an employee, so this training would apply to supervisors, managers even CEO's...

Just because you are matched with the position because of your skillz just means that you can lose that position for not knowing how to play the game...and that's a fact!

1 comment:

  1. As a former EMPLOYER, now retired, this blog is 100% correct.
    From a hirer & firer, Asus Al
