
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Second Republican Debate...

It's like watching High School kids on the playground discussing who's gonna be the next Prom King and Queen.

They made no sense what so-ever and they provided no solutions, just insults and apologies.

Plus, to drive this point home EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE answered the question of who should be put on the ten dollar bill wrong. Even Miss America answered it wrong and shows you that they don't listen to the people, they only hear what's in their mind.

If they listened to the People they wouldn't have answered who should be on the 10 dollar bill and instead would have told them what woman should be on the twenty dollar bill.

Truly pathetic that this is the best we got to run this country, a lying democrat and bunch of school kids playing on the playground.

We truly believe if the Caboose Kim Kardashian ran for President slinging two kids on her arms, mouseketeer voice sounding and all of her shoe size IQ could win the presidency hands down.

sidenote: Who will be her VP? That's simple, the Nanny of course :-P

The Kardashians and Chris Christie are what is wrong with America and sadly enough are the best representatives of what America is now a days, overweight, out of touch, self absorbed, traffic jamming entitled pissants.

sidenote: ...and Kaitlyn Marie William Bruce Jenner will be our Secretary of State ;-)

Like we said, the best days are behind us...and that's a fact!

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