
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Here's an Idea...

The #1 software on computers is by far Time/Temp w/out a doubt...challenge?

sidenote: Make sure you count all of them, there are usually 3 or 4 Time and Temp programs loaded. Most users add better than they remove ;-)

...onward...In Football I believe their is an important element(s) missing in their real time stats and that is...adding a Time and Temp with a Wind Direction/Speed Monitor.

These two elements in the top right corner of the screen would be helpful.

Make it customizable for customers as well, do a Winamp thing w/it ;-)

Yeah, create a gadget screen for customers :-) but in the meantime, Time/Temp/Wind Dir/Speed monitor in the right top corner is needed...and that's a fact!

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