Friday, June 13, 2014

Here's an Idea

When a friend owes you money, let's say they borrow 20 bucks (20 dollars US) and want to pay you back, but your schedules are conflicting.

Plus, it's only 20 bucks, right? So, you don't want to drive to their work and maybe bother them in a middle of their shift to pay them 20 bucks.

Not to mention, most schedules are congruent, so you may be trying to find your friend at lunch which is more than likely lunch for them :-(

So...what do you do???

Everyone has a phone by now, so make an app that pays your buddy, PYB or Pay My Buddy PMB,
or...exactly, you get it.

sidenote: You could also Loan My Buddy (LMB) money just as fast as they can pay it back. It will even have a reminder that will alert the borrower that it's the day you promised to pay me back, remember...buddy?

Something like pay pal, but more with BitCoin. This would make it easier and you would be investing their money at the same time.

That's a Win Win!

Tap it on your device and Viola, your paid, pay to cash or credit...put it in their account or pay to debit ;-)

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